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Listen to the Thunder

Chemicals Collide

I waited for Jaycee to come back to the room; she seemed to be taking forever. I hate being alone but we needed to get this done and if I went with her it would take all day to finish unpacking. I took this time to call my dad and I had just hung up when I heard Jack outside the door.
“We can just leave these out here” she said. I figured she was just talking to one of the moving men. I wondered how she charmed this guy into helping her. A few minutes later I heard shuffling outside the door again and then there was a knock. I rushed to the door and flung it open. When I saw who was with her I was slightly confused; he was tall and a little lanky with dark hair and just the slightest bit of facial hair. He looked a little familiar.
“Who’s this?” I asked in confusion. Jack seemed a little taken back, as she stumbled on her words.
“"This is....uh....what's your name again?" I looked at her and then him and then her again. It seems I’m not the only one confused here.
“Hi, my names Paul” he greeted, reaching to shake my hand,
“Rumor” I said taking his hand. I noticed from the corner of my eye that Jack rolled her eyes and huffed. She must not like this guy at all.
“Well thanks for helping me, bye now” Jack piped in
“you can go back to whatever it is you were doing now’ what were you doing here anyway?” she asked genuinely curious.
“I’m here to pick up my friend, Oh crap I completely forgot about him! Well I have to go but we’re heading to a party later incase you girls feel like joining” I could tell that Jack didn’t want to go but I think this will be good for us.
“We’ll have to see if you could give me the details we might see you there.”
“Yeah sure, here” he said as reached in his pocket and grabbed a flier. He handed me the flier and ran off down the hall. I closed the door and cautiously turned around to face Jack, I was about to hear an earful about this.
“You’re not seriously considering going to that party are you?” she asked flinging her hands above her head.
“Yes actually I am and you’re coming with me” I stated flatly.
“Now go get dressed” I shooed her toward her room. She pouted but in the end did exactly as I said. This is going to be and interesting night. I went to get changed for the party myself.
♥ ♥ ♥
“Are you seriously not ready yet!” I screamed through Jacks door while banging on it countless times.
“No I’m not and your lucky I’m going in the first place!” she yelled back followed by a loud thump, oh goodness she must have fallen trying to get her skinny jeans on
“I’m okay!” she shouted
“Just hurry up okay!”
“Okay okay I’m ready!” she said calmly walking out of her room.
“Finally!!! Okay I’ll go call a taxi”. I yelled as I skipped to the phone I really love taking the taxi because I’ve always hated to drive I get all stressed when I drive so I try to avoid it.
“So tell me again why we are even going to this party again? You know I don’t like meeting people.” Jack continued to complain as we slid into the cab.
“For the 100th time Jaycee we are going because we new to the city, a nice guy invited us and I happen to like meeting new people and you don’t like being alone anymore than I do so that’s why your coming with me.” I explained as if I were talking to a little kid I even made sure to call her by her real name so that she’d get the hint that I was tired of talking about it. I know she got the hint by the look she gave me when I was finished.
“Fine but that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it” she huffed
“No it doesn’t but I know this will be good for us we do need to make other friends and who knows maybe you’ll run into Paul I think he has a crush on a certain step sister of mine” I nudged her playfully as we pulled up to this really packed looking club. She glared at me playfully.
“Admit it you think he’s cute” I said trying to cheer her up.
“I will admit no such thing . . . out loud at least” she whispered the second half but I could still hear her. As we were making our way into the club I noticed a black head of hair coming toward us.
“Jack! Rumor! You made it” Paul announced excitedly. I think he might have a slight ADHD thing going on.“So I think I’m going to let you two catch up from this afternoon and go dance it up.
” As I walked away I heard Jack laugh so I wasn’t too concerned about leaving her. Now off to the dance floor. I was innocently dancing with a large group of people when someone taps me on the shoulder.
“Yeah?” I scream so the person can hear me over the pounding music; I turn around to see this really cute guy with dark hair and a killer smile he was a bit taller than me but that might be because I’m freakishly short.
“I’m Paul’s friend Martin, he asked me to tell you that he’s taking Jack out to eat because she wasn’t feeling very comfortable.” I almost melted at the sound of his voice.
“Oh alright ill just text her when I get home then, I guess” I said trying to keep cool; it’s not everyday someone as gorgeous as this gut comes up to talk to me.
“So would you like for me to escort you home? Your sister mentioned how you hate being alone.” He flashed a big smile. That a girl Jack, she’s always looking out for me.
“I’d love that! But how about you dance with me first?” I asked trying not to sound desperate.
“Sure” and with that he dragged me into the center of the dance floor as this awesome song played. I could see that he was smirking but I couldn’t tell you why.
“I love this song! What’s it called?” I asked hoping he might know
“Heels Over Head by boyslikegirls I think” he said but he didn’t sound sure.
“I’ll have to look it up” I shouted as the song came to an end.
“So ready to get out of here?” he flashed his charming smile at me once more.
“Yeah! Lets blow this popsicle stand” I shouted and we both giggled at my dorkiness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im sorry that its super duper short but im new to this the next one will be better . . . PROMISE!