Status: Active (:

Before I fall


The news spread around the school rather quickly.

How I know? Everyone’s asking me about it. But then, Stella approaches me.

“So you just so happen to not know how to keep your hands to yourself,” She said stopping by my locker.

I closed it shut and stared at her, “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, don’t act like you don’t know,” She said slowly, “I heard that you kissed Blake.”

“Why does that concern you,” I said shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

“Why…” She scoffed, “He’s mine, Brooke, mine.”

“If he was yours, he would’ve taken you out on a date and kissed you. But no, it was me.”

I tried to walk away but she stepped in front of me, “Brooke-“

“He’s just a guy,” I snapped, “It’s not my fault he doesn’t want you. Now move out of my way.”

“You’ll regret this,” she said in a low tone.

I rolled my eyes, “You think you scare me?” She does sometimes, but of course I won’t say it, “I don’t care, do whatever you want to do. Go ahead and ruin my life, but think about how it’ll make you look.”

“Better?” She guessed.

I shook my head and shoved passed her.

“Ridiculous,” I muttered, slamming right into Blake. “Oh crap, that was totally my fault.”

Thank goodness none of my stuff fell, it would be too classic, “It’s okay,” He said slinging his arm over my shoulder, “News is traveling fast.”

I nodded, “I know.”

Then something popped into my head, “Hey, um, Blake?”


“Did you have a thing with Stella once?”

He seemed to hesitate, “Who told you that?”

“No one, she just keeps bugging me to stay away from you. Then when I said no she said I’d regret it.”

“Well, no.” He said, “I’ve never had a thing with Stella, and I never will.”


“You kissed Stella?” I asked him at lunch. We were the only ones at the table.

“Why do you want to know?” He said, his hazel eyes flashing.

I pursed my lips, “It’s just… been going around the school. No need to get so offensive.”

His features softened and he ran a hand through his hair, “I’m sorry, B. I just… yeah, I did kiss her.”

My chest clenched uncomfortably, “Did you just kiss her, or did you like, kiss her.”

He gave me a small smile, “We made out in her parents bedroom.”

My eyes widened and I stared at him, “You did what?”


“No, don’t repeat yourself! You know, Scarlett came banging on my door that night with her face covered in tears.”

He shrugged, “We’re done, and she needs to get over it.”

I opened my mouth to say something but then I remembered that he didn’t know how I felt about him. He never will.

“You guys should talk it out and make it official because I don’t think she’s getting the point that you guys aren’t together anymore.”

“She’ll get it soon enough,”

“How about now, she’s on her way.”

He looked over at her. Her black hair was bouncing with every step she took, she had a white smile plastered on her face and she sat beside him, “Hey babe,” She kissed his cheek.

“Um, Scarlett-“He started.

“I know we got into an argument but I thought about it and it was stupid of me to accuse you of trying to hook up with-“

“I was serious, Scarlett, we’re done.”

She froze, her fork was in mid air and the lettuce that she had on it dropped off. She placed the fork down and it clattered loudly on her tray, “What do you mean-“

“I mean we’re done as in broken up and no longer together.”

She was about to cry again, I could see it, “I don’t… but why?”

He sighed and looked at me before looking back at her, “Now is not the right time to talk about this.”

“Oh, no,” I said shaking my head and getting up, “Me and they guys will get a table outside, it’s no biggie.”

I stood up and he gave me a thankful smile, “See you later.” I muttered.

I turned around and stalked off to the lunch line where Nathan, Gabby, and Blake were, “I’m going to get us a table outside today, okay guys?”

They nodded, but Nathan said, “How come?”

I nodded in the direction of our usual seating, “They needed to talk and apparently I was interfering.”

He rolled his eyes and I gave him a chuckle before turning to Blake, “Hola,”

He smiled down at me, “Hey,”

“Sorry about earlier today,” I said, “You know how I asked you if you had a thing with Stella.”

“Why are you apologizing for that?”

“I don’t know; I just felt like I should.”

He leaned over and kissed my forehead, “I’ll see you at the table,”

I walked outside and it was crowded, but I caught glance of an empty table and I made my way over.

I sat down and waited.

A pair of tanned hands slammed onto my table snapping me out of my miniature day dream. Stella.

She sat down across from me, “You know,” She said while examining her French tipped nails, “Things would be easier if you just left Blake alone.”

I rolled my eyes, I refused to let her trample over me anymore, and I was taking a stand for myself. “No it wouldn’t have. You still bugged me; even when he wasn’t here.”

“Your right, but I didn’t hate you as much then as I do now. I deserve to be with him, Brooke.” She said my name as if it was a curse.

“We’ll see how life plays out, and if you end up with him, then there you go.”

“I’m trying to help you,” she said then thought about it, “only a little though. I mean, I’d love to see you cry, but I’m just giving you a heads up-“

“Why would I cry?”

She gave me a wicked smile, “I’m warning you, either break up with him and roll him over to me; or you could face some pretty bad damage.”

I was about to say something when they came over. She adjusted her little black top and pushed up her boobs, “I’ll be going now,” She said before twirling away in her mini skirt.

“What did that piece of junk want?” Gabby said angrily when she sat.

They all went quiet as if to hear what I was going to say, “The usual,” I muttered.

Gabby rolled her eyes, “One of these days she’s gonna get it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Dang, it's been awhile & I sincerely apologize for it .
My sequel for 'My Dirty Little Secret' is outt . & it's called 'My Dirty Little Lie' ( :
Checkkk it outt & I hope yu enjoyed tha chappy .