Status: ACTIVE! :)

Another Piece of My Heart

Secret For Secret

“Dear, Aria.” Jack began. He never called me that when we were seventeen. “I'm sorry that you are waking up alone, but I couldn't bare to stay. I know how bad you wanted your first time to be with someone you love, and it kills me that I took it away. But trust me when I say that it meant the world to me. I love you, Aria. There, I finally said it. Sure, it's on a piece of paper, but there it is. I'm in love with you, and have been since I was little”

I felt myself tearing up as he read on.

“I want to know how you feel, please meet me at the park across the street from Alex's house. I wanna talk there, if you don't love me, then stay at Alex's house. I'll come to you so that we can talk. I love you. Love,” Jack replied and paused. “Jack Attack.”

I closed my eyes, and laid my head against the wall.

“Why am I such an idiot?!”

“You aren't an idiot.” Jack protested.

“Jack, I didn't even look at the note. I just saw it, saw my name in your writing on it, and I stuffed it in my pants pockets.”


“So that's why you didn't come after me?” I questioned as he handed me the note. I checked for signs of it being a new note.

The note was the same one that was left beside of me.

“All of these years are wasted because I didn't go to meet you at the park to say I love you back, because I didn't wanna see that you felt guilty.”

“I did feel guilty, but I thought that you didn't love me. I didn't know that you did, Aria.”

“At least you do now, right?” I asked.

“Exactly.” Jack kissed me.

I woke up in Jack's arms. I sighed with relief. Yesterday wasn't a dream.

Thank God.

I slid out of his arms, and I grabbed my clothes for the day. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, and my Forever The Sickest Kids shirt. I walked to my bathroom, and I started my shower. When I was done, I got dressed. I put on a little bit of eyeliner and eyeshadow before I walked out of the bathroom. I walked into my room, and Jack was snoring loudly on the bed. I giggled, and I walked over to the bed. I lightly shook him.

“Jacky, wake up,” I called.

“No.” Jack replied, and pulled my comforter over his head.

I giggled some more.

“Jack, baby, you have to wake up.”

“Why?” He groaned as rolled over to look at me.

“Because we've gotta go get some breakfast and...”

“And get back to Alex's house.” Jack finished for me. “Fuck my life.”

“Why?” I giggled.

“Because I wanted to spend my day with you.” He pouted.

“I'm off today.” I smiled as I walked closer to the bed. I stood in front of Jack. He was now sitting up on my bed with his feet on the ground.

“Really?” Jack grabbed my hips, and I was leaning against his legs.

“Yeah.” I smiled back at him. Jack laid back on the bed, bringing me with him. I laid there staring into his eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jack lifted his head, and placed his lips to mine. I expected a small kiss, but it turned into a full on make out session. We had switched so now Jack was laying carefully on top of me, and had his hand running up and down my thigh slowly. I felt my butterflies again. He had a way of giving me those.

“If you two are going to have sex, at least close the door.” Zack lightly joked. Jack separated his lips from mine, and rolled off of me onto my bed. I slowly sat up, and I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and I hugged tightly.

“Morning Zack!” I sounded so excited, and to tell you the truth, I was.

Zack chuckled, but hugged me back. I pulled away, and motioned for them to follow me. We walked into the kitchen, and Noah was making some food for us.

“So, what is on the menu for this morning?” I asked with a small smile.


“Yay!” I clapped. “I love my pancakes!”

Noah giggled as she sat down the plate. I took my seat, and Jack slid easily into the one next to me. Zack sat down in the chair across from Jack, and Noah sat across from me. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I decided to speak up.

“When you guys have to be over at Alexander's?” I asked.

Zack rolled his eyes.

“I dunno.” Jack shrugged. “Do you know, Zachary?”

“No, I don't Jackary.”

I raised my eyebrows at him.


“Yes.” Zack nodded as he took a massive bite of his pancake. “It's like the Zachary version for Jack.”

“Duhhhhhh!” Jack commented from beside of me. I looked between them both before laughing.

I studied Zack and Noah for a moment.

“So, um, Zack?”

“Yeah?” He replied with a mouth full of food causing a little of fall out of his mouth.

“Ew.” I muttered. “Anyway, I noticed that you weren't on the couch last night. Where exactly did you sleep?”

Noah's blush said it all, but I didn't call her out.

Man, I should have called her out.

“The couch. I had to go to the bathroom,” He lied.

“LIES!” Jack yelled from beside me.

I looked at him, waiting.

“YOU SLEPT WITH NOAH!” He shouted.

“Gees, Jack!” I stated. “That would be my ear.”

“I didn't sleep with Noah, Jack!” He defended.

“Whatever you say.” Jack crossed his arms.

“I didn't, Jack!”

“Then why weren't you on the couch last night?!”

“I went to the bathroom.”

I shook my head, and stood up from the table while they argued. I grabbed their plates, and then walked to the kitchen. Noah swiftly followed me with both her and Zack's plates. I started to clean the plates, and I looked up at her.

“Now, what really happened?”

“Secret for secret?”

I nodded, and encouraged her to continue.

“Well, I did, but not really.”

“Huh?” I wasn't following.

“We didn't have sex...but he did sleep beside of me.”

“Ooh! That makes sense.”

“I just met him. I'm not going to spread my legs the second night I see him.”

“I didn't think that you would...” I trailed off as we finished the dishes.

“So, what is your secret?”

I hesitated for a second.

“I- I hooked up with-.”
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Newwww update :)