Tokio Derby

Territorial Pissings

I woke up feeling like an absolute bitch.

Also, with Gustav lying on my tummy.

“Sweet bears,” I whispered to myself, trying not to freak out or scream. I tried to wiggle myself, but always, his big rock of a head didn’t move. I tried to think rationally, but his head was seriously crushing my stomach. “Wake up rock-head,” I whispered, nudging him with my hand a bit.

No reaction. Crap.

I grabbed onto the ends of the blanket and, with all my might, pulled it above my head. The blanket automatically came over to me, rolling Gustav to the floor like a log. The thump of his body hitting the floor was something else though; it sounded like we just unleashed an atomic bomb in the apartment.

To prove my point, everyone came rushing in the room. Bill’s hair was a little messy and Georg’s hair was permanently stuck to the sides of his face, but other than that they looked pretty fine. “What the hell happened in here?!” Tom yelled, looking first at me, and then the blankets, and then to Gustav-log on the floor.

“I just woke up to a log on my stomach!” I screamed back. “I don’t think my stomach will ever be the same again. I mean-“I pointed to Gustav, who wasn’t really that heavy but had a head made of concrete-“just look at him!” To make the situation even weirder at the moment, Gustav decided to wake up. And not just a regular wake-up; he flopped like a fish for thirty seconds before finally opening his eyes.

Overall, the morning was weird.

“Why are you getting so dressed up today Clarissa?” Bill asked, looking over my outfit for the tenth time. After the weird morning wake-up, I remembered that I was going to be meeting Claude today. Even though I was dating his twin- and he wasn’t a bad boyfriend either- something about meeting Claude alone made me absolutely giddy. I always made fun of the girls who were always excited about seeing boys, but if this is how they felt I would give my right eyeball to be like them all the time.

“Nothing much,” I lied, pulling on my shirt a little. I finally decided to wear my favorite dark purple shirt that showed off my cleavage a little, a semi-short shirt, fishnet stockings, and my Doc Martens. I tried over 10 hairstyles in the mirror before deciding to make my hair looked tousled, kind of like I just woke up. “I’m just going over Claude’s today.”

Gustav stopped drumming and looked at me with a stern face. “And just what will you be doing with Claude today, missy?” he asked, sounding like a doting mother.

I could feel some heat rising to my cheeks. “Nothing much,” I replied, hoping I was lying. I wanted to do something with Claude today. Something amazing. “We’re just probably going to play videogames and lie around.”

Tom spit out his orange juice. “And just what does “lying around” mean?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. He looked over at Bill. “These kids are growing up too fast.”
“You’re all creeps,” I snorted, quickly taking out my phone and sending another quick message to Claude. I knew he lived right next to me, but I just couldn’t drop in all of a sudden. What if he was doing something weird, I thought. Like walking around naked?! My face got even redder with the thought of such a disgusting thing.

“Oh no,” Georg ran over to me and put his hand on my hot forehead. “Look at her eyes. These are the eyes of someone who is love.”

I smacked his hand away. “And just what would you know about love?” I snapped. “Besides, I’m dating Dominic. How can I be in love with his brother if I’m dating him?”
“Is Dominic that creepy boy?” Bill asked. Gustav nodded and Bill made a face like someone just sat on his cupcake. “I don’t like him. He’s too creepy. And I don’t think he treats you right.”

They all nod. My face goes hot with rage. “What do you know about Dominic?!” I yelled. “I’ll have you know he’s a great boyfriend and he would never cheat on me!”
“We didn’t say anything about him cheating on you,” Gustav murmured, coming over and pulling me into a hug. “Is there anything you want to tell me Clarissa?” he whispered in my ear. “You know I heard the voicemail on the landline.”

My world went black. Since when did Gustav go on the landline to look at calls. The hollow feeling in my stomach suddenly turned to paranoia and rage. Who did he think he was looking down on me like I was a puppy looking for attention? I bet he probably thinks I’m unstable and needs his stupid attention.. Thoughts were becoming more rampant in my head. So I did the only thing I was good at.

I grabbed my stuff and quickly ran out the door.

There wasn’t much running to be done to Claude’s, so I just sped walked and started banging the door. He opened on the third bang, my fist hitting his stomach instead. He stunk of cologne, wearing a black wife beater and his boxer shorts.

“Clarissa,” he said, looking first at me and then at his clothing choice. His face turned beet red. “Oh son of a bit-“ his hand moved to cover below his waist and he kind of walked-shuffled-ran like he was going for the Olympics into the apartment. “Come in!” he yelped, slamming a door.

I slowly walked into the room, trying to hide the smile on my face from seeing Claude almost naked. The apartment was chic, with a flat screen in the corner of the room. Game followed to the left along with a giant window sort of similar to the one we had. A leather black couch with two pillows on either side was facing the TV, the lamp tables practically covered in paper. The kitchen was similar to ours, but instead of having a wooden table and cabinets everything was silver and somewhat modernized.

I slowly sat down on the couch, trying to make myself look sexy while at the same time looking comfortable. Should I go with the pillow over my lap or maybe with my legs crossed? I tried doing both but ended up looking like I was hiding a lady-boner. What am I doing? I thought to myself. Claude isn’t my boyfriend. There’s no use of looking sexy for him! I flung the pillow back to where it was on the couch.

I was contemplating taking off my shoes when Claude came out of the room and down the hallway towards me. “Sorry I took so long,” he joked. He was now wearing a blue surfer’s shirt and beige khakis. I liked him better in the boxers, a part of my head thought, and I had to force that thought down into a cellar in my mind with no light and no way of escape.

“It’s okay,” I replied, smiling as he sat down right next to me. “It’s not your fault that you slept late.”

