Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 20

Xander Pov

I waited all week for Friday to come. I told Clyde what I had asked Trinity out and he went into fashion frenzy.

“Oh my fucking goobers!!!” he squealed. For some odd reason we cannot say holy names. “You should were your black skinny jeans!!! Ugh you look hot in those!” he said, ripping apart my already messy drawer.

“Clyde…It’s just the movies, nothing special” I said, looking out the window.

“Nothing special?? It’s our little butterfly!! That is something special!!” he said, throwing my jeans over to me. “Oh and wear this” he added, picking out my ‘emo’s need love too!’ t-shirt.

I took it with a mutter and got dressed. “But we are just friends, nothing more. In fact I’m actually nervous.” I spoke truthfully.

“Well everyone’s nervous in their first time. Just let it flow naturally” he smirked.

“Are you referring to the date or to sex?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes you fucking pervert! I’m not having sex with her!” I yelled. “And besides I’m nervous because I don’t know if I’ll get the urge to drink again. Remember what happened in the park the other day?” I asked.

“Yeah I remember, but that was just a slip up. I’m sure it won’t happen again. You stronger than that.” He said.

I shook my head got dressed, grabbed my wallet and keys and walked out the door. I was happy she lived across the street.

As soon as I rang the door bell she opened up, all hyper and everything. She looked really nice, her shirt made me smile, it totally complimented my own. “Hi!” she greeted.

“Hey, you ready?” I asked. She nodded and we both went to my car.

We both got in and sat there in silence. After a few painful moments I spoke first. “What do you think happened to flower?” I asked. She shrugged.

“I don’t know but it feels like a vampire movie!” she giggled. I forced out a laugh. If only she knew how true that was.

I leaned forward to turn on the radio, as did she. Our hands collided, my skin crawled.

“Sorry” she mumbled. I smiled as I turned on the radio. It was some random song, but apparently she knew it and started singing to it.

She had such a pretty voice, I loved it. Wait did I just say love? I couldn’t stop staring at her and once she was done she looked down with embarrassment.

“Bravo” I said with a smile.

“Not funny” she teased.

It was a twenty minute ride to the movies. As we got there, a whole group of teenagers were waiting outside. I parked the car and got out, looking up at the movies available.

“Hmm….what kind of movie you want to see?” I asked, looking over to her.

“Hmm…I don’t know…you decide.” She said.

“Okay…how about a horror film. Is that alright with you?” I asked.

“Yeah sure” she said with a smile. I let out a sigh of relief as I bought our tickets and wandered inside.

We both sat down towards the back and watched as the opening scene had some half naked girl running through the woods.

“This is so cliché” I said to myself. Apparently the killer was a vampire, an ugly ass vampire.

“Oh wow, who falls during a chase?” I heard Trinity mumble.

“Apparently the dumb blonde on the screen” I replied. We both went off into a giggling fit before someone shushed us.

Halfway through the movie my eyes wandered and saw two couples making out near us. They looked like they could have sex right then and there and no one would notice.

I looked back to Trinity who was also staring at the couple. She then looked at me, a slight shade of pink flushed her cheeks. I could see clearly in the dark. I could also see how beautiful her eyes looked when the light from the screen reflected off of them.

I then felt that urge again. Just like I did back in the park, this time I wanted Trinity.

Go….indulge…she is right there in front of you….enjoy Xander…

That voice was taunting me, I didn’t want to hear it. Then my stomached kicked in, a sharp pain reacted throughout my body. The one thing I feared is happening to me. If I don’t get blood soon, I’ll end up eating the next person I see.
“Umm…I’ll be right back” I whispered to Trinity.

“Are you alright?” she asked, her tone said she was worried.

“Yeah...I’m fine…bathroom” I said, forcing a smile. She slightly smiled and nodded.

I got out of there as fast as I could and ran into the men’s room. I quickly went to the sink and poured cold water all over my face. It didn’t do much to suppress the hunger, but I was enough to keep me at bay for a bit.

“This is not good…this is not good…” I kept repeating to myself over and over. The hunger in me made my body spasm in pain.

I looked up into the mirror and saw myself change. My eyes went from red to black, all black. My fangs elongated past my lips. I looked liked the vampire from that horror movie.

“Fuck! I need to get out here..” I said as I ran out the door and nearly bumped into Trinity.

“Xander? What’s wrong?” she asked. I didn’t answer her question. I just continued to walk, Trinity followed close behind. “Xander speak to me? Are you alright?!” her voice sounded frantic. I couldn’t answer her.

I ran out the door and into the ally next to the theater. I fell to my knees, the hunger was driving me insane.

“Just stop…not now…please…not now..” I whispered to myself. Why did I have to be the monster? And why on a night like this?

“Xander Morgue!” I heard Trinity yell. I could hear her heart beat. She must have ran after me. “If you planning on ditching me then at least drop a damn hint!” she was mad, but also she sounded worried.

“Trinity, get away from me..” I managed to utter.

“What? Xander what the hell is going on?” she asked, taking a step closer.

“I said get back!” I yelled. I couldn’t face her, not like this.

“Xander your scaring me. Please tell me what’s wrong!” she said as she took another step closer.

“Trinity…” I felt my insides churn. I needed some help and the only person I thought of was Clyde. “Trinity, go get Clyde! Run and get him…please..” my voice cracked. The vampire in me was fighting for control. “Go!” I yelled. The vision around me began to turn dark. The last thing I hear was Trinity’s footsteps running away.
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Sorry for the late update DX!!!