Status: Oneshot contest entry

Carrying A Beautiful Future


It was always a heart wrenching decision but sometimes after so many fights, it had to be done.
“Seriously? You’re seriously leaving?” I turned to look at my now tall, dark haired ex-boyfriend. The usual smile that was present on his face had now given way to an angry straight line that wasn’t exactly a frown but yet again, wasn’t exactly a smile either. The coldness seemed to set into his usual beautiful, warm eyes. Kind of glad for that because I probably wouldn’t have gotten the will to leave him if Tuukka Rask didn’t look as upset as he did.
“Yeah, I am leaving. Sick of the fighting, just…just sick of everything. Hell, I’m even sick of Boston!” I yelled, grabbing my bag and heading for the door. Tuukka grabbed my arm and made me look at him.
“You don’t have to.” He said. “Seriously, blame the game as you will for me exploding ok?” I rolled my eyes.
“That’s your excuse every time, I don’t need to keep hearing it.” I said, trying not to look into his eyes that were now beginning to go from anger to sorrow, I was in nothing but a rut here in Boston, despite having met Tuukka Rask a year ago in a bar in Boston with some friends one evening and ended up dating him, cheering him on from the stands at every home game in his jersey. But after a year it felt like our spark was dying, seemed like anything he did pissed me off and in turn would piss him off, leading to a fight, both of us angrily sleeping in a different room and going off on our separate duties the next morning acting like we didn’t exist. It wasn’t healthy. At the entrance of the apartment, I grabbed the door knob sighing. I turned around and looked at him one last time. “It’s just done ok? I’m sorry Tuukka Rask, but it’s all over.”
“So it is, I love you though Evelyn, you don’t need to do this.”
“I do…for my own sanity and for my own future.” Sighing in frustration he turned and headed towards our-his-bedroom.
“If you say so…goodbye then. Doubt there will be a reason for me to ever see you again.”
“Guess not. Goodbye.” With that, I walked out of the place and went to leave Boston for as long as I could.

At first glance he was nothing to look at, really. But the more I stared the more I became enthralled with the tall, wavy haired man standing at the bar greeting die-hard hockey fans surrounding him. He was with…well, you could say more attractive…teammates but for some reason only he stood out for me.
“I dibs Marchand.” My friend, Renee, said next to me.
“Fine, guess that just leaves me with Lucic, oh what a shaaaaame.” Came the voice of my other good friend Haley. The two girls giggled then nudged my side.
“Alright Evelyn, we’ve all chosen a different hockey man to try and impress, what’s you choice?” I pulled my sight away from the sight of the Bruins goalie, Rask, and rolled my eyes at my college friends.
“You guys sound like such puck bunnies.” Haley shook her head.
“No! Don’t say that! We’re fangirls. We actually enjoy the god damn sport of hockey!”
“Yeah, the men are an added bonus. Just saying.” Renee said. I laughed.
“Keep telling yourselves that.” I took a drink from my cocktail and reverted my attention back to Rask, who was now laughing and it nearly took my breath away. His smile and the sparkle in his eye emphasized the growing attraction within me. Renee slung her arms around my shoulders and smirked at me knowingly.
“I see you staring at Tuukka Rask like you’ve never seen a guy before.”
“Buuuulllshit.” I said, not taking my eyes away. Haley pushed me.
“And I say bullshit back. Whether you want to admit it or not, you’re enthralled with the Bruins back up goalie!” I quickly defended myself hotly.
“No I’m not!” I said.
“Look! Face is heating up!”
“She’s getting all defensive!” My two friends reverted into giggles and indeed; my face was becoming a tad bit red.
“You guys suck.” I said, attempting to look away from the players when the two grabbed hold of me.
“You’re coming with us then!” Before I knew it, I was soon in the midst of blabbering Bruins fans and chilling off on the side just so as to catch attention of the players. One by one, my friends dropped the arms off of me and struck up conversation with the choice of player and I stood awkwardly at the bar, trying to figure out which of the stronger alcohols in the back was the best choice right now when I felt the presence of someone else next to me, leaning on the bar with me.
“You know, I can’t tell if you’re asking to be left alone or if your just asking for someone to come up and talk to you.” I turned slowly to see myself looking into beautiful light-green eyes. Quickly recovering, I smiled.
“You know, I don’t even know myself.” Rask gave a laugh at that.
“How about we chose the latter and grab a couple of drinks? For some reason I have the feeling I need to get to know you better.” He flashed me a knee-weakening smile and I timidly threw one back.
“Why not?”

