Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 22.

Clyde Pov

“Po-Po-Poker Face!” I sang out loud as I twirled around in my room. I was bored because Xander wasn’t here AND there wasn’t anything good on t.v.

“Clyde! Clyde!!” I heard a voice from outside. I quickly ran out my room and towards the front door.

“What?” I groaned. It was Trinity and she was alone. I immediately smelled blood and looked down to her knee. “What happened?” I asked, my voice was stiff. Her blood was so inviting.

“Xander. I don’t know..” she stuttered. “He just said to go get you and he is in some ally and and and….” I didn’t need to hear anymore. I quickly got out the door and headed for the car.

I got in and as did she. “Please don’t come” I said. If she was right about Xander, I better hurry up before it was too late. She shook her head, she was determined to come. I shrugged my shoulders. She was going to have to find out eventually.

I stepped on gas and sped through the streets, eventually getting to the theater. There were people milling about but a sudden scream caught my attention.

I immediately ran out of the car and towards an ally. I could smell blood, a lot of blood.

As soon as I reached Xander it was too late. He had already fed off a human, an old man. Xander Never fed off of old people which meant his urges are getting out of control. His eyes were back to red, which was good, but the damage was already done. His lips were stained with blood, his eyes were shocked.

I ran up to him, and hung my arm around him. “Shh..Shh its okay…” I said. Xander was looking over to someone. I had forgotten Trinity was with me.

“Trinity” Xander managed to breath out. Trinity was on the ground, shock was clearly written on her face. Not only did Xander fuck up, he did it right in front of our little butterfly too! “Trinity it’s not what it looks like” he added.

“Get away from me!” she screamed. Tears were pouring down her cheeks.

“Trinity please” Xander whispered as he took a step closer to her while wiping the blood off his lips.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are! Just go away!” she yelled, anger replaced the fear in her voice. “Please” she added, her voice cracked as she stood up to run. Then without warning she fainted onto the ground.

“Clyde we can’t leave her here.” Xander said as he spoke.

“I know that!” I spat. “You fucked up big time Xander! Now she hates us!” I yelled.

“I didn’t fuck up! It’s my blood lust, I don’t know what’s wrong with me!” he yelled back, from his eyes I could tell he was hurt.

“Well yelling won’t solve this.” I sighed. “look let’s get the fuck out of here and bring her home. We have to tell her Xander or she’ll think we are a bunch of psychopaths!” I added.
Xander let out a deep sigh as he walked over and pulled the old man’s body behind a dumpster. I went over and picked up Trinity. She was as light as a feather in my arms. We got into the car and headed back home. Xander immediately ran to his room and locked the door.

“Oh so I have to be the one to break the news!” I yelled out.

“I can’t look at her! She hates me!” he yelled back.

“Dude! C’mon!!” I whined.

“No Clyde…I can’t do it. I’m afraid I’ll end up killing her. I’ll just be asleep for a while…” I heard him mutter. I wasn’t surprised since he did indulge into a lot of blood. But that wasn’t like him. Xander is not a monster, it’s just…his blood lust has been over reacting lately.

I let out a deep sigh as I placed Trinity on our large couch. Her face still held the fresh tears from earlier. I couldn’t believe this was happening. And out all of the people in the world, Trinity Skye had to find out the hard way that we are both different. I


A few hours had passed since the incident. Xander was still in his room, he was asleep. Trinity stirred in her sleep a few times, Xander’s name was uttered here and there. But mostly she was calling out for her mother. While she slept, I cleaned the wound on her leg and wrapped it up with a cloth. I had to fight the urge to even lick the blood off her leg. Finally after five hours she awoke, the first thing she did was blot up straight, hot tears streamed down her beautiful eyes.

“Good morning sleeping beauty” I said. She looked over to me, fear and confusion was clearly visible.

“Where the hell am I?” she asked as she stood up, her legs wobbled from the pain.

“Your in my house.” I replied stiffly. “Trinity before you-“

“No! I don’t want to hear it! Where the fuck is Xander!” she yelled. She looked kind of scary when she was mad.

“He’s asleep, but Trinity let me-“

“NO! Don’t even talk! I knew there was something strange about Xander but I didn’t know he was…he….he…” she looked away from me, tears streamed down her cheeks. “What the hell is he, what that are you guys?!” she asked.

I let out a deep sigh as I walked over to her. She step back away from her, fear and anger mixed into her eyes. “Trinity there are a lot of things in this world that are meant to be a secret, we are one of them.” I said. Trinity now held a blank expression. I let out another sigh and continued. “Trinity, we aren’t human, but we aren’t the bad guys here. I don’t want you to laugh or anything-“

“Laugh? Are you fucking serious Clyde? Xander just killed and innocent old man! He had blood all over his lips! Like some sort of…vampire!” she yelled out.

“Well that’s the thing…we are vampires. Xander and I. We’ve been vampires for two hundred years now.” I said. Trinity’s moth dropped open. I could tell she was having a hard time adjusting to this.

“Vampires? You and Xander…but that’s impossible…vampires aren’t real.” She mumbled.

“ We wanted you humans to believe that, but our kind does exist, in fact your standing in front of one right now” I said as I smiled, my fangs were clearly visible. The look of horror replaced the anger in her eyes.

“Is this some sick joke?’ she whispered. Her voice was hollow.

“No Trinity…this is real. But please before you do anything, let me explain something to you. Xander and I, we are the good guys, I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true. Okay we feast on people, but we have no other choice.” I let out a deep sigh as I looked her dead in the eye. “Please believe me Trinity. What you saw in ally was an accident. I don’t know what’s going on with Xander and I’m scared. Believe it or not I am scared Trinity. You have to believe me.”

Trinity stood quite, her eyes shifted from me to Xander’s door. “I want to hear him say it. I want Xander Morgue to tell me in my face that he is a vampire.” She said as she walked up to his door. In a flash I was in front of her blocking the entrance to our room. Her eyes widened.

“Umm..thats not a good idea” I said. “Xander is asleep.”

“So? If he had the balls to kill an old man I’m sure he can fully explain what the hell he is.” She spat as she pushed me aside.

“Trinity I’m serious!” I begged. She ignored me completely and opened the door. What we both walked into shocked the hell out of me, and made Trinity’s body stiffen like a statue.