Alone at Six

Albino Black

The ride to Cole's house was slightly more crammed. Sandra still insisted on sitting her small ass in the passengers seat, leaving Ashley, Jake, Cole, and I squished in the back. There being no room left with three grown men, Cole, not being any bigger than a fourteen-year-old, sat perched in my lap. She leaned back against me while griping my wrists, trying to brace herself against Jinxx's reckless driving and the long since paved roads.

The conversation mostly consisted of Cole giving directions and Ashley making fun of Jinxx for not being able to read the street signs. To which Jinxx reached back and backhanded him for. To my, and everyone else', surprise Ashley shut-up instead of fighting back.

We'd made it to right in front of her house, me insisting to drive up to the door instead of making her walk across the never-ending yard, when Jinxx hit the brake so hard Cole's head rammed back into my face.

"Fuck Jinxx!" I shouted as I wiped my now blood covered mouth.

Jake almost leaped over me and Cole before I could say anything else. "Is that a albino dear!?" He shouted into Cole's ear and I shoved him away.

Stunned, I looked out the window to see a snow white dear with blood-red eyes staring as us from across the street. It was as if some little kid's childhood nightmare had somehow come to exist in real life. The eyes were almost the color of the blood on my fingertips and stare more deadly than Sandra's without her glasses.

"Yeah" Cole said as Jinxx jerked up the driveway. "It lives in the woods." Her hand made a round swoop gesturing to the field of trees that overtook every backyard. "There are a lot of dear around here so people are usually careful when driving. You know, people slowing down, actually looking both ways. We get fog delays for school a lot because of it, too. And there's actually been a lot less cases of people getting hit by cars since the deer population spiked."

"Seriously!?" Jake fell out of the car over Ashley and stood with eyes wide and mouth gaping, totally ignoring the informational part of what Cole had said. "Can I ride it?"

"Jake." Sandra stuck her head out of the window. "It's a wild animal. No, you can't ride it." But Jake was already running full speed towards the white nightmare.

"Oh my fucki- come on Ashley, we have to stop him before he gets hurt again." She stepped out of the car and bent over to see Cole and I, still in our seat. "Damn Tello, you have one hard head. You might want to stand up if you want to stay white."

Cole turned around then and put a hand to cover her own lip and nose like she'd be bleeding too. "Oh, I split it....and your nose....." Her voice was soft, almost a panicked whisper as she lifted her hand as if to touch my lip. "I think I have something for it in my room if you wish...." Her last words were distorted as a finger slid into her mouth and she began to chew on it like it was candy instead of a piece of skin covered flesh.

I hesitated as I resisted my urges, after all I didn't want to get blood on her or her cloths. "Uh, yeah." I said once I found my voice. "'Cause blood, that's not good."

With a confused look on her face, she opened the car door and headed to the house, looking back to make sure I was there as she unlocked the door.

As I was cursing myself for my momentary loss of brain cells, I unfortunately saw Ashley out of the corner of my eye and turned to see him giving me a thumbs up. Cole's voice distracted me from giving him a highly pleasant jester.

"My room is upstairs." She said from inside the house.

Turning to walk inside, I almost tripped over a clear rolling ball. Looking closer I noticed a black figure inside, squeaking.

"Oh, that's Desdemona" Cole came and picked the clear ball up from the floor. "Lilli ,must have let her out before she left."

"Can I hold it-her?" I asked once I closed the door. Looking up, Cole's house shocked me a bit. It was so clean that I thought merely looking at it may leave it dirty. Blankets were spread neatly over worn dark green couches, a television sat in a dustless entertainment center with a Wii next to it, remote, and guitar set neatly to the side. A computer was off to the corner, the desk clear. And a coffee table with watermarks and scratched sat shining in the middle, remotes organized from smallest to larges and a candle on top.

"You probably shouldn't." Cole brought my attention back to her. "She bites and you're already bleeding enough."

I looked at her confused until I remembered my lip and nose. "Right, blood."

Cole smiled and headed up the stairs behind the door. "I gave 'em gallons of the stuff." She said once she got to the top.


"Nothing, nothing." She walked down the short hall to the door as the very end and swung it open, turning on the lights..

If rooms gave mental diseases, she's be a bipolar schizophrenic.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so we have a few bases to cover here, please actually read it this time. ('cause let's face it, not everyone reads this thing.)

- Once again, sorry it took so long. I wouldn't be saying that because I thought it had only been three or four days, but it turns out that today is actually the forth of July and it's been over a week. I'm sorry, I don't exactly sleep everyday of summer and the only reason I know what day it is usually is because I have something planed. But I don't have a job, don't have school, and have no time perception. Anyway, happy 4Th!
- Whoever comments, tell my your least favorite day of the week. The first two days commented with are the days I will update. I promise I'll work on this whole day problem I have going on, I'll start using my calender (which, according to that, it's still may.)
- Question: do my characters annoy you in anyway? I tried to read a completed Black Veil Brides slash (I actually don't read any of them, I read most of Trust Me, I'm In A Band but only because my sister was co-writing it. But I stopped because it seemed like there was no define plot, just a bunch of mini stories. Still good up to what I read though!), I will not say which one it was (you could probably guess if you read them) but Ashley and Andy both royally pissed me off within the first two chapters so I stopped reading. It may be a little too late to ask, but I will fix it as best I can (that's not saying that this story is ending any time soon, trust me, it's not). Thank you, MusicallyObsessed, for reminding me to ask that.
- There's a line from a song in this chapter somewhere, it's not a Black Veil Brides song but it is a well known band's song. If you can get it (first) then I'll dedicate a chapter to you. A good chapter, I'll let you pick between two or something like that.

Thank you guys for commenting even though I take forever to post, I love to know you guys haven't lost hope in me.
MusicallyObsessed (once again, thanks for reminding me)
Bubbleloveworld (I'd kill to go to India, but no worries, I barely updated anyway)
Scream For Me. (Damn, I was hoping I'd be the first, you know, all creepy and all that.)

You can stop reading here all the important things are done.

Teen Wolf, The Secret Life Of A American Teenager, and Switched At Birth are all mind-numbingly retarded shows. My sister has been watching them all day and my head may explode. I'm talking aneurysm.

Story time
I went to my uncle Johns house (who isn't actually my uncle, just a really close friends to my mom and aunt) with my sisters, brother, and mom a few days ago and we stayed for two days. On the second night my mom and six-year-old sister, Erin, went to sleep and my brother, Micky, fell asleep on the couch. Meanwhile, uncle John, Nicole, and I watched the latest Harry Potter while uncle John got drunk. He talked through the whole thing then eventually said "Luna is another word for moon, right? He fucked a bitch and she gave birth to the moon. That's one power full man." God, we woke Micky up, we were laughed so hard.
Earlier that day we burned a mattress in the back yard and made s'mores.

Oh, and I hope the description made you think dirty.