They always say you just know when you meet someone you might just live with for the rest of your life. I had that feeling that night, the moment I met Tuukka Rask and got to know him better. I really thought I was in love with that man, and in turn it felt like he was in love with me. And right now as I sat on my friend Haley’s couch in her apartment in Washington D.C., I began to get the feeling of regret for walking out. I had just finished watching the Bruins vs. Capitals game on TV and they just interviewed my ex-boyfriend. Seeing him on screen sent a wave of emotions through me that made me start getting choked up and I could see in his features and body language he seemed to be upset about lacking another half.
Consciously, I then let my hands drift to my stomach. Tears began to pour out of my eyes as I tried to come to terms with the fact that growing inside of me was not only my child…but his. This explained everything, explained my short temper, my frustration, my fatigue, everything. I was pregnant. Fear enveloped me at the thought. Shit, I totally walked out on him saying I never wanted to see him again but now that I was pregnant, it changed everything. I wanted to run back to him but after what I did, I don’t think he would take me back, especially now that I was pregnant. Shit, he’d probably be even more scared off.
“Fuck it, looks like I’m raising this baby alone…” I whispered, letting more tears leaked out. You only feel that because you are afraid of the confrontation…


“Evelyn Laura Duran! What of Earth have you done!?” I cringed at the screech of my mother after I walked into the house and shed my coat, exposing my large baby bump. Biting my lip, I cracked my eyes opened to see my father sitting at the table and shaking his head sadly. “You’re…you’re…oh honey, what…oh god, I don’t even know what to say.” Mom collapsed into her chair at the sight, shaking her head like my dad.
“Well…nice to know that we’re now grandparents.” My dad said. “Who’s the father? I have someone who needs to say hello to a friend.” Dad’s eyes drifted to his gun closet and I let out a chuckle at that.
“Is it your ex-boyfriend? The goalie for the Bruins? Tuu- however you say his name?” My mom asked, fanning herself. Sighing, I sat down at the table.
“Yeah…didn’t know about it till after I broke up with him four months ago.”
“Does he know?” My dad asked. I shook my head no.
“No…he doesn’t. The only people who know are Haley, Renee, and now you guys.”
“Are you more afraid of telling him then you are of telling us?” Mom asked in disbelief. “Sometimes I wonder about you girl…” I sighed, giving my mom a small smile.
“Well…family usually doesn’t run away from member in need, right?” My mom put her hand on mine.
“No…they don’t.”
“We’re disappointed that’s for sure!” Dad said heatedly, but then softened. “But we’re here if you need us.” He got up and embraced me. “Now as for your ex-boyfriend and father of my future grandchild…” My dad pulled me away and looked into my eyes. “Let me tell you a little word of wisdom from someone of the same gender, ok?”
“Okay Dad, what is it? Seriously maim all those who violate your daughter?”
“Yes. BUT ONLY if the man completely abandons your daughter.” Dad said, emphasizing with his pointer finger. “Because someone who walks away from their own child can hardly be called a man. Remember that. If he wants to not feel shitty-”
“RICHARD!” Mom yelled.
“What? A little swear doesn’t hurt!” My dad said back. “I’m emphasizing a point woman.” I gave a huge chuckle at my parents married couple squabbles.
“Whatever…” Mom said, allowing dad to continue.
“Look, if that goddamn goalie has any morals…and if he values his life…he’s going to come back to you and help you raise his kid with you.”


