Yours Truly


Jenny saw Laura, old friend. She tried to smile but it failed miserably. Laura saw Jenny; she had no emotion on her face at all.

"Hi" Jenny said to her. She knew she would not receive a reply.

"Jenny" Laura stated. Life can surprise you though. Jenny smiled, a bit hope was gained, and she was shocked.

"How're you?" she asked. The overused question but it works like a charm. "I'm okay" Laura replied emotionless. "That's good" Jenny replied halfway smiling. "Yeah it is. Listen Jenny, I'm sorry. We were friends but I don't think we can be friends anymore. We had good days and yeah but I don't think we should be friends" she continued on.
She looked me in the eyes. She looked sad now. "What can I do? I just want to be your friend. It's my fault I'm sorry" Jenny answered worried.

"You can't do anything Jennifer" Laura told her and with that she went. It pained Jenny that she was now Jennifer . Not Jen or Jenny.

"I guess it doesn't work like a charm" she said turning her back.

Guys come and go and so do friends.