Status: As Active As A prego Chicks Bladder :)

Pen To Paper


In the past two weeks after our art project, Brendon and I have become inseparable. We have almost every class together since it’s second semester now and Brendon demanded the he have every class possible with is ‘Ryro’ as he calls me. The poor office lady had no choice or he would face the wrath of a very pissed Brendon. A very pissed Brendon is not something you want.

Pete still asks me when I’m going to get into Brendon’s pants an every time I tell him the same thing: Brendon and I are just friends and I’m still very much straight.

He never believes me.

Currently Brendon, Spencer and I are at the mall trying to cause as much chaos as we possibly can before we get kicked out.

Brendon and Spencer are currently sliding down all the escalators trying to get away from the out of shape security guards chasing them. Once they reached the bottom, they both plowed into me and I barely was able to catch them without falling on my ass.

When we were all steady, we took off running, almost hitting people and various other things around the mall. We had run straight for Hot Topic and hid in the only dressing room there. It was a tight squeeze.

Brendon’s leg was in-between mine, my arm was being crushed my Spencer’s back and Brendon and Spencer were chest to chest. We tried to calm our breathe and not to make a sound at all as we heard the security guards voices right outside the door.

A soon as we thought we were safe we all let out a heavy breath and tried to untangle ourselves from each other. There were lots of “That’s my foot!“ and “Get off me!“ before we were right again.

“Well that was a close one.” Spencer said with a playful smile. I swear this guy could be dying and he’d still be as calm as ever.

“Yeah it was, but those dumbass security guards are no match for us. They should just go back to eating glazed doughnuts and watching cameras.” Brendon gave Spencer a high-five as they laughed. I however did not join in, I had a sinking feeling that we weren’t out of the woods yet.

We all moved to get out of the dressing room; Brendon went first because he was right against the door to start with. When Brendon squeaked Spencer and I gave each other a WTF? Look and stepped outside.

What we saw made my stomach fall out my ass.

The head cheerleader and little miss popular A.K.A my girlfriend whom I’ve been neglecting was standing with her arms cross, glaring at Brendon. Her gaze never faltered even when she saw me.

“What are you doing with my boyfriend in the dressing room?” she snapped at Brendon.

Brendon looked back at me with a clearly confused expression. “Uh…we were all hiding from the security guards chasing us…and Spencer was in there too. Not just me and him.” Brendon answered still confused as to why she was glaring at him.

Sarah just pursed her lips “You better stay away from my boyfriend fag. I don’t need you trying to steel him from Me.” she said with a smirk that said she though she’d won.

“I’m not trying to steal him from you. I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend. He never talks about you. Ever.” Brendon had his own smirk now. I can see where this is going. They are both going to try to get each other wound up and then one of them (most likely Brendon) is going to do something stupid.

Sarah’s nostrils flared and she huffed. “Well I am. So back the fuck off. Stop trying to turn him gay. He’s as straight as a pasta noodle.” What the hell? I’ve never heard that expression in my life. That doesn’t even make sense.

“Come on Sarah, stop this. Brendon hasn’t done anything and isn’t trying to turn me gay.” I tried to stop this stupid fight before it turned into something bit but it clearly didn’t work with what Brendon did next.

Brendon smirked a smirk I know well. This is the smirk he does when he’s going to do something he knows he really shouldn’t. I hope he doesn’t punch her or something.” Its funny you say that Sarah” he got closer to me “because you know all you have to do is” and then he kissed me.

I don’t know why I did what I did but I can tell you I enjoyed it a hell of a lot. I had kissed Brendon back. Me the straight as an arrow Ryan kissed Brendon back, and enjoyed it. I guess arrows can be bent a little.

I didn’t even care when he wrapped his arms around my neck, I just placed mine on his hips. I didn’t care when he ran his tongue over my bottom lip, I gave him entrance. I didn’t notice Sarah yelling at us to stop and for the ‘fag’ to get away from her boyfriend. All that mattered to me was the feeling of Brendon’s lips against mine.

When we finally pulled apart for air after what felt like forever but was only a few minuets, Sarah was as red as a tomato and Spencer looked shocked as hell. Ha finally something that breaks his calm nature.

“Heat ‘em up a little” Brendon finished what he was saying before he kissed me and turned to Sarah with a smug look on his face. I blushed at his words and wanted nothing more at that moment than to disappear or to hide behind Spencer.

Sarah just huffed before storming out of the store and to her waiting friend outside. Oh dear god they are never going to leave me alone after this.

“Brendon Turned back to Spencer and I once again. “Sorry about that Ryro, she was just annoying me way to much.” he flashed me an apologetic smile.

I faked a smile back “It’s okay I understand. She was annoying me too. Now lets go before they kick us out for freaking everyone out.” they both agreed and we made our way out of the mall and to my car.

Just as I was about to climb into the drivers seat I spotted Sarah across the parking lot. She was lip locked with some massive jock. I just shook my head and got in the car. I knew she was a whore.

I dropped Brendon and Spencer off at their houses and drove home. As expected, all that greeted me was a note from my mom and dad saying they would be home late and not to wait up for them. They always stayed out late. I grabbed a soda from the fridge and went to my room.

It was past midnight and I was playing Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous by Good Charlotte when my phone stated to play Highway to Hell.

A ringtone I haven’t heard in two years.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! new chapter!

Since Reanna and I both started school updats are going to be slower sorry :(
On a happy note though I have discovered the amazingness that is The Academy Is...
If you haven't heard of them look them up. You'll thank me.

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Your turn Reanna ^-^

XO Synful