Standing in front of Rask’s apartment, I felt all the courage I had in me flee. Either that or it was my baby doing some sort of back flip in my stomach. Or another craving. Mustering all the strength in me, I knocked on his door and waited for what felt like ages. Finally…the door opened to reveal Tuukka, hair curly hair sticking out from underneath his Bruins baseball hat looking as amazing as he did the first day I met him. The minute his eyes registered the sight of me, he blinked in complete surprise.
“Evelyn?” He asked. “What are you doing here?” Sighing, I covered my stomach with my jacket a bit more.
“I have something big to tell you.” I said. “I know we agreed that there couldn’t possibly be a way for me to see you again but…not a week later I found out there was. And four months later I found the courage to finally tell you.” Blinking, Rask opened the door more.
“Come in then.” I walked into the familiar apartment and when the door closed I spoke again.
“I want to say first though is I’m sorry for all the times I yelled at you, was so short of temper, and was just so angry at everything. Especially you.” Tuukka let me speak, listening to everything I was saying. “But there was a reason to all of it, something I didn’t catch on to till a week after I angrily stormed out of here. Something I regret doing so badly right now.”
“What is it?” Tuukka asked softly, moving towards me. I slowly shed my jacket and let his eyes register on my stomach.
Kultaseni…” He whispered, my heart nearly lurching at the sound of him whispering sweetheart in his native language to me. Something he always did to calm me down or when he felt that I needed nothing but adoration from him. “Why didn’t you tell me right away?” I felt my eyes pool up.
“Because I was afraid!” I cracked. “I ran out of here angrily, I didn’t think you wanted to see me again after what I did.”
“But you’re pregnant. Obviously with my kid too!” Tuukka came over and grabbed my shoulders. “You could have come right back again the minute you found out, shit I feel like I have a right to know if I have a baby.” Feeling guilty, I sunk into the armchair, tears falling down my cheeks.
“I’m sorry…I was just…I just didn’t know what to do.” Tuukka swiftly came over and knelt before me, brushing the tears off my face before placing a hand lightly on my stomach.
“It’s ok, we can put it all behind us now because you’re carrying a beautiful future that we can share together.” I choked at his words, never feeling so loved in my life. The feeling I had when I first met him came tumbling back into my heart, fresh tears came back onto my cheeks but these ones were ones of happiness.


When Evelyn left him, Tuukk Rask was lost, mad, and upset over her. He felt he couldn’t forgive her ever for what she did but seeing her that day pregnant and apologizing and then seeing her five months later in the hospital bed holding their newborn son in her hands with a smile so bright and genuine, he forgot about that. He totally could because he never seen anything so beautiful in his life and never thought he could love two people as much as he did Evelyn and their son Elijah. Especially when little Elijah was enthralled with hockey now and despite being only three, was so set on becoming a goalie like his Dad. One day after practice, Tuukka was surprised at the small sound that echoed through the room.
“DADDY!” Beaming brightly at the sight of his toddler waddling towards him and quickly took off his goalie gloves and scooped up his son.
“Hey, how did you get here?” He asked as Elijah wrapped his arms around his neck.
“Mommy brought me here!! I don’t know where she is now but she allowed me to come and say hi to you! HI DADDY!” Tuukka laughed at the adorableness and looked at his son’s face, eyes matching his own.
“Hello to you too Eli.” Putting his son on his shoulders, Elijah quickly wrapped his hands around Tuukka’s eyes. “Hey, now I can’t see!” Elijah giggled.
“I love you Daaaad.” Peeling the little hands off his eyes, Rask smiled brightly at Elijah’s words and at the sight of Evelyn before him, looking more beautiful then he remembered. If it wasn’t for the three-year-old bundle of energy, he wouldn’t have her in front of him now.
Elijah really was the beautiful future he predicted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here it is, first contest entry ever! Hope I do good! Totally last minute plan to do, and probably a bit stupid with finals happening right now but MillerxKane88 told me there was a spot open for Rask and I pounced on it :D
I have a problem
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed!