Status: Active and new.

Fighting Your War


The light shining through the window made Kaira want to kill herself. She groaned as she rolled away from the light, throwing an arm over her face in the process. Whoever invented curtains obviously didn't perfect the damn things.

" Think she's awake yet? "

" I don't know, I'm not Jesus!"

Kaira rolled over and propped herself up on her forarms.

" I didn't ask if you were I-"

"Shut the hell up Zacky! I'm trying to get some sleep, you assholes!"

She heard Brian chuckle" Does that answer your question?"

Load banging came from the kitchen and she groaned, realising she probably wouldn't be able to get anymore sleep. She pushed herself off the ground and began to trudge towards the kitchen doorway.

"You guys are such asses." she mumbled as she took a seat on a barstool.

Brian came up behind her and took the stool next to her. " So I've heard, but it's not nice to call people who made you breakfast names."

Kaira looked at him wearily. "You guys..." she trailed off while looking between Brian and Zacky, "Made breakfast?"

"Well more like attempted to. I wouldn't eat it though." Kaira turned to see Johnny sitting at the little round kitchen table by himself. He was so quiet she didn't even notice him when she stomped in.

"Hey, I didn't see you getting your midget ass up to make breakfast for all these people today!" Zacky hissed at Johnny.

Kaira laughed. "How bad could it be? Gimme some Brian," She said while turning back around towards the counter. She watched as Brian got up and grabbed a plate, putting some eggs and french toast on a plate. He tossed the plate in front of her and grabbed a fork from a drawer, tossing that next to the plate. She grabbed the fork and began to pick at the eggs. She looked up to see both Brian and Zacky staring at her. "Can I help you?"

"No we just want to see what you think of our food."

Kaira scrunched up her brow and brought the fork up to he lips, slowly taking a bite. She began to chew and as soon as she did she spit it out and began to cough.

"What the fuck is that?! I'm pretty sure eggs aren't supposed to taste sour and crunch!"

Brian began to laugh. "Zacky made those. Try my french toast, I bet you they're going to be the bestest thing you've ever tasted."

She grimaced as she began to cut off a peice with her fork. She stabbed it and slowly brought it up to her mouth.

"OHMIGOD! Why is it still soggy?! It tastes like old man ass!"

She watched as Brian and Zacky looked at each other with disappointment in thier eyes. Johnny was laughing hysterically from his spot. "So you know what old man ass tastes like?!"

"Yeah, your mom told me," She said while winking. Johnny stopped laughing and began to glare at her.

"Dude what the hell are you all laughing about?" Kaira, Johnny, Zacky and Brian all turned to look at Jake and Jeff who were stumbling through the entryway of the kitchen.

"Brian and Zacky made some delicious food, why don't you go and try some?" She said while standing up to go find Tabitha. Just as she entered the livingroom she heard the sound of people spitting and cursing. She laughed and continued to snoop through the house, opening doors left and right. When she reached the last door in the hallway she smiled, knowing Tabitha had to be in here. She threw open the door and jumped in, smiling like she knew how many licks it took to get to the center of a tootsie pop. She immediately regretted it and slowly began to turn around, her eyes wide with shock.

"That has to be the nastiest shit I have ever seen..." She mumbled while closing the door behind her.

She walked back into the kitchen and joined the boys. It seemed that Matt managed to wake up and join the group.

"Do not go looking for Tabby, or Jimmy for that matter."

All the guys started to laugh besides Jeff. "I've walked in on Tabby before too. It's some straight up nasty shit. I feel for ya'. "

She slammed her head against the counter, hoping all the images would fly out of her mind if she continued.

"Good morniiiing! Hello world! Hello beautiful people... and Jeff!" Tabby sang as she pranced into the kitchen with Jimmy hot on her trail.

Kaira looked up and then began to slam her heard harder. "You two are some sick, sick people!"

Tabby laughed. "No. That, my friend, was the wonderful art of love making."

"I just want to gauge my eyes out!"

"Whatever." Tabby sang as she came around to wrap Kaira in a hug.

Kaira's face scrunched up in disgust and she tried to pry Tabby away.

"Get the fuck off! You smell like sex and sweat!"

Tabby laughed and just held on tighter. "NO! You can not deny my love!"

Kaira began to cry "Get off! You smell horrible! Come on! Someone help me!"

"Only if you come and hang out with me tonight!"

"YES! YES! Just please get off!"

Tabby smiled and released Kaira. "That's what she said."

Kaira groaned and began to bang her head against the countertop again. "Someone please kill me, I'm surrounded by idiots."
♠ ♠ ♠
For my good, amazing friend Hunter.