Tokio Derby

No Fun

“No, no no no no,” Dominic replied for the seventh time. I had no idea how he noticed me trying to get his phone this time: his eyes were entirely on the road.

“But why not baby?” I cooed, leaning over to try to figure out who was sending all of those messages in the first place. Ever since I got in the car his phone has been blaring with messages and phone calls. I’ve been trying to figure out who in the great world was doing all of this.

Dominic stopped at a red light and pulled his sunglasses low so I could see his eyes. “Sweetheart, it’s nothing to worry about,” he replied, grabbing my hand and placing it in his. He leaned over to kiss my knuckles. “I don’t check your phone now, do I?”

“No,” I pouted, sinking into the passenger side seat like a child. It was no fair. I wanted to see who it was.

It was probably his other girlfriend, the voice in my head screeched in my ear. I shook my head to blot it out. The “voice of reason” had been coming ever since I left Claude and had been going non-stop.

Claude. Just thinking about what had happened made my heart skip a beat. I had no idea he felt for me those ways….and could feel me those ways. A chill went up my spine just thinking about what we had done.

“Naughty Blue?” Dominic’s voice brought me out of my head. “Whatcha thinking about over there?”

“Nothing baby,” I lied. Could he tell I’d been thinking about Claude? I looked out the window, trying to pretend that the passing streets were interesting. “Where are we going anyway?”

“We’re going to my house,” he replied coolly. I looked at him like he was crazy. “You didn’t think that our apartment was the only house we had, right?” He shook his head. “We have a main house that we go to when our parents are in town.”

“When are they here?” I asked. Claude didn’t really talk much about his parents or the fact that he had a main house. He was probably loaded.

“Almost never,” he answered, pushing his hair out of his eyes. He shaved it all off in a buzz cut a while back, but now it was almost to his shoulders. He grinned his Cheshire cat smile. “That’s why we’re going to throw a party there tonight.”

We pulled up to something that looked like a smaller version of Professor Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. It was a giant white complex that looked like a cottage Queen Elizabeth used in the summer. The driveway was circular and led us up a hill to a long sidewalk leading to giant wooden doors. The windows were stain glass and the entire lawn area was filled with shrubs and flowers.

The Queen would be proud.

I hopped out of the car and took my sweet time getting to the door, looking around at every area I could. I couldn’t imagine Claude or Dominic playing around here as children; this place was way too formal.

Dominic pushed the door open using some strength and I was face to face with one of the most fancy places I would ever see. The floor tile was a shimmery beige and gleamed off the white walls. A chandelier hung above us, the lights illuminating the entire area. A circular staircase with marble floors led way to the upstairs.

While I was awestruck, Dominic didn’t seem to care.

He led me to the living room, with so much amazing furniture and interior design it looked like Martha Steward lived there. There were already people there, setting up a small stage in front of the fireplace and a stereo beside it. As he gave me a tour of the place, I couldn’t help but think this wasn’t exactly the house you should throw a party at: there should be no kegs in the kitchen or a kiddie pool full of beer outside.

“And last but not least,” he stopped at the end of the large hallway upstairs, facing a closed door, “my room.” He opened a door to show the room of a typical teenage boy. It wasn’t anything I didn’t expect, with the swimsuit models on his wall and piles of clothes on the floor. Even his bed was a typical boy-style, a king size mattress with the grey covers practically hanging on to the edge of the bed.

“It’s nice,” I replied, telling my third lie to him today. I sat down on the left edge of the bed, pulling the covers back onto the bed. They at least deserved a fighting chance.

Dominic sat down next to me, out knees touching. “I haven’t been here in a while,” he said, picking up a shirt and kicking it away into a small pile of clothes. “I was never a neat freak like Claude was.” He placed his hand on my knee, slowly moving it up my thigh. “Would you like to see how well this mattress is?” he whispered in my ear, gently pushing me down on the bed.

His lips were easily placed on mine, me giving no restraint as his tongue shoved itself down my throat. If he could tell that I wasn’t into it, he completely ignored it and kept going. His lips moved off mine and started to go down my neck, stopping at my collarbone.

