Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 29

"What? It's a classic love story!" I said giggling as I held up the notebook. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Fine, it's your room anyway." He muttered.

Even though I looked like an idiot, did my good ol' victory dance. I popped in the dvd and plopped onto my bed. I realized how close I was to Xander and my heart fluttered as my face turned multiple shades of red.

"Is something wrong?" He asked slightly concerned. "Yeah...your kinda of laying on my bed." My face heated up ten times more. "oh...okay i'll just get off-" He said shifting positions.

"NO!" I shouted out then caught myself. "I mean no, it’s okay, and you don’t have to. I mean…I’ll just lay with you..." I stuttered out. That's something I DO NOT want! I want him to stay next to me.

I crawled next to him, leaning my head on his chest. It was odd not feeling him breath, and how hard it was. Then again, it felt like the safest and best spot in the world.

"Jeez! It feels like I'm laying on a rock!" I say giggling while smiling. He laughed along as we changed our attention to the tv. I hardly was paying attention to the first 20 minutes. All I could think about was steadying my breathing.

I finally snapped back into attention when I say the two characters having sex. My body tensed up as I felt Xander squirm behind me. About a hour into it, I felt my eyelids droop. The world before me became a blur as I drifted off to sleep. It was then I had the best and worse dream of my life.

A sweet scent of honeysuckle blew up my nose. I opened my eyes to find myself in a forest. Everyone was there. Dad was happy and Mom picking the sweet flower. Xander was there too. Ready for the best part? It was our wedding. "Do you take Xander Morgue as your lovely wedded husband?"

Just as I went to say yes, the tree's began to melt. The flowers wilted. I looked around to find no one. I was alone. It was only a big black room. "Hello? Hello!?" I shouted. All it did was echo.

The background flashes into a dark alley. I hear a scream. I went to scramble to my feet, only to fall back down. My knee is bleeding once again in the same spot as it was weeks earlier. Only this time, I find a dark shadow hovering over the body. Instead of the old man, it is my mother.

Her long brown locks are drenched in a puddle mixture consisting of sweat and tears. I crawl to the shadow and turn it around to see the same black eyes Xander had. My stomach drops as I call out his name. "Trinity?" My mom says twitching. "Mom?" "Trinity!" The voice says more alarmed. I get pulled straight into the puddle. My face gets drenched. "Trinity! Trinity!"

I feel something hard hit my lips. I open my eyes to see Xander kissing me. I spazz out and fall off the bed. "Hey! It worked! Are you okay? "

I sit up rubbing my head. "Ow?" I say groggy. "Sorry!" he says walking up to me and lifting my on to the bed. I go to rub my eyes and feel something wet. I look down at my hands to see them in tears. I held my stomach and curled up in my bed, recalling the dream, as he laid next to me twirling my hair.

"You okay?" "Bad Dream I guess, Why'd you wake me?" I said turning over to face him. "You were saying things." I blushed hard. " I tend to do that." I say quietly.

"What were you dreaming about?" "You really wanna know?" I asked as he nodded. "Well, it was actually starting out as a really good dream but then I basically traded the scene with you and the old man to some shadow thing and my mom."

A mixed amount of mixtures filled his eyes. "I didn't mean for you to see that, you know?" I nodded while biting my lip and I curled my head into him.

"What was the good part?" He asked changing the subject. I didn't want to answer that. "Well, it was you, me, and my mom and dad. Everyone was all happy and then we were kind of getting m- HOLY SHIT! Dude, we have school todayy!" I groaned. "If you want to follow Clyde and me, we don't. " I sighed then got curious. "Did you stay here all night?" I asked puzzled.

He nodded. "Damn, well it is like a twilight movie, then " I said with a wink. "Did my dad walk in?" I asked although I knew that answer. He shook his head. "He didn't come home last night." He said.

I scooted away from him and got up. He jutted out his lip forming the more adorable puppy dog face. I roll my eyes and walked out to the kitchen and read his note.

"Dear Trinity, out for a few days, don't get worried. Business. From, Dad." Not love not sincerily. Just from.

"He's not home?" He asked. I shook my head. "Ever since Mom died, he has randomly left at times. You know, to get away from things." By things, I meant me.

"We are going to find who killed her Trinity. I promise." He said softly pushing the hair from my eyes. I nodded as I grabbed a apple. It felt odd eating in front of him.

"This weekend, I'll get you some blood." I said. Get you some blood. How odd it felt on my tongue. Although, if I had any intentions of re living my first part of my dream, I'd have to get used to it.

Enough day dreaming, it's time to find my mom's killers.