Status: As Active As A prego Chicks Bladder :)

Pen To Paper


The next school day I didn’t see Brendon at all most of the day. His locker is fairly close to mine so I should have at least seen him during passing periods. I didn’t really worry about it but Pete kept asking me where he was all day. There were more than a few times that I wanted to punch him the face but the look on William’s face told me he’d handle Pete later. That was enough to keep me from punching his face into a Cheerio.

When I saw Brendon slumped over in his seat in art class I gave a sigh of relief. I don’t know why I’m relived to see him but I am. Miss Bitch just told us to work on our projects so I all but skipped over to Brendon’s desk.

“What’s crackalackin Bden?” I asked in a weirdly chipper tone. I guess I’m just happy to chill with him. But he didn’t answer me. “Brendon? You okay man?” I shook his shoulder when he didn’t answer again.

I was about to freak when I heard him start to snore slightly. He even turned his head and I could see him start to drool a little on his arm. I had to control myself from out right laughing at him. He sure is a sight to see when he’s sleeping.

After about five minuets of looking at Brendon sleep I decided to draw him like this. Sure he’d hate me for it but it’s not like I’m putting it on Facebook or anything. He should thank me for not putting taking pictures and putting them online like most people would do.

Just as I finished the drawing the bell rang and Brendon shot up like a rocket.

“I wasn’t asleep!” he almost yelled. When he looked around and noticed everyone packing and leaving he slammed his head back down on the desk. “Fuck I slept through the whole class.”

“Don’t bag your head on the desk dumbass. You’ll hurt yourself.” At the sound of my voice his head snapped up and he let out a high-pitched girly screech like sound. My ears didn’t appreciate it.

“Fuck Ryan! Don’t scare me like that!” complained and even put his hand over his heart for dramatic effect. He’s such a drama queen I swear.

“Don’t be drama Brendon. Now let’s go, I don’t want to run into Pete.” I took his bag and his hand and practically dragged him to my car in the senior parking lot. There were still a lot of people around but I saw Pete’s car all the way across the lot so I’m safe.

I realized I was still holding Brendon’s hand and quickly dropped it and got in the car. I threw min and Brendon’s bags in the back and took off towards my house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay another chapter!

It's a total filler but whatever. Deal with it.

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my inspireation for this chapter came from this picture.
So you can thank a sexy shirtless Andy Sixx for this chapter.

Also you should listen to this song. It's what got me through the boring typing of this chapter.