Status: Active and new.

Fighting Your War


"Are you sure there's a show tonight? " Kaira asked her brother Jake as she teased her black and blonde hair. She looked in the mirror and wiped the makeup that was smudged.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I met the neighbor, Jeff or something, and he said that there's this band playing somewhere around here and he'd drive us if we wanted to go."

Kaira turned around and grabbed a jacket, then turned around to face her brother.

"Well let's get this show in the road!"


Kaira smirked as she entered the crowded club. She could practically feel the music pumping through her veins.

"This place is the shit!" She screamed over her shoulder to her brother and Jeff. Jeff put his hand on her shoulder and brought his mouth to her ear.

"Wait 'till you get backstage! I know the bouncer!"

She smiled when he began to lead her and her brother towards the velvet rope where a tall man was standing with his arms crossed. He smirked when he saw Jeff and moved to remove the rope so the three of them could get through. He patted Jeff on the shoulder as they walked through. The group walked to the side of the stage to watch the band that was currently performing.

"They're good!" Kaira screamed to Jeff and her brother.

Her brother nodded.

"If you think they're good, then wait until the next band comes on! They're called Avenged Sevenfold and they're good enough to get signed."

Kaira laughed and the three of them huddled into a little circle and began to talk and laugh about random things. Kaira was laughing at something obscene that Jeff had said when she felt something shove her into her brother. She turned around to glare at the person and saw a girl standing there with a smirk.

"Excuse me, but you should watch where you're going."

Kaira felt her blood boil. Was this broad being serious? She was the one who bumped into her! What is with the people in this city? She clenched her fist as she approuched the girl.

"No listen here you dumb broad, who the fuck do you think you are running into me then tell me to watch where I'm going? You need to get your head out of your flat little ass before I shove it so far up there, you'll be able to eat your lungs."

She went to move towards the girl when she felt a hand on her shoulder holding her back. She turned around and glared at her brother. "Let's just go to the pits Kai, forget about her."

Kaira turned back around to the girl and moved around so that her mouth was up to the girl's ear. "See you in the pit, bitch."

She followed the two boys to the side of the stage where the bouncer was. Jeff went up to the well built man and introduced him to Jake and Kaira and said that if anything were to happen to let them backstage. The man agreed and with that the three of them headed to the pits. Kaira smiled when she saw the mass chaos that was going on in there. Jeff looked at her wearily.

"Are you sure that she can handle herself in there?" He asked Jake.

Jake laughed. "Oh yeah man. If anything, she'll be the one saving your ass."

Jeff looked surprised but followed Kaira into the pit at the end of the song. He watched as she took off her jacket and wrapped it around her waist, revealing the black and white polka dotted bikini top she was wearing. Jake laughed at the look on the boys' face. "I told you, she means business."

Kaira turned around and faced the boys. "Do you guys think this is a good spot for the next song?"

Jake and Jeff looked around and nodded. All three of them turned towards the stage and waited for the next song to start.

The lead singer looked into the crowd and smiled "All right guys, that was our last song," the crowde boo-ed and awed," BUT we'd like you to welcome out Avenged Sevenfold." and with that the crowd began to cheer.

Kaira watched as a tall lanky man came out and began to randomly pound on his drums. She saw a built man walk on stage and began to speak into the mic, testing it out by saying random things like "check. check, check 1,2." She waited and listened as guitars were being tuned and tested from off stage. Soon a short man with a mohawk walked on stage, screwing about in his bass, followed by a man wearing a fedora witha guitar strapped around his shoulders. She looked at Jeff. "So this is Avenged Sevenfold?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but there's one more guy around here somewhere. He's the rhythm guitarist. Left handed, and pretty good." She smiled and turned back towards the stage. Her smile soon fell as she saw who walked out. It was the prick from the food court! Just looking at him walk on stage angered her. She watched as took his spot on stage and began to play. She had to admit they were pretty good, hell, they were great, but just looking at him made her mad and she didn't even know why. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts and began to throw her fists into the people around her. She felt all her anger and her frustration come out as her fists connected with people's faces and torsos. She flipped her hair around and laughed at Jeff's shocked expression. Yeah, mamma could throw down in the pit. She felt someone punch the side of her head and turned towards the person and saw a girlstanding there,wildly throwing her fists into the people around her, just like Kaira was. Now normally, Kaira wouldn't care, but since she was extremely pissed off she couldn't let it go. She raised her fist and punched the girl in the jaw. The girl turned towards her and smirked. Kaira took that as her cue and began to land punches all over the girl and smirked when she felt the girl giving them in return.

"Pit Fight!!!" Some random bystander called.

The music stopped and Kaira and the girl turned towards the stage. The drummer leaned in towards his mic and laughed. "Now that's what I like to see in our pit." and with that they launched into another song. Kaira and the girl turned towards each other.

Kaira held out her hand for the girl to shake. "Hey, you have a good right hook."

The girl smirked and took her hand. "Yeah, same for you. Your uppercut almost knocked me out" They both laughed and made a silent agreement to wreak havoc on those around them.
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if it's bad, i don't care. i'm way too tired and i will revise it tomorrow. comment? rate?