“It kind of is,” he replied quickly, leaning over me to search the messy table next to me to search for something. I involuntarily moved closer and smelled him; a mix of cologne, aftershave, and kiwi shampoo. I heard him sigh with relief over what he had found, so I pretended to look like I was daydreaming when he moved away. “Wanna watch some TV?”
I nodded rapidly, looking like a horse hyped up on sugar cubes. We ended up watching wrestling for about fifteen minutes, then playing on his Xbox for a good hour, and finally watching some cheesy romance movie.

“This movie is weird,” I added, blushing as the couple yet again made out. Why would he turn on a movie like this? Does he want us to make out? Doesn’t he know I’m dating his brother?! I tried to remind myself that Dominic was a good boyfriend, but my mind kept racing over Claude. How had I not noticed the way his eyes sparkle when he talks about something he likes, or that dimple he has when he laughs? How amazingly plump and kissable his lips were? I involuntarily started to move closer to him, trying to get our lips to press together.

And then he decided to turn around.

“Watcha doin’ there?” he asked, his lips almost brushing mine. Oh sweet gummed bears, his voice was amazing.

I stuttered a little, trying to come up with an answer. So I went for the only thing that seemed good: I put Claude in a headlock. “Surprise wrestling!” I screamed, tightening my grip on his neck.

He quickly countered, grabbing me by my stomach and tickling me in the ribs. I laughed and he managed to get out of my chokehold and lightly force me to fall on my back. He leaned over me, looking like a wrestler about to win the match. My legs wrapped around his waist, trying to shift my weight so that he could fall.

But I didn’t. So we stayed in that position for a while.

“Clarissa,” he whispered, moving a little closer to me. “I totally won this wrestling match.” He grabbed my legs and gave them a squeeze. I giggled. “But there’s something I want to tell you.”

“Is it that you were in wrestling as a child?” I half-joked, wanting his lips to move even closer to my lips.

He shook his head. “It’s about you.” He started to stammer. “Ever since the moment I delivered your pizza and met you for the first time, I’ve always thought of you as close. But now it’s become something else.” He stammered again. “Did I ever tell you that I believe in love at first sight?”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, and he answered by putting his lips on mine.

I swear to food, this was one of the best moments of my life.

I started to kiss him back, moving my hands through his soft, messy hair. His lips were just perfect: not too hard and hungry, but at the same time not too soft and wet. I felt like I could kiss him for the rest of my life. His tongue slid easily into my mouth and I let out a sound that I didn’t even know I could make. I kissed him hungrily, trying to match his tongue in the way it moved.

“Claude,” I managed to whisper when we stopped for air. I looked into his eyes, those amazing eyes that I managed not to notice. He pressed his lips against mine again, his kisses starting to go lower. Shivers went through my body as his tongue softly licked my collarbone and sucked on my neck.

“Claude,” I managed again, my legs getting tighter around his waist as his hand slowly pushed at my shirt. I happily obliged, moving it up so that he could see my lacy pink bra.
“I never would’ve thought of pink as your color,” he whispered to my chest, causing me to moan again. “S-shut up,” I snapped, blushing and looking away. “It’s not fair that I’m the only one who’s shirtless. You should-“but he was already on it.

After about forty minutes and the removal of more clothes, we finally looked at each other again. Both our bodies were sweating and I learned more things about the male anatomy than I ever thought I would know.

“Do you want to-“he asked, his amazing eyes looking at me once more. I could only blush in reply. I had never done this with anyone before and I wasn’t so sure of Claude being my first. Especially with Dominic being my boyfriend and all.

Dominic being my boyfriend.

I screamed, forcing him off of me and onto the floor. I lunged off the couch and tried to find all of my clothes on the floor. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked, trying to move back over to me.

“What’s wrong with me?” I screamed, “What’s wrong with you?! You know I’m dating your brother! Why would you do that to me?!”

He only scoffed in reply. “Because he’s cheating on you, that’s why!” he screamed in reply. My body went cold. “Oh what, you didn’t know? Practically the entire school knows he was cheating! Why do girls always believe that he’s going to not cheat on them? He’s a pig Clarissa! That’s all he’s going to be! Even Davon knew when she first saw him cheating! ”
“And so what do you do then?! Screw them when they’re sad and lonely?!” I stopped putting on my tights. Davon knew all along? “Just what the hell did you mean Davon knew?!” Claude opened his mouth to say something, but I kept talking. “You know what? I don’t even care! That stupid bitch can just go along with her stupid slutty life! And you two can just keep secrets from others and screw until your hearts contend!"

And with that I slammed the door shut on his naked body.

And ran right into Dominic.

My boyfriend was wearing aviator shades and a bomber jacket over his grey wife beater and faded skinny jeans. “Hey Naughty Blue,” he whispered, giving me a quick kiss. “What were you over here?”

“Nothing,” I lied, pulling him into my arms. “Claude invited me over and it turned out he just wanted me to see him jacking off.”

Dominic’s face turned to disgust. “I knew he was a freak!” he screamed, then shrugged. “Oh well, I feel sorry for the poor girl who has to make out with him!” He laughed.

“I was just here to tell you about the party I’m having tonight,” he continued. “And maybe Claude could stop choking his chicken and actually show up.”

“You shouldn’t,” I cooed, “Just let it be a secret.” I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards his car. “C’mon baby, let’s go to the party.”

“Do you wanna invite some of your friends?” he asked, opening the door for me.

A smile appeared on my face. “Sure,” I hissed, a sinister idea appearing in my mind. “Let’s invite Davon. I’m sure we can make a very special surprise for her.”

“Why?” he asked. I just smirked in reply.
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It took a lot of work and candy to think of this chapter. We're reaching the climax so hang on.

Also watch Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. It's hilarious.