Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 14.

Xander Pov

“I really like it, nice people and all” she replied as she looked up at me, her bluish greenish eyes glimmered in the light. She had such pretty eyes. “How come you hardly hang out with people?” she added, then realized what question she asked and apologized.

I honestly couldn’t answer her question even if I wanted to. She wouldn’t understand. Nobody understands but Clyde and I.

She seemed embarrassed by that and covered her face with her hair. I found this sort of amusing.

“I’m an idiot, just so you know” she said. I couldn’t help but smile. I didn’t see as an idiot at all, but I won’t tell her that.

So instead I said “No you’re not, I guess I just don’t relate to the same things as them.”

“Do you relate to the same things as me?” she asked. I thought about it sometimes.

“No, not at all” I mumbled.

“Then why are you hanging with me now?” she asked. As I was about to answer, Clyde, right on cue came waltzing by with ice cream, a lot of ice cream.

“I bought you all like five ice creams!!” he beamed as he set the frozen food on the picnic table. I let out a sigh as I walked over and glared at him.

“Wow, great job Clyde.” I said sarcastically.

“What? I just want please our new friend here” he said looking over to Trinity with a smile. “So Trinity, let’s talk.” He said, sitting on the table and eating an ice cream bar. Ugh I don’t know how he could eat those things. “You like any boys so far?” was the first question out of his mouth.

I shook my head and glanced off to the side, watching a group of little kids running about.

“Well…one...though I’m not really sure if I like him, but I can’t stop thinking about him.” She replied. Clyde let out another fucking girly squeal.

“Ooh do tell! Is he tall? Short? Oh is he one of those jocks? Ugh I can’t stop thinking about them, hmm I wonder if-“

“Clyde can you stop bugging her.” I snapped. He gave me a blank stare, then smiled. I didn’t want to know what guy she liked because…well I’d probably get jealous if it was some other. Then again I made it clear to myself to keep my distance. Damn these stupid emotions! I’ve lived for two hundred years and still cane control them.

“Fine let’s talk about…hmmm oh! Where did you used to live before Fallen Heights?” he asked out of random curiosity.

I glanced off to the side once more, my eyes focusing on a little boy with shaggy black hair. He reminded me of myself when I was young. I watched as he ran about then tripped over his own shoe lace, thus landing hard on the concrete.

The instant he got up, blood flowed out from a deep flesh wound. The crimson color coated the boy’s jeans as well as his hand. The smell was sweet, candy like and pure. The blood of children were the best ones around, or so I heard. My body bolted upright, my eyes pulsed with hunger.

The mother of the boy ran up to him, comforting him with kisses. I wanted to comfort him with my teeth. I felt myself take one step then another, the blood was seducing me. I instantly forgot why I was even in the park in the first place.

One step than another, I was just ten feet away when a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

“XANDER!” Clyde shouted in my face. I snapped back to reality and looked around, realizing I had actually wandered over to where the boy and his mother were. I was lost for words, even more I was embarrassed.

Clyde gave me that cheesy grin again, which meant he was going to bother me with this all night. I then looked over his shoulder and saw Trinity behind him, she looked concerned. Great she probably thinks I’m some pedophile who like little boys. Damnit Xander!!

“I…I need to go home, WE need to go home, NOW” I said, grabbing Clyde’s arm. As I passed Trinity, I couldn’t help but sense that she was worried, and confused. I don’t blame her. I knew this was a bad idea. I should have just stood home and slept but Nooooo! Clyde wanted to have fun.

“But Xander!”

“No!” I said, pulling him along.

“We’ll see you tomorrow at school Trinity!” Clyde called out as we rounded a corner and hurried off all the way home.