Status: Temp postponed. Computer probs. We'll be back soon.

Listen to the Thunder

Burning Bridges Baby

"How are you and Rumor settling in?" My mom asked.
"We're okay," I replied coutiously, and looked over at my step-sister as she put away some dishes in our new kitchen. "Rumor is putting some stuff away and I was setting up the bathroom."
"You and the decore," My mom laughed.
I slightly crindged.
"Are you sure that this is the right thing for you girls to do? New York is a long way from Nasheville,"
"And Nashville is a long way away from Arizona." I sighed. "I got it mom. You've moved around a lot for Rumor and me."
"I just... it's hard for us to see both of you taking the next step in this without us."
"I know," I sighed heavily and Rumor looked up at me. She furrowed her light brown eyebrows at me while I stood with my hip popped out.
"I hate leaving you alone."
I groaned to myself, and closed my eyes.
"Mom, I'm fine. Rumor's fine too. We're doing great. No need to worry about us, okay? If things get bad, I'm sure that the center will contact you,"
My mom paused and sighed.
"I suppose that you're right."
"I am, mom." I stated. "Look, I have to go. Rumor needs my help un-packing,"
"Okay. Tell her to call Gerard."
"I will,"
"Bye Tina!" Rumor stated.
"Rumor says bye."
"Okay. I love you girls."
"Love you too,"
"Bye, Jack." She replied and I hung up the phone.
I know what you're thinking. Did her mom really just call her Jack? Simple answer; yes. Ever since I was a little girl, my dad called me Jack. He thought that it was cute since my name was Jaycee. My dad wanted a little boy, but calling me Jack was a close second, I guess. My dad hasn't been in my life since I was five, and I met Rumor when I was fifteen in Arizona. Because of us, our lonely parents met, and the rest was a sweet freaking fairy tale. Well not really, but still. We left Arizona when Rumor and I turned 18, and we moved to Tennessee for our Senior year.
"You okay, Jack?" Rumor asked me, placing her pale hand on my shoulder. "You seem really out of it."
"Just thinking about my dad and...Arizona."
"Awe, love." She pouted and wrapped me up in a tight hug.
"It's fine," I replied shrugging it off. Rumor removed her arms from around me, and went back to putting away stuff in the kitchen. I looked down at my bags and the few boxes that scattered across the living room. This is going to take fucking forever.
"Hey, Jack?"
"Yeah, Rumor?"
"Could you go down stairs and pick up the rest of our boxes? I just saw he movers bring them into the apartment building lobby."
I nodded my head, and I turned toward the door. I walked out of the roomy three bedroom, one bathroom apartment. It wasn't the biggest in the world, but it was perfect for Rumor and myself. We didn't need much, so we settled on the medium sized apartment. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. The light wasn't working so I pressed it two more times.
"You've got to be kidding me." I said to myself before I walked towarrd the stairs. I pushed the heavy white door open, and slowly started to walk down the stairs. I hate stairwells, and I hate being alone. I blame it on watching way too many scary movies with my realtives when I was younger. Chills ran up and down my back, so I started to jogg down three sets of stairs before quickly pushing the door open.
"Shit!" Someone yelled.
I quickly stepped out of the stairwell's room, and closed the door behind me. Sitting on the ground was a dark haired guy with tattoo's and a tiny bit of facial hair.
"Did I just hit you with the door?"
"No I'm on the fucking ground for no reason." He replied sarcastically, not even looking at me.
"Sorry." I snapped. "No need for you to be a douche about it."
He rolled his eyes and stood up before brushing off his tight black skinny jeans.
"It's not your fault," He grumbled. "Some moving dip shit just got in my way."
"And you got in mine?" I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah, that moving guy happened to be bringing me my stuff."
He finally looked up at me, and his expression softened. I finally took in my appearence. I felt my arms move around my waist automatically as he scanned my simple t-shirt, skinny jeans and converse.
"Hi," He slightly smiled.
I rolled my eyes.
"Hi," I replied sarcastically. "Now if you would excuse me, I need to pick up the rest of my boxes."
"There have to be like ten here."
"Yupp," I nodded and bent down to pick up the first few that I could.
"Could I help you?"
"Um...." I trailed off, looking at the dark-haired man beside me.
"Come on. It's the least that I could do for being a major dick."
"Sure...whatever," I finally agreed and I watched at he picked up three of the boxes. "I will just have to come back down and get the last four."
"I could help with that too," He offered.
"Whatever floats your boat." I shrugged, and headed toward the stairwell door.
"We aren't taking the elevator?"
"It's broken. Trust me, the stairs are definitely not my frist choice either,"
"Too many for your liking?" He joked.
"No. I just hate stairswells," I stated, and dropped the conversation at that. We walked the rest of the way up the stairs, and we got to my apartment door. "We can just leave these here,"
"Okay." He nodded and sat down the boxes before he followed me back toward the stairs. "What's your name?"
"Why do you care?" I questioned.
Yes, as you can tell, I don't like meeting new people.
"I don't know, just making conversation."
"Well's weird." I stated before jogging back down the stairs. This time, I made sure no one was in front of the door before swinging it open, and walking back toward the boxes. The guy picked the remaining boxes up and we walked back toward the stairs.
"So, how about that name?"
"If I tell you, will you stop asking?"
"My name is Jaycee." I replied. "Jack for short,"
"How is Jack short for Jaycee?" he asked, furrowing his catapiller-like eyebrows together.
"It just is," I shrugged, and we got back to my apartment door, and I knocked on the door. Rumor quickly came, and opened it up wide. The blond stood with her long sleeve shirt, jeans, converse, and her hair up.
"Who's this?" She asked in confusion.
"This is....uh....what's your name again?"
♠ ♠ ♠
That boy would be Paul from Boys Like Girls ;)
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