Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 19

That night, I thought about me kissing Xander. The first few times, I kicked myself for even thinking that. Slowly I let my mind wander.

That next morning, I took a longing glance at my guitar. I haven't played it since my mom died.

"Dad! I'm leaving now." I said. He came up and blocked the door. "Flower passed away." My eyes went wide. I began to stutter out useless words. "I saw it on the news." He began to explain the whole story. My heart sunk, as for I hated the person who did this to her. I pushed my way past my father.

He was the whole reason I had to move. People were getting suspicious. No one knows my real story. If I told Annie, it would get around. My mind sprung back to Xander. Xander.


I unwrapped the top of the bowl containing my salad. I sit at the table as people babble on about Flower. I had informed Annie about my little, for lack of a better word, incident with Xander.

I felt Annie nudge me under the table with her knee, I looked up to find Xander standing there awkwardly. "“H-Hey Trinity” He mumbled. “Umm…can we talk….somewhere more quiet?” He asked as my heart fluttered. He placed his hand behind his neck. I thought this was well... cute.

"Go go go! Tell him how you feel!" Annie whispered into my ear." I bit my lip. "Sure Xander." I got up, carefully, and walked out the door, leading him.

I walked out into the deserted hallway and leaned against the wall. Well, I can't just blurt it out. "What's up?" I asked smoothly. He hesitated for a moment.

"Um, sorry about Flower." Emotions from this morning were brought back. I could tell he knew my feelings. They flashed through my eyes one by one. “Yeah, it sucks what happened to her. I mean what sicko would run around doing that? Ugh” I shivered, thinking about who or what did this. “Now, I feel so much better living in Fallen Heights” I said sarcastically. I could tell this wasn't the reason he brought me out.

“Trinity I brought you out here because I wanted to tell you something. You said you wanted to get me, and I really want you to get me too." Called it. He then sighed and went on. “You see…I’m..I’m not really all that normal. I’m different." I nodded and wanted him to explain further.

“Okay…umm…I don’t get it. How are you different?” “Umm…you know what never mind, I just wanted to know it you would like to go to the movies with me this Friday?” My eyes shot to my shoes again as my stomach fluttered. Heat rose into my cheeks, I hate myself for that.

"You’re asking me out on a date? I thought we agreed to be just friends?” I asked. You idiot! Why didn't you just say yes!

“Yeah, as a friend, I would like to know it you would like to see a movie with me…and yeah..It’s sort of a date, but a date between friends” He mumbled. I sighed a bit then caught myself, for I did not want him to know how my stomach just sunk.

“Well umm…uhh…” I blurted out. Speak Trinity! Just then the bell rang. I smiled to him and yelled back. "See you this Friday!"


I had waited all week, for it has seemed but longer. Flower's funeral took place on Wednesday. Her family and friends showed up. Annie and I sorrowfully took our spots. After this, we both got ice cream to drown our sorrows in. I then explained it as she chirped happily.

Now I sit on my couch, wearing the outfit Annie picked out. My hair is done straight and I have a tee-shirt that says "All We Need Is Love" and jeans. Then, I hear a knock on my door.

I ran to the front door and open it up. I was way to hyper. "Hi!" I said smiling. He smirked. "Hey you ready?" I nodded and walked to his car. I sat in the old passenger seat. After a moment of silence, he asked quietly. "What do you think happened to Flower?" I shrugged.

"I don't know, but it feels like a vampire movie!" I said giggling. He forced out a laugh. He and I both reached to turn on the radio and our hands collided. "Sorry." I mumbled as my stomach jumped. He flipped on a song I knew.

I, unintentionally, started singing along quietly. I saw him looking over and smile saying "Bravo." I looked down, blushing. "Not funny!" He paused. "Why did you move to Fallen Heights?" I was taken aback from this question.

I took a moment to respond. "Well, we used to live in Los Angeles, but my mom was." I paused. "Murdered. It's kinda sick how it had the same markings as Flower. It scares me, it's almost like they are following me. " His posture stiffened. "My dad and I wanted to get away from it all, so we moved down here. Except now my dad does things and I guess it won't ever be the same."

"What does he do?" He asked as if to change the subject. "Stuff."