I'm Starting To Get An Attraction

I wrote this story a few years ago,and I'm hoping to update it and work it into something good! It did really really well on Quizilla and I think I'd like to tune it up and have to rock mibba!

My names Veronica. And thank christ that I just turned 18. I can do whatever the hell I want whenever I freakin want to! I mean, I was practically already an adult. My mother wasn't really around as I grew up, so I live in a house that my dad bought me.

My life had never been normal, really with a brother like Matt - oh I'm sorry M.Shadows (he seems to think that it's much cooler to be called that then anything else now). He's the lead singer in a band that I grew up listening to my whole life. Every time anyone looks at the two of us, you can tell that we are siblings. Only he's tall and muscular and I'm thin, frail and probably would snap in half if he hugged me the wrong way. My hair was black, long and curly with the same hazel eyes as his.