Status: Active (:

Before I fall


“I have to say, this isn’t exactly what I expected, but it is creative… I think.” I said to Blake.

He took me to a restaurant called Picasso, not only is that my favorite painter, but the inside was filed with paintings and facts about old time artists. How awesome is that?

“I don’t know, I just thought… you know, you’re into art and all that-“

“It’s… I love it, Blake. Thanks.”

He smiled before placing his hand on my lower back (which made my heart beat faster than it was before) and led me to a booth where no one was.

“I guess this place would be partially empty on a Thursday,” I started, while looking around.

“I guess I picked a right day then.”

I didn’t feel subconscious or anything, actually I felt confident. Not as confident as I am around Shane, but I did feel good.

I wore a light green, slim fitting dress that hugged all the right parts of my body. I topped it off with a pair of black heels and I left my hair out in its blonde curls.

Blake, on the other hand, wore a black tee shirt with a white tie and black slacks to match. His hair was messy, but I loved every centimeter of it. How did I end up sitting across from one of the hottest guys in school on a date? I don’t know.

We placed our drink orders and I started to examine the menu.

“The shrimp thing looks good, don’t you think?” He asked looking up at me.

I smiled and shook my head, “I don’t like shrimp.”

He looked at me as I were crazy, “Who doesn’t like shrimp?”

I pointed to myself, “Apparently just me.”

His eyebrows remained raised as he set down his menu and said, “So then what do you like?”

I looked at the menu and pointed to something that said picrecemet.

“That looks decent.”

He carefully read the description, “So you’ll eat clams, eels, and plum sauce… but you won’t eat shrimp.”

“Anything is better than shrimp.”

He put his hands up in surrender and leaned back in his chair, “Do you mind if I ask you something, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

My stomach churned and I became nervous.

“Go ahead.”

“Your, um, sister.”

My hands began to shake so I placed them under the table, “What about her?”

“What was she like… was she anything like you?”

I felt cold inside, shriveled up and I wanted to hide, “She…” I shook my head, “No, we were complete opposites.”

His eyes lit up for a moment, “Really? That’s not exactly shocking, but…”

“She was more… outgoing and wild; uncontrollable and immature.”

“And you’re more quiet, focused, tamed and mature.”

I couldn’t help the small smiled that lit up my face, “Yes.”

“Was she artistic like you?”

I grinned at a memory, “No. Actually, she was far from it.”

“What’s up with the goofy smile?”

“Just a flash back,”

I didn’t realize he was now leaning closer over the table until my eyes locked with his, it’s like he could see right through me.

“How did she die?” He asked; his voice a little above a whisper.

“A car accident; a really bad one.”

“I’m sorry,” He said, but he didn’t move an inch. His eyes still locked with mine and he was still leaned over the table, “I didn’t mean to pry-“

“Oh, shut up.” I muttered, “You weren’t prying. You were simply curious.”

He kissed my hand! I know I may be over exaggerating this a little but he kissed me on my hand! I was so ecstatic that I looked it up online and it means that he adores me! Blake adores me!

I sighed dreamily closing my laptop. I wonder if he actually had fun or if he just said that because he didn’t want to hurt my feelings.

Okay, shush Brooke. You’re over exaggerating, really.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Seven;
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