Status: completed :)

I'd Hate to See You Cry

Katie The Hooker.

A year. That's how long it's been. In the course of one year, I hadn't seen Katie. I missed her like crazy. All I wanted was to see her, hug her, and never let go again once she was back in my arms. I can't believe that I was stupid enough to let her go in the first place. At the time, I had told her we would be better off broken up. How fucking stupid could I get?! I don't know what compelled me to let go the person that I loved the most.

“Alex, what time do you want to leave?” Rian asked me. We were currently in a London hotel.

“We need to leave in ten minutes or so?” I suggested. I was very eager to see her. Even if we weren't together anymore, the girl had the ability to make me a nervous wreck.

“Excited Alex?” Cayla asked me.

I laughed nervously, and then Lisa came out of the bathroom. I had all but forgotten she was here too. A few months back, I accepted that Katie and I were officially over for a long time. I went back to Lisa. Again, what the fuck was wrong with me. Don't get me wrong, I do love Lisa, but it was hard not to wish that she was MY Katelyn.

“Actually, yes.” I replied. Lisa joined my side.

“I can't wait to see her.” Lisa stated. “I don't remember when the last time I talked to her.”

Yes she did. The last time Lisa talked to Katelyn, I was Katie's boyfriend. I had a feeling that she just wanted to rub 'us' into her face. I really didn't like that idea.

“What do you think she's gonna say?” Zack asked as he wrapped his arm around his fiance, Cayla.

“I honestly have no idea.” I replied as I felt my nerves go a little crazy. “We just need to go.”

“Let me go get Cass.” Rian said before he left the room, and went to Hey Monday's hotel room.

“I miss him and Kara.” Lisa pouted. No one said anything. Lisa rolled her eyes, and looked at me. She saw Katie's purity ring still hanging around my neck. I knew her distaste for it. Regardless, I haven't taken it off, and I most likely never will. “You're STILL wearing that ring that she gave you?” It was a statement rather than a question.

Awkward silence.

“Let's just go now.” Jenna encouraged.

I lead everyone out of our hotel room. We made our way toward the theater, and got to our seats. The seats were very close to the stage. I had no idea what this fucking play was about, I just knew that she was in it. Some couple behind me were talking about the lead characters, and how amazing the actors were. I was now more excited to see her act on stage. The lights went off.

I knew that it was her the second I saw her come onstage. She dyed her hair a darker red color. I was shocked by how well she was acting our her character in the play. Katelyn happened to be laying a hooker. She looked incredible even with all of the stage make-up and slutty outfit. I loved it. She had me convinced that she was a real hooker. Then I knew better.

“I know you, Ann Marie.” The male lead pleaded.

“You know nothing!” She stated in her defensive voice. She was good. “and my name isn't Ann Marie, it's Lucky.” She barked.

“This isn't you. You aren't like this.” He pleaded.

She scoffed.

“Jon, I'm as shallow as a kitty pool, and as easy as the ABC's.”

Even if she was just acting, I was shocked.

“Ann Marie, this isn't you.” He repeated himself.

“Who do you want me to be?” She gave him a sexy smirk.

Yeah, that use to be my smirk.

“I'll be whoever you want.”

“I want you to be Ann Marie.” He pulled away from her, and started to sing a song about 'remember whens' and 'like we used to' type of a song. When his song was over, she beckoned him to com to her. Music started to play. She pushed him back into a chair as other half naked girls joined her onstage. I had never heard her sing before, so I was very interested in what she was going to sound like. When she started, I felt my mouth drop open. Who knew...

Her voice was low and sexual. I was getting that feeling that only she had ever given me. She sang lines like 'Don't tell me to take it easy. We're going full speed ahead', 'This city made me, you can't break me. I dare you to try, but you would be better off dead', and 'Don't think about it. Keep your eyes on me. This is the last chance, don't try to fight. Follow me, we'll surrender to the night.'. I think I almost lost it in that song alone.

“Do you think she could be more of a whore?” Lisa snapped from beside of me.

“Shut up, Lisa. She's acting.” I snarled, causing Jack to look at me.

“She's just a little too good at it.” Lisa complained.

The play just went into intermission. I felt my leg bouncing up, and down nervously. I didn't know what I was going to say to her after the show. I couldn't just get up, and say 'Hey, Katie you were amazing. You played a great hooker.'

Yeah, like that would go well....
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Katie's "Hooker" outfit