Status: Active (:

Before I fall


“Are you insane?!” I asked him once we exited.

He gave me a guilty look, “I’m glad you know I don’t really like you,”

“That’s not the point, you like Gabby, you need to go out there and tell her that!”

“I’m sorry, okay? I panicked.”

“This is no time for panicking! Go fix it!”

He pursed his lips and I pushed him through the doors following behind him.

When he got there he looked directly at Gabby, “I’m sorry, I panicked. I meant to ask you out, but-“

“I’ll go out with you,” She cut him off.


She nodded, and he let out a sigh of relief.

“I guess I can say for a moment I thought he was being serious,” Blake told me when lunch was over.

“I thought he was too, but I eventually caught on,” I replied.

He stopped by my classroom door and said, “I thought you were going to say yes,”

I shook my head, “No. He’s a close friend; I’d never be able to do that.”

“Would you be able to do it with me? Go on a date?”

I bit my lip for a moment, Blake is asking me out? “Yeah, I can do that.”

“Good,” He said, and walked away.

I let out the breath I’d bin holding and walked into my classroom.

“Well, don’t you look like you’re glowing,” Scarlett said.

This was the only class period we had; just me and her.

“I’m glowing?” I questioned.

She smiled, “Yup, what happened?”

I sat down beside her, “Oh, nothing important. Blake asked me out,”

Her eyes widened a little, “That’s great. You guys have been making googly eyes at each other all week. I was beginning to wonder when it would happen.”

“We haven’t been-“

“Oh yes you have. Not to mention how you guys ditched us to go on your own personal date.”

That was not a date.”

“If you say so,”

“You say I’m glowing, what about you? You look pretty happy.”

“I am happy. Shane gave me an unexpected gift.”

“What’d he give you?”

She lifted her hand and a bracelet dangled from her wrist. The silver shined. It was slim and delicate with one charm hanging from it. It was a star.

“It’s beautiful,” I muttered, feeling a bit jealous.

“I know, we’ve been together officially for one year now,” She said with a grin.

I gave her a small smile. For a moment I was so drunk off the fact that Blake- one of the cutest guys at school- had asked me out that I forgot about Shane. And seeing that bracelet, and hearing that they’ve been dating for a year bought the pressure back down on me.

Thankfully, the teacher came in before I’d have to lie and say ‘I’m happy for you.’

I took out my notebook and pretended to be engaged in whatever the teacher was saying.

“One year,” I told Shane, that’s a long time.

“I know. I’m glad we’re still together, you know?” His eyes sparkled in a way that caused my heard to throb, he really cared for her.

I nodded slowly, “I’m glad you’re happy.

He smiled down at me and stopped to give me a hug, “I’m so lucky to have a friend like you.”

A friend.

“So,” He said when we pulled back and started walking again, “I heard the big news.”

“Big news?”

“Scarlett told me,”


He sighed and rolled his eyes, “Blake asked you out!”

“Oh,” I said in realization now, “Yeah, I’m excited.”

“I’m happy for you, believe me, I am.”


“You haven’t dated anyone for a long time.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“This is why I hope you and Blake work out.”

“Well thanks, but… I don’t think it’ll go that far.”

“Stop doubting yourself.”

“Who said I doubted myself. I’m just simple stating that I don’t expect o fall in love right now.”

“Who said anything about falling in love, Brooke?”

I shrugged, “I just…” I stopped by last period class, “I’ll see you around.”

I got home and saw my mom sitting on the couch reading a book, “Hey mom,” I said, “Good to see you home.”

She looked up from her book and gave me a smile, “Good to be home, how was school?”

“It was great,” faked enthusiasm. There are so many upcoming events.”

“Any parent teacher conferences?”

“I think they have one coming up.”

“Good,” She said before pausing and saying, “You look so much like your sister.”

I hate it when she did that. I ran a hand through my short blonde hair, a characteristic my sister and I had in common, “I know, mom.”

“Same hair, same eyes.” She shook her head slightly, “I’m sorry. It’s just…”

I guess it’s time I explain. My sister’s name was Mel. She was my identical twin sister, we looked the same, but we had completely different personalities. I was calm, artistic, understandable, and quiet. She was audacious, loud, boisterous, and active. I loved her though, I loved everything about her. From the beauty mark on her left cheek to the polish on her toes. She wasn’t only my sister, but she was my best friend. She was the oldest- of ten minutes- but I was much more mature. I acted as if I were older, she on the other hand… not so much. The day after our sixteenth birthdays we got our license, and she was ecstatic. I mean really ecstatic. She instantly hopped in the car we were suppose to share and zoomed off. Only, she didn’t come back. Then there was an unexpected knock at the door, where policemen were standing to break the news. She’d been going over the speed limit and crashed; being killed in the midst. It was on an intersection and she got hit from both sides… hard.

When the news was told I burst into tears. My mom and dad did too. But they had to stay strong, for me I think. Because after a month, I was the only one in the house who still wore a frown. And ever since she’s died, I haven’t been the same. Although it’s only been a year- soon to be two- I miss her a lot… I mean a lot.

“I’ll be… upstairs,” I told my mom while jabbing my thumb behind me.

She nodded, and luckily I left before I could see her cry.
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Urg, On my word document i'm on like chapter eight, and I have writers block ... Then again I did only make this as a fill in .
For the fans of "My Dirty Little Secret"; I've came up with a name for the sequel ( : And also, the sequel will be out pretty soon . Two weeks max !