Status: Active and new.

Fighting Your War


Kaira walked up to a couch that looked like it had seen better days and sat down, waiting for someone to hand her a beer. She surveyed the room and inwardly groaned. The house was an utter mess and smelt like mildew. Not to mention there were questionable stains on the couch that she was sure were bodily fluids.

"So, why'd you move to Huntington?" Zacky asked.

Kaira looked up at him and glared. "It's none of you're fucking business now, is it?"

The boy just held his hands up in front of him and shrugged. "We can make it my business," he winked.

The boy had guts, she had to give him that.

"Look, it's hard and I don't like to talk about it ohkay?" Kaira said while getting up and walking away in an attempt to find a bathroom. She walked down the dimly lit hallway, peeking into random rooms to find the porcelain throne. When she finally found it she was overcome with joy that it seemed to be cleaner than the rest of the house. She walked in and closed to door behind her then made her way to the toilet where she sat down and rested her head in her hands, fighting the urge to cry. She had been so emotional lately and lashed out at everything around her, more so now than she used to before the accident. Before. She blamed herself for everything, even though she knew she couldn't control what happened. She was a total wreck in that pretty little mind of hers.

She groaned and ran her hands through her hair, then wiped the snot from under her nose as she stood up.She washed her hands and walked out of the bathroom and back towards the livingroom.

"So Kaira is your sister and all right? Why is she so bitchy?"

Kaira slowed her pace as she recognized zacky's voice. She moved into the shadow of the doorway and watched as they began to talk about her.

"Look man, she's not a bitch. She's just going through a hard time right now, she's usually not this bad."

"So what's the deal? How come you all moved here?"

"Kaira used to babysit this little girl named Jane. I guess you can say that they used to be super close and shit, but about 5 months back my whole family had a reunion, so Kai couldn't watch Jane and I guess the babysitter wasn't watching the girl good enough or some crap and she got out and drowned in the pool. Kaira blames herself for everything, even though she wasnt there."

Kaira closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

"That's some tough shit, man."

"Yeah, just don't bring it up around her and I guess things should be ohkay.

The whole room got quiet and Kaira decided to walk in. She smiled, but on the inside, she was dying.

"Didn't you shitheads promise me some alcoholic beverages?"

The singer laughed and handed her a beer that was on the table. She quickly grabbed it and began to look for a seat and frowned she she saw all the spaces were taken. She looked at all the boys who were smirking and decided to sit on the youngest looking boy there.

"So sweet cheecks, what's your name?"

The boy inhaled a sharp breath, causing Kaira to smirk.


"Well Johnny, your lap makes a nice seat." She said while wiggling around and bouncing up and down.

"NO! No, don't do that."

Kaira turned around and smiled. "Why? Am I making you nervous?" She began to move her hips slowly into his while she took a swig of her beer.

She watched as Johnny threw his head back and groaned. The boys began to laugh as Johnny began to figdet in his seat before he stood up and ran off to the bathroom. Kaira smiled and gladly took his seat. Some guys just couldn't handle the goods.
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i am SO not proud of this, but i needed a new chapter XD