Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 2.

Xander Pov

Every day is the same damn thing. I get up, get dressed and go to school. Typical right? Well, yeah in a way, but what I do after school, now that's a different story. I'm not like most boys in Fallen Heights, in fact I’m different, and by different I mean deadly.

"Man Xander, we tore that girl up last night!" My cousin Clyde bragged. I rolled my eyes as I walked towards my locker and opened it.

"YOU killed that girl, I just watched" I said, throwing my backpack into my locker and slamming it shut. "And besides, I don’t drink the blood of slutty school girls anymore, it doesn’t excite me like it used to" I added.

“Bull shit! Last week you drank from a college chick behind some dumpster!” he informed. I let out a deep sigh as I rolled my eyes and entered our class.

He was right of course, I did drink from a human, and yes I did kill her. It was that or I would of have to turn her, and in my world, that’s a crime and the punishment is worse than death. Then again death would be something new, since everything in my world is so boring.

“Besides, we can feast upon as many humans as we want and no one will notice, I mean who knew Oklahoma was such a suburbia state?” Clyde added with a cheesy grin.

“Clyde, the whole reason why we are here is because we need to lay low until the situation in Los Angeles dies down.” I said, looking over to the teacher. This was history class, and my favorite because I knew everything leading back to two hundred years. Why? That’s simple, that’s how old I am. Same as Clyde.

“Yeah but I wasn’t our fault. Whoever killed that cop must knew we were vampires and framed us. Whoever it was, I will kill them” he said in a dark tone.

I let out a chuckle every time Clyde uses that tone with me. It doesn’t fit his personality one bit. My cousin Clyde and is parents are practically the only family I have. My mother died giving birth to me and my father is waste of a corpse. I don’t know if I had any brothers or sisters, because I mostly lived with my aunt and uncle.

“Mr. Morgue, do you mind telling me how did General Marsh die in the war of 1877?” My history teacher, Mr. Burns announced. He always thinks he can catch me not paying attention. I know what happened to that General because I was there during the war of 1877. I was a corporal in the front lines.

“Sure Mr. Burns, General Marsh was shot three times in the chest and a cannon ball decapitated his head. He died a noble hero.” I stated flatly. Clyde began to giggle while everyone else in the class just gave me dirty looks. Some even looked like they wanted to throw up.

“Thank you…Mr. Morgue..” my teacher replied stiffly. Asshole.

Class after that went by like a blur, in fact my mind was on auto pilot and by lunch time I got control of my mind again.

“Ugh! This crap again? I swear the lunch ladies are slacking, they need to learn how to cook!” Clyde complained. We both were sitting in the farthest table away from the humans. It’s not that we are loners, well I am at least. Clyde is a friend magnate. He can make any friends easily, unlike me, I can be near anyone. I fear for their lives more than mine.

“Clyde this isn’t a plantation, this is a high school. These humans are adapted to each such food. Just be lucky you’re not eating it.” I said, playing around with the mashed potatoes.

“I know…but anyways did you hear the news?” he said, his bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement. Compared to my dark red eyes, Clyde’s eyes were the type of eyes anyone could get lost in, any except for me.

“No…enlighten me” I said sarcastically.

“There is a new girl in school, her name is Trinity Skye. I heard she’s real pretty” he winked.

“Damnit Clyde, I’m not going after the new girl in school. I mean its degrading enough that the new girl has to come during the middle of the school year, but to be eaten? C’mon just leave her be.” I said looking out the window. Believe it or not, I do have a reflection, though in myths they say my kind doesn’t. I could see the both of us, Clyde’s bright blonde hair contrasts with my dark black hair. We are total opposites yet we work together so well.

“Just at least check her out, I’m she really is cute, just look she’s over there by Annie Monroe.” He said, pointing over to a table near the center of the cafeteria.

I let out a groan as I turned my head to that general direction. I saw Annie and her weird friends, but one girl stood out from the bunch. She had black hair like me, but tied up and the prettiest face I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t head over heels for this girl, but I couldn’t look away either, in fact she was staring at me. I bet Annie was probably talking shit about me, saying she should stay away from me.

Well for once Annie was right, that new girl should stay away. But then again I should too. I always stayed away from people, but this girl, something about her just interest me, and staying away from her is going to be a huge challenge. I like a challenge.