Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 15

~Trinity's P.O.V~

Truth be told, I was worried about Xander. What did he do? Is he some sort of pedo, who obsesses over kids? That didn't matter. What mattered was I was just ditched at a park. Alone.

I run my fingers through my hair and get up. As I walked back, I wondered if Clyde actually wanted to do the list. Why was Xander acting like this?

Then it hit me.

What if they just thought I was just as weird? My stomach churned as I thought this. It was a light sprinkle by the time I got home. It was enough to wet my hair. The cold wind was hitting my face by the time that I had glared at Xander and Clyde's house.


The next day, I had Annie pick me up. I jumped in the car next to her. "Ready for phase two?" Annie asked excited. "Ready as ever."

The day passed by as slow as ever. I should explain a little something for you. Fallen Heights schools enjoy to change up the schedule. For one week, they do the classic 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 period schedule. For the next week, they do the opposite 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 schedule. Interesting if you ask me.

Eventually, I made it to English where I sat next to Xander. I turned to him as he opened his mouth to say something, I interrupted him. "Thanks for hanging out but next time check if its going to rain before you ditch a girl, got it?" I don't know why I said this.

I sounded like a total witch but it felt good. "Trinity, it's not like that. You don't get it." He whispered. "I don't get what? That you enjoy walking towards hurt little boys? Or maybe you force Clyde to do things?" I tried to stop but I couldn't, "Or I know! It's because you are to much of a f***ing freak to keep a friend that isn't related to you." I spit out. I gasped at what I said.

"Wait." I muttered out after a moment. "I didn't mean that!" "But you still said it." He said with a hint of hurt and anger in his voice. I was going to babble on but the teacher walked in. My heart broke knowing I had just ruined all chances of being his friend. I looked at him with pleading eyes but he looked away coldly.


I was in no mood to be random at lunch. Xander would see. Xander would be there. Xander would hate me. Hate. It was such a strong word. So strong it stings.

"Ready?" I whisper toward Annie. "Ready as ever!" She says quoting me. I stood up on the table and I yelled. "Attention! Attention everybody!" No one quieted down. "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!" Everyone turned toward me with either confused or annoyed looks.

"Well! I will just like to announce something." I smiled as I blurted out the next part. "Care bears are my life!" A number of laughs sprouted across the room as Annie stood next to me.

"When I was five, I wanted to marry spider man!" She yelled after me. I looked at Clyde. He hesitated for a moment but stood up. "I think Cinderella is pretty damn sexy." With that the smile stretched farther on my face.

Just then, Xander did something. Something so unexpected.