Status: Active (:

Before I fall


A storm hit. The rain was pattering against the windows and the rooftop as if begging for entrance. The trees hit the house and the thunder was quite scary considering I was home alone.

I curled up on my couch with a blanket while watching television. The telephone rang causing me to jump violently. I sighed before shuffling over to the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey, B, it’s mom.”

I leaned against the counter, “Where are you?”

“Um, out. I’ll be home in another hour or two.”


“I’m busy doing business okay?”


“I’ve got to go, love you. Be safe, I hear there’s a storm.” And then she hung up.

I sighed before putting the phone up and walking back to the couch.

Yeah, she was definitely cheating on dad.


“I’m just worried.” I said running a hand through my hair. “I’ve known something wasn’t right, I just thought maybe it was my dad doing the cheating.”

Shane put his hand over mine. Breathe; I had to remind myself, “I’m sure she’s probably just… lonely.”

“That doesn’t make it okay.”

“Why don’t you talk to them about it?”

I glanced in his direction and sighed, “It’s not that easy, Shane.”

“I’m sorry,” He said giving my hand a squeeze. “My parents are, you know, perfect. Or at least it seems that way, so I don’t know what to say-“

“It’s okay.”

He gave me a small smile, “On the bright side,” He said softly, “I’m free this afternoon, and I’ll be lonely too. My mom and dad are going out for their anniversary, so maybe you’d want to come over?”

I shrugged and took my hand away from him to fold both of them across my chest.

“Oh come on, B.”

“Fine,” I murmured. Truth is; I didn’t want to be alone with him anymore. With each day that went by my feelings only got stronger.”I’ll come over,”

He reached over to try and ruffle my hair but I smacked his hand away and he grinned, “You’re the best.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Blake walked over and sat beside me with his lunch, “Greetings fellow friend,” He looked over at me, “And girlfriend.”

I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face, “Hey,”

What he did next shocked me; he leaned to the side and kissed me. In public. In lunch. Where everybody could see.

I blushed when he pulled back and glanced in Shane’s direction, he was too busy looking across the cafeteria.

“I’ll… see you guys later,” He said before walking over to Stella’s table. Great.

“I saw you guys talking, you looked sad.” He said taking my hand in his.

“Yeah, my mom seems to be cheating on my dad.”

His eyebrows shot up, “Sorry to hear that.”

Honestly, Shane’s advice was way better. “Thanks.”

And it stayed quiet until Gabby strolled by and sparked up some life.


I called and told Shane I couldn’t come over. Mom and dad wanted to go to dinner and have a talk. I’m scared.

I’m worried that they might get a divorce, or tell me I have to live with only one of them or-

“We’re leaving now Brooke!” My mom called from downstairs.

I walked down slowly; I didn’t wear anything fancy although they were dressed kind of formal. I threw on a halter top and a pair of black skinny jeans. I also left my hair in the messy ponytail I’d put it in.

No need to get all dolled up for a divorce right?

My mom pursed her lips and walked over and tried to flatten my hair but I pushed her hand away, “Where are we going?”

“Out to dinner, your dad and I need to talk to you.”

She turned around and walked out the house and I followed.

In the car, it was quiet, and it wasn’t the peaceful kind.

We pulled up to a restaurant named, ‘Terrestrial’ and went in.

Once we were settled with menus in hand I had enough, I threw it down and crossed my arms over my chest, “Well?”

They both looked up, “Now?” My mom asked dad.

He nodded and they turned their attention to me, “Honey, your dad and I think it’s best if we got divorced.”

I took in a deep breath. In my head I would have liked to think it was a dream but hearing it aloud was even worse.

“What do you mean your getting a divorced?” I asked in a shaky tone.

“We just don’t think it’s working out.” My dad said.

“What, you found out mom was cheating on you and decided ‘to hell with it’?!” I said glaring at my mom while I was talking to my dad, “This is your fault.” I told her.

“Now wait a minute Brooke-“My dad started.

“Your father knew,” She told me; I could tell she was struggling to keep calm.

“You knew?” I asked, “And you just let it happen?”

“We decided to get a divorce months ago honey-“

My eyes widened, “You think this is best for me? My life is already crap and now you want to make it worse? I don’t want just a mom. I don’t want just a dad. I want both; I want all of you, not just half!”

“It’s not working out, Brooke-“

“Don’t tell me it’s not working out!”

People were starting to stare, but I didn’t care. They shouldn’t have told me something like this in public.

My mom turned her head and stared at me, “There’s no need to yell!”

“Of course you would say that,” I felt my hands balling into fists, “Your parents are on they’re 41st anniversary. You don’t have a clue on how this feels.”

She fell silent, and I heard her soft sigh.

“Is this… Is this because of Mel?” I asked them, my voice quiet now.

“No, Brooke, it’s not, please-“

“It is.” I said, “ever since she died things have been wrong. And you know it. Both of you do.”

My dad pinched the bridge of his nose and said, “Your sister has never been a reason why we argued.”

“Then what’s the reason.” I said; I tasted salt. I was crying.

“We drifted,” He said, his voice cracked a little, “We’re not happy together, I thought you would understand.”

I stood up and looked at them both, “If you think that this is what’s best for me, you’re dead wrong.”

I left without another word. I walked, and I cried. I cried and cried and cried. And I couldn’t stop it.

Before I knew it I was standing in front of Shane’s door, knocking rapidly.

He answered and he looked as if he was tired. His hair was sort of messy and his eyes were slightly red.

But when he saw my face, he asked no questions. He pulled me into a hug and we stayed there for awhile.
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Ughh ; Forgive me ! It's been .... Wow .
But umm ; busy busy busy , Thats what I am . & School is kind of my main priority . I will finish the book ; just give me some timee . Mmkay ? Sorry guys , haha . Anyway ; check out the sequel to "My Dirty Little Secret" & comment . Give me some feedback . Suscribe , whatever . until next time ; by guys . thanks for the support ♥