Status: Temp postponed. Computer probs. We'll be back soon.

Listen to the Thunder

I Feel A Weakness Coming On

I woke up to an unfamiliar surface and a killer headache. I groggily look around and notice that I’m in the middle of the living room floor with Martins arm wrapped around my waist. I also noticed that there were two figures on the couch looking pretty cuddly themselves. I tried to get up without waking anyone; but I failed by tripping over Martins foot and knocking the tray of cookies off the coffee table, resulting in Jack shooting up scared for her life. I froze and her eyes caught mine I was like a deer in the headlights
“Whats for breakfast?” she asked obviously missing my failed ninja attempt at staying quiet.
“Shhhh” I pointed toward the boys still sleeping soundly around us. Jack looked around the room and then back at me with that classic “WTF” look of hers. You see the reason Jack was confused was because she got a hold of a little too much liquor when her and Paul got back. Martin and I clearly already wasted didn’t need to drink much too act the way we did so I could still remember bits and pieces of the night before. However I do remember that Martin gets a little handsy when he’s drunk. I love how Jack claims to not like new people when she was getting real cozy with Paul. Sure, they’re adorable but it’s a little misleading.
“Why are they here?” Jack whispered walking across the room (shes better at being ninja than me L) to join me in the kitchen. She looked at me with her eyebrows raised.
“Oh don’t give me that look; your equally as guilty here” I whispered harshly in return.
“What look? Guilty? How am I guilty?” she asked as Paul groggily walks in shirtless scratching his chest, with a pantsless and tired Martin in tow.
“Example A!” I pointed at Paul, he looked at me pretty confused and probably still half asleep.
“Example A? Example B! I’m not the one walking around with no pants!” she shouted not caring about my horrible hangover or hers apparently pointing at Martin. He looked a little offended and possibly a little scared.
“Hey you try being a man and wearing tight jeans all the time!” he defended.
“I do it all the time” Paul stated still tired and really not caring.
“Yeah but your junk is smaller than mine!”
“That’s true” Paul relied scratching his neck.
"What do you keep scratching yourself?"
"I dunno," He replied, finally dropping his hand.
I stole a glance at Jack before we both turned toward the half-naked, yet highly attractive men, standing in our kitchen.
"So..." Martin trailed off. "What's for breakfast?" Paul and Martin asked together.
"Yeah, Rumor. What is for breakfast?" Jack smirked in my direction.
I scratched my neck awkwardly.
"I'm down for that." Paul replied with a nod.
"What kind? I was to hammered to remember."
"Chocolate chip, I think?" I asked Jack.
She nodded her head, the smirk never leaving her face.
Did she know something that I didn't?!
"Quit looking at me,"
"She wasn't looking at you, Paul," Martin quickly stated, catching his best friends mistake.
I frowned at the scene in front of me.
Never in my life had I seen two, grown men with so many tattoos act like they were four again.
"Hello...those cookies happen to be in the floor, Rum,"
"Dude! She just called you a liquor,"
"Thanks for the update, Martin," Paul replied as he rolled his chocolate brown eyes.
"Oopsies?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Hows abouts some pancakes?"
"As long as you have peanut butter, I'm down." Paul stated.
"I want jelly,"
Everyone turned to the pantsless wonder.
"Huh?" Jack and I asked at the same time.
"I didn't stutter. I. Want. Jelly,"
"I'll...see if we have someeee?" Jack trailed off before searching the fridge. "Yeah...fresh out."
"It's cool." He shrugged. "Be right back," Martin stated before turning around and leaving the kitchen and then the apartment all together.
"That...was odd." I replied. "Where is he going, Paul?" I asked, staring at the door.
I don't think he even grabbed his pants...
"You're best bet would be getting some Jelly. He freaking loves that stuff on his pancakes."
"So he went to the store without pants? I don't think that they'll let you in without those."
"Unless it's a strip club..." Jack muttered.
Before Paul could answer, the door was opened again and there was Martin. Pantsless and with a jar full of grape jelly.
"I'mmmmmm backkkkkkkk," He sang and winked playfully at me.
"Alright, casanova...sit your keester down." I instructed.
"Where did you go?" Jack asked.
I don't get what's with the hostile attitude of hers. Maybe it's because we barely know them, and here they are in our kitchen....
Nearly naked.
And acting like they live here.
We barely live here.
I started to make the pancakes for everyone as Jack nursed their killer hangover's.
This is going to be one heck of a day.


"So, will you go with me to the GC concert tonight?"
Such simple words, so much excitement in them.
"Uh duh!"
"I take that you like them?"
"Not my favortie, but yes, I loves them!"
"Can we count this as a date?"
"First you were trying to totally get to second base last night and now you're asking me out?" I playfully asked him.
Martin grinned sheepishly at me.
"You got it, babe." And then he winked.
I'm pretty sure I just died.
"Whatever doofus." I rolled my eyes and turned back to my laptop currently sitting on my lap. Martin was sitting beside me on the couch and we were alone. Thank God for Paul for taking Jack away for a while. He said something about Central Park and hotdogs. Too bad for him that she's a vegan. Oh well, he'll figure it out sooner or later.
"Did you just call me doofus?" He asked with a boyish grin.
"Yes, doofus. Now what was that song we were dancing to at the club last night? I really wanted to look them up."
"NO!" He shouted and dramatically shut my laptop cover.
Thank God my hands were not on the keyboard yet.
"Dude..chill. What's wrong with you? Are your skinnys too tight again?"
"No...okay, maybe just a little...but that's not the problem."
"Then what is?"
"I'm waiting."
"They died. . . in plane most celebrities." He stated randomly. "It's against the law to listen to their music now. Totally the record company's fault...yeah."
"Either you're a terrible liar, or I'm gullible...but okay. What do you want to do between now and the concert tonight?"
"I have a few ideas..." He stated, his eyes trailing from mine to my lips and back again.
"Come on!"
"Dude, you totally felt me up last night. That's all you're getting."
"Yeah but I feel everybody up. Even Paul."
"Yeah just kinda happened. I don't know if you've realized this but Paul is a sexy minx. When I'm drunk, gender doesn't stop me."
Should I be worried?
Dang, maybe I should ask him?
"Should I be worried, Martin?"
"Probably not..."
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was insanely funnn to write! Comments make us update faster. ;)
Hint hint... that's why it took us three days.