Status: Finished!

My Arranged Marriage to Sidney Crosby

Chapter Ten: The Bet

Disclaimer: I only own my own characters. Sid, Jordan and the Pittsburgh Penguins belong to Mario Lemieux.

Chapter Ten

I was standing in Sidney’s doorway already dressed in my pajamas. I had decided to wear a pair of shorts with sweatpants over them and just a plain black shirt.

Sidney had started to climb in bed while I still stood in my spot. I really didn’t want to do this. I really hadn’t thought he would be right. I was sure I’d be right. Sidney saw that I was still just standing at the entrance of his room and he studied me for a second before saying anything.

“Well, you did lose a bet and there’s no way you’re getting out of this one.” He said.

“Are your sheets clean?” I asked.


“Are your sheets clean?” I asked him again.

“Yes. Why?” he asked me, giving me a weird look.

“When was the last time you changed them?” I asked. I did not want to get in Sidney’s bed with dirty sheets. I shuddered at the thought.

“I just changed them while you were changing. I figured you would try something.” He said and pointed to a pile of blankets on the floor in front of a door.

“Oh.” Was all I said and slowly started to make my way to the side of the bed that was occupied by a certain somebody but then suddenly stopped. “Could you please put a shirt on?” I asked.

“Uh, no.” he told me.

“Why not?” I asked him. I would rather him fully clothed before I got into bed with him. I may have lost the bet, but I did not want to get in bed with him dressed like that.

“Because, I didn’t make you wear that. Besides it’s my bed and I just don’t sleep with a shirt on, it’s uncomfortable for me. And eventually I would take it off, so we’d be back to square one.” He said.

“Whatever.” I told him and started to make my way to the bed. I crawled into bed and stayed as close to the edge as I possibly could without falling off.

I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. Sidney turned off the light and darkness surrounded us. I could feel Sidney shift his position in bed and I wondered why I had ever agreed to such a deal. I mean, I should have given some thought to a ‘what if he was right’ and thought about my consequences.

“Relax,” I heard Sidney say somewhat close to me, “I won’t bite,” he paused, “Unless-”

“Ew! Stop right there.” I told him, turning my head to look at Sidney. I couldn’t see him, but I could sense that he was staring right back at me.

I heard him laugh at me and I stuck my tongue out at him, even though he couldn’t see it.

“Did you just stick your tongue out at me and expect me not to see it? Oh and you do know that you have a lot more room than you’re giving yourself, right?”

“Yes, of course I know!” I said matter-of-factly, “I like to sleep close to the edge.”

“Alright. Well goodnight.” He said, not believing me.

“Night.” I huffed.

“Oh come on, be a sport about it. I would’ve held up my end of the bargain without an attitude.” He informed me.

“Ha, yea right.”

“I would have! Besides it isn't all that bad. It's only every night for a week. Not all day for a whole week- like my end would have been.”

“Sure, whatever you want to think. And I would have preferred you not being annoying for one week. Goodnight now.” I said to him, turning on my side, so that I was facing the wall away from Sidney. I closed my eyes trying to find some sleep, but I couldn’t. I never would have thought I would find myself in Sidney’s bed, especially on the second night I had been here. I mean, I hadn’t even slept in my own room for a night- I had slept on the couch with Jordan! After what seemed an eternity to me, which was probably only seconds in reality, I opened my eyes again. I stared out in the darkness, uncomfortable. I wanted to move but then Sidney most likely would have laughed at me, knowing that I was completely uncomfortable. I sighed and wanted until I thought Sidney was asleep.

“Crosby?” I finally asked, after quite a few minutes. I heard nothing from his side of the bed. I turned on my back, slowly seeing if I heard any sound or movement from Sidney indicating that he was still awake. Nothing. I started to shift a little more, scooting away from the edge, but not too close to Sidney. Once I got somewhat comfortable I turned on my side again and closed my eyes. It took awhile for me to fall asleep, but eventually I did. But that didn’t last long. I suddenly awoke from my dream and picked up my head. I saw a clock glowing green numbers. It was only one in the morning. I groaned and suddenly felt hot. I remembered I was wearing sweatpants and for the life of me I couldn’t remember why. I pulled them off and threw them on the ground. I rolled over to the middle of the bed, putting my head back down. I felt something somewhat hard but ignored it, too tired to even care or think properly. I was just about to fall back asleep when I felt something shoving me slightly. I was still half asleep and turned my body more, not forcing whatever it was and then cuddled up to something and quickly fell back to sleep.

“Hey sleepy head. You awake?” I heard someone say to me. I groaned and snuggled up closer to the pillow I was using. I heard someone laugh. That’s when I felt an arm wrapped around me.

My eyes opened wide, trying to figure out what was going on, which I immediately regretted because of the sunshine coming through the one huge window. I blinked several times before I had adjusted to the bright light. At first I didn’t really find anything strange or abnormal. Until I realized that what I was snuggled up close with wasn’t a pillow, but a person. Might I add a person with no shirt on? I looked up and saw brown eyes looking down at me. I remembered last night and the bet that I had lost and when I had woken up in the middle of the night.

I quickly pulled myself away from the man laying next to me and was mentally slapping myself.

“Yes I’m awake, of course I’m awake. I mean who’s not awake at….” I looked at the clock, “Seven thirty in the morning!” I exclaimed, “Are you joking me? Did you wake me up this early on purpose?” I looked, well more like glared at a, clearly, amused Sidney.

“I’m always awake by this time.” He said.

“Always? Oh I don’t care. I’m going back to sleep.” I told him, my body slumping back to the warm bed. I closed my eyes, curling up in my spot. There was no point in getting up because I knew that then I wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. That and I had already made a fool out of myself.

“Well, most days.” I heard him say. I felt him move, he seemed to have moved closer to me.
And I, of course, tried to move away from him, but he already had me in his arms again.

“Oh let me go!” I told him.

“Eh, I don’t feel like it.”

“It’s already bad enough you made me sleep with you, but to force this on me, it’s just- it’s just torture!”

“Good,” I heard him laugh, “Besides, you are the one who cuddled up to me in the middle of the night, not the other way around.”

“Well someone seems to be in a good mood. And in my defense I was tired and did not know what I was doing. Now let me go.”

“Well, you still can’t deny the fact you did what you did.”

“Whatever. Don’t you have a shower or something to take, eh?” I asked, giving up fighting him to let me go.

“Nah, ya know, I think I might just lay in bed for a little bit longer.”

“You’re mean. You know that? Now I won’t be able to fall back asleep.”

“Sure.” He simply said.

After a few moments, I felt my eyelids get heavy. I tried to fight the sleep that was overcoming me, but eventually I lost and fell into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! So here's chapter ten, I hope you enjoy this one quite a bit. I'll go back later and edit. I just wanted to get this up, because I knew a lot of you wanted to know what was going to happen.