Status: Active and new.

Fighting Your War


Kaira laughed as her and the girl shoved thier way out of the pit at the end of the second song.

"So, what's your name?" The girl asked while running a hand through her sweat soaked hair.

Kaira laughed. "It's Kaira. What's yours?"

"Tabitha or Tabby."

Kaira laughed. "So what's there to do around here besides um, absolutely nothing."

"Wait, so you just moved here or something?"

Kaira was about to answer when Jeff and Jake stumbled out of the pit and into her. Jeff's eyes got wide once he saw Tabby. "You're supposed to be at home! Mom is totally gonna flip when she sees that you snuck out again!" he exclaimed.

Tabby shot him a glare that could kill. "Mom isn't going to find out, now will she Jefferson? Unless you want her to find the stash of weed under you matress."

"What weed? I don't have weed under my matre- Tabitha, are you framing me?!"

A sly smile came across the girl's face that made Kaira laugh. Damn this girl was good.

"Now that we have that all under control," Tabby started," Lets get back stage before the set is over."

"This is too much fucking walking," Jake complained as they began to walk to where the bouncer was, yet again.

"So wait, are you the people that moved in next door?" Tabby ask Kai.

Kai just nodded as she shimmied while pulling up her skin-tight pants. She groaned as she did so, making Jake laugh.

"Did you pull up your underwear again Kai?"

"Fuck yes, it's like the ultimate wedgie right there." She groaned.

The group just laughed at her and Kai yelled a string of profanities at them from her place in the now standing group. "You wouldn't understand, you're not a fucking girl." Tabby laughed and held out her fist for some knuckle poundage.

"Do you know how fucking hard it is to be a girl?" She shot at the guys. "No, I didn't think so. It's tough. You're either a saint or a two cent whore. Not to mention the monthly "gift" mother nature has the audacity of giving you every month. You're tits get sore, and then you have to worry about getting too fat! Then you have to try to look pretty and guys say that make-up is a lie, yet if we dont wear it, they'd consider us ugly! They want us to be "natural" like those girls in magazines. Those bitches spend hours in a chair before the shoot getting that "natural" look. Being a girl is tough shit!" She mumbled while reaching behind her attempting to re-tie the strings to her bikini top. She heard some laughes behind her and turned and growled at whom she saw. There stood the boy from yesterday. That "Zacky" kid and his little band.

Zacky laughed. "Wow, real classy."

"Who said I was classy, douchebag. I thought I got my point across at the food court that I didn't like you." she growled.

Her fingers were fumbling with the ties and it was just irritating her more. She soon felt some rather large hands move hers out of the way, retying the strings for her. She turned around and came face-to-face with the singer of the band. She mumbled a thanks before turning around, her back to the band.

"So this is the girl from yesterday?" She heard someone cackle.

She heard someone grumble, causing her to smile. She figured it was Zack.

"It's about time someone shot you down, Baker!"

"Yeah! I like her already!"

Kai looked up towards her brother and her two new friends. "Well, I'm ready to go, how about you guys?" the group nodded in agreement with her. The four of them began to walk towards the back exit when the tall lanky drummer ran up and handed a sheet of paper to Tabby, leaning down to whisper something in her ear. Tabby laughed and began to walk away, leaving the boy standing there smirking.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but I feel like getting fucking wasted!" Kaira laughed. The group whooped and hollared in agreement and soon, the four of them were stumbling around the city, nearly pissing thier pants in mindless laughter.
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I would feel great if someone would comment. That means you! yes you! you reading the story!