Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 26

Xander Pov

"Xander what are we going to do?" Clyde asked as he paced back and Fourth. We recently found out who framed us and who killed Trinity's mother.

"I don't fucking know Clyde, I'm trying to think of a plan." I spat. "Are you sure its them?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm positive. I NEVER forget a scent." he said.

"Well for now we need to keep ourselves out of trouble, that means no feeding on humans for a while." I said. Clyde's mouth dropped open, as did Trinity's.

"But how are you both going to survive? I mean you are vampires and vampires need blood!" Trinity informed.

"Yeah, we are vampires Xander! or did you forget?" Clyde retorted.

I shot him a glare then looked over to Trinity. "I'll think of something..." i said. "besides i could go for a week without blood, then again with these blood urges I'm not so sure" i said, rubbing the back of my neck.

" about the hospital?" Trinity suggested. Clyde and I both stared at each other, then to her.

"How are we supposed to even get in? I mean we have tried before, but the blood bank is always secured. you have to be a nurse or a doctor to access the blood in their.' I said.

"Yeah, and plus its not the same as drinking from the source" Clyde added.

Trinity let out a sigh as she shook her head. "Xander your the one with the idea of not drinking blood, plus you are forgetting one thing."

"What am i forgetting?" i asked.

"Anne! Her mother works in the hospital and Annie works part time on the weekend's. I'll just ask her for a few bags of blood." She said.

Clyde and i both stared at each other again, this time we busted out laughing. Trinity gave us both funny look, unsure why we thought it was funny.

"Trinity my little butterfly, what would Annie think if you ask her for a few bags of blood? I'm sure Annie isn't the brightest star in the sky, but even she would find that suspicious." Clyde said with an added chuckle. "Just what are you planning on telling her anyways?" he asked.

The corner of Trinity's lips lifted into a sly grin as she placed both her hands on her small hips. "Just leave it to me. I have an idea in mind." she said.

Clyde and I both shrugged our shoulders and that be. If Trinity has an idea on getting an alternative source of blood for us, then that part of the plan is complete.

"Well, since we got the matter of blood fixed, what about those vampires? I know they are running around Fallen Heights looking for us. I mean who knows if one of them saw you kill that old man Xander?" Clyde said. I felt my gut churn as i thought of that night.

"I don't think they did see, unless they smelt the blood. But the main issue here is keeping Trinity safe. If they killed her mother, they most probably will come after her." I said, looking over to Trinity.

Fear slowly seeped into Trinity, i could tell from the way she shifted. "Whats going to happen to me?" she asked.

"Well...since we need to keep you safe, your going to have to stay with us for a bit." Clyde replied.

"NO that's a bad idea Clyde!" first your parent will freak out, and second, what about her father? Huh?" i asked. Clyde let out a sigh as he crossed his arms over his well toned chest.

"This feels like a fucking Twilight movie" he spat.

"Eww...don't even start with that." I whined. Trinity mearly giggled at our small argument.

"Guys its alright...i live across the street from you so if anything happens I'm sure you both will be the first to know." she said with a smile.

Clyde looked over to me with a sly grin.

"Don't start! I don't want to hear it!" I hissed.

"Oh don't act like nothing happened. I know you two were making out before i called." he said, his grin grew into a cheesy smile. I looked over to Trinity who was blushing hard.

"well just in case, I'll go over to your place and make sure your alright....umm if that's alright with you?" I asked, the clear embarrassment was in my tone.

"Yeah right, i bet you'd do more then just checking up on her" Clyde remarked.

"Clyde is there anything Else you can think of besides sex?" Trinity asked.

Clyde placed his finger on his lips as he thought. "Hmm...nope, nothing comes to mind..-Oh! yeah sex and blood!" he smiled.

Trinity and i both let out a groan. this was going to be an interesting friendship. I looked over to Trinity how smiled at me. I immediately thought about what happened in her room earlier. every time i thought about it, i get butterflies in my stomach.

" what?" Trinity asked. Clyde and I both looked at each other.

"Normally we would go feeding, but captain emo over here decided to go on a blood starvation." Clyde spat.

'Shut up Clyde!" i hissed. "We are going to look for clues about this group whos in town. i'm pretty sure i have a general idea where they might be located." i said.

"I'm comming wiht you guys" Trinity stated.

"No...its too dangerous." I said.

"I dont care Xander, they were the ones who killed my mother. I have to do this." she said, determination was written in her eyes.

"She's goign to follow us even if we did tell her to stay." Clyde commented.

I huffed abit as i thought about it. "Fine, but stay close to us! and when we get thier, Dont talk to anyone." i said.

"Okay...but where are we going anyways?" She asked.

"Yeah, where do you think you'll find our culprits?" Clyde asked.

"The only place a sick vampire would go to get tainted blood. The down town part of Fallen Heights." i said.

"So basically we are going to the Red Light Distirict? Home of the whores and drug dealers? have you lost you mind?" Trinity asked?

"Nope, He lost that a long time ago" Clyde replied.
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Ehh its kind of short DX!!