Status: As Active As A prego Chicks Bladder :)

Pen To Paper


Art is the most boring subject ever. The only interesting thing we've done this year so far is trying to copy this insanely complex rhino. Which was originally carved in wood. I did a horrible job but it was still cool.
Our teacher Miss Smith is one of those teachers that just can't comprehend how we can do so bad since it's so 'easy' to draw like Da Vinci. Yeah, easy my ass. She's just a lonely bitch who takes it out on out art.

Right now said bitch is giving us our partners for out new project. We have to sketch and shade our partner's profile. With any luck I'll get aspiring artist and one of my best friends Gerard.

"Okay Mr. Ross you'll be with Mr. Urie. Any objections? No? Good. Okay Mr. Haner you're with Mr. Way. Now that that's all of you get to work. You have two weeks to finish this." with that she sat down at her ugly green, almost puke colored desk and started doing teacher stuff.

The kid she called Mr. Urie or who I assume to be him because I've never seen this guy before, sat in the vacant seat beside me. He must be the new kid everyone is talking about. He's wearing a short-sleeved button up shirt with black skinnie jeans and suspenders. I doubt the suspenders are needed. His pants are so tight you can perfectly see the outline of his package. Not that I was looking or anything.

When I looked back to his face he was looking at me with a smirk that said 'I know you were checking me out'. He held out his hand for me to shake and I took it hesitantly.

"Hi, I'm Brendon Urie. New kid and flamingly gay." he gave a friendly smile that disappeared as soon as it was there when I didn't say anything and just stared at him. " You're not homophobic are you?" he looked a little panicked.

At his words I shook my head. "No I'm not. I don't care that you're gay. All my friends are gay." I smiled to reassure him that it doesn't matter. He seemed to let out a breath "Good because if you were this would have been a total disaster." he took out his sketch book." okay lets get started so we don't get yelled at by Miss Bitch."

"Yeah we could or we could just pretend to draw and get to know each other. Besides, these lights make everything look crappy." He giggled and put his sketchbook away.

"Okay we'll go to mine or yours and do it there. So tell me about yourself Mr. Ross.
And just like that we started telling each other our life stories. He told me that it's just him and his mom since his dad is in jail for murder and that she is completely supportive of him being gay. I told him that my parents divorced when I was three and that I live with my aunt because both my parents died when I was seven from a plane crash.

He was just about to tell me something about his old school when the bell rang and cut him off. I got up first and turned to Brendon and held out my hand for him to take. He looked at me oddly but laughed when he realized what I was doing when I waved him to the door and said ladies first. I half expected him to get offended but he thought it was funny as hell.

We stopped at his locker and I helped him open it because as he put it 'lockers hate him and never want to open for him.' He put all his stuff away and I spaced out a bit when he said something in Spanish under his breath.

"So are we going to yours or mine?" he said snapping me out of my space out.

"Oh uh…I have soccer practice right now. Maybe we can do it tomorrow?" he looked slightly disappointed at my words but shrugged it off.

"Okay fine with me. Just don't get your face beat in by the ball. I don't want to draw you with a black eye."
With that he walked off towards the student parking lot and I left for the boys locker room.

When I got there my best friend Pete was already there with his boyfriend William. They were laughing at something that probably wasn't that funny but William laughs to make Pete happy.

Pete spotted me and smiled like a creep. His smile is so effing creepy I wear. It's just way to big to be normal.

"So Ryro are you gonna fuck the new guy? I heard you guys made a date already." Pete said as we got dressed.

"Pete what the hell are you talking about? I'm as straight as an arrow where you my friend are a rainbow. Plus it's just for an art project it's not a date." I shoved him over and he fell flat on his ass with his pants around his ankles.

"Oh right I forgot. You're the only straight guy in a group of all gay guys. An arrow can be bent asshole so shut the fuck up."

"A little touchy there Pete?" another one of our friends Mikey said. He's Gerard's little brother and also gay.

"Fuck off Mikey. Don't make me kick you ass."
Yeah Pete and Mikey haven't gotten along since Gerard broke Pete's heart in 7th grade.

"You're such a c-" Mikey was cut off by the coach's whistle being blown.

"Get outside ladies!" the coach yelled at us all so we all ran out to the field and started our warm-up laps.

Practice went well and Pete and Mikey stayed far away from each other the whole time so that's good. The whole time though I noticed that someone was sitting under that old cherry blossom tree, watching us.

After we all got changed I went to go see who was under the tree but they were gone. I was about to head o my car when I noticed a tattered old journal by the largest root sticking out. I picked it up and flipped though it. Almost every page was filled except the very last one. I didn't read any of it because I'm not rude like that. I decided I'd try and return it if the person is there again tomorrow.

I headed to car and drove home. The mystery person was on my mind the whole time
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Yay first chapter!

Your turn wifey!