She Whispers " I Love You "

She Whispers " I Love You"

There was a girl.
Her name was Daniella.
She loved an angel,but she knew he was a forbidden angel
She stood at the top of the 30 storey building.
There was now a large crowd gathering at the foot of the building.
She could hear muffled screams over the chaos inferno running through her brain.
Police sirens like screams in her mind.
She just stood there calmly breathing ...waiting for the right moment with silent tears crashing down around her,her long,waist length, ebony hair rippling around her like a barrier,her arms flowing around her, getting a last touch of the strong wind.
" A few more seconds and all this hurt will stop"

"I'll be by your side sugar".She whispered ,knowing he could somehow hear her.
Her toes were now over the edge.
After her final tear shed, she plunged her now helpless frame into the open air & was cascading into a black scream , a scream the made the onlookers cringe in shock until they heard a loud thump as her body hit the floor in all the wrong angles ,and a loud gasp in unsion from most people and screams and cries from others.
She felt a feeling like trying to swim in custard, an unwishable feeling.

Slowly ...suffocating.

Slowly ...dying.

A Miraculous peaceful feeling was then processed through her body ,a layer being pulled from inside her ,floating away...her soul.
and then feeling nothing and seeing just white... pure white

Suicide Is Sweet </3
♠ ♠ ♠
1st and only chapter please give me some feedback ...good/bad ?
need of improvement ?
Thankies :)