I pretend-moaned in reply, trying my hardest to get into it. It felt kind of weird when he lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach. It was nothing like what Claude did earlier; it was way too harsh and it kind of hurt. His hand were kinda like octopus tentacles with the way they kept going everywhere. I didn’t like it at all. I didn’t like Dominic’s kisses at all.

I didn’t want Dominic. I wanted Claude.

He was just about ready to release the beast within his boxers when his phone started to blare, some club song about drinking and stuff. He got off of me, leaving my naked body on the bed while he grabbed his phone and answered it. “Hello,” he cooed into the phone, using the same voice he used with me. “Yeah…..I’m here……No…Come over at around seven. The band will be there then….Alright. Bye.” He pressed a button on his phone and tossed it in a clothes pile. He looked over to me, his eyes trailing on my body. “Now where were we, Blue?” he asked, licking his lips.

Before he could even come back to me, his phone started to ring again. He sighed. “I guess we’re going to have to do this later,” he groaned, picking up his phone and answering it. I didn’t need to be told twice: I quickly put my clothes on and exited the room.

My phone vibrated in my shoe, me completely forgetting that I put it there in the first place. It was a message from Davon.

Hey. I’m really sorry about what happened yesterday.

It’s okay, I lied back. Did you hear that Dominic is having a party tonight?

Yeah. I really don’t want to go. The only people that go to those things are absolute idiots.

Anger rose inside of me. Of course she didn’t know I was there, but still, who was she to talk like that? You should come, I texted back, a malevolent smile crossing my face. And you should bring Claude too. It’s going to be a real blast.

She replied back quickly, saying that she would call Claude and they would be there at around nine.


After a few beers and talking with people I didn’t even know, I felt normal at this party.
I left the living room, the music from the amazingly crappy band still audible even with all the talking going on. I crossed the crowded kitchen, grabbing another cup of beer and avoiding a guy who really wanted to show a girl what was in his pants. I leaned against the counter and started to drink. I was never really one for beer but now it seemed to be the best thing ever.

“-you hear about who came back?” a drunk girl said to her herd of friends. I couldn’t help but eavesdrop because she was so loud.

“Totally!” her other drunk friend yelled, giggling. “I heard that Selma came back all the way from America!”

My heart skipped a beat. Did they mean that “Selma”, the one that I had rivaled in America? I finished off the beer, tossing the cup on the floor with the rest of the trash.

“No way!” the possibly designated driver said, pushing the beer away from her. “She did that derby thing over in America and now she decided to rear her ugly head around?”

“Don’t say things like that! She might totally hear us!”

“No she can’t. I heard that she’s totally with Dominic upstairs, rekindling what they had before she left.”

“What about who he’s dating right now?”

“It’s her fault for dating a sleazebag like him!”

All the girls started to giggle, their annoying voices only rubbing salt into my wounds. I stormed up the stairs, slamming open every door I saw. I interrupted at least two couples until I finally made it to Dominic’s room, slowly opening the door.

What I saw was something so perverted and disgusting that it hurts me to think of it.
I picked up a spare book and threw it at Dominic, who was obviously getting busy with some brunette girl. He looked around, saw me, and continued to stare.

“Just what the hell are you doing?!” I yelled.

He got off the girl and started to walk over to me, not caring that he was naked. By the look in his eyes he was obviously drunk. “Who, me?” he slurred, almost tripping over his clothes. I nodded harshly. Dominic pointed over to the brunette, who decided to show her face.

It was Selma after all.

“Me and Selma were just,” he looked back to her, then to me, then to her. “We were just talking.” The slime ball then gave me a perverted grin. “Why don’t you join our conversation?”

“Yeah,” Selma added from the bed, “why don’t you join us Clarissa? I’ve always wanted to see what you could do.”

Bile rose in my throat. I barely managed to say “I hope your junk falls off” to Dominic before closing the door and running down the stairs. That stupid intuition was right, Claude was right, Davon was right, and even those drunk girls were right. Dominic was cheating on me. And I was an idiot for believing else wise. I made it to a bare patch of grass outside and let all the beer from my system leave. I probably vomited up my lunch, but I didn’t care. It felt good to purge.

So when someone tapped me on the shoulder, I couldn’t help but puke on Hansel too.
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I'm sorry it's been so long. I really am. I will write more and soon. I promise.