Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 3

~Trinity's P.O.V~
I wasn't the girl to have crushes and I still wasn't. To be honest, I didn't feel any sort of affection toward Xander. Although, I couldn't get my mind off him.

There was just something about him, maybe his red eyes, that made me feel as if I needed to get to know him.

I was never really the type to go directly up and introduce myself. Bad for me, being the new student and all. I made it through my classes without missing a beat.

Then came seventh period. I was cutting my way through the piles of kids, letting the black ringlets fall on my back.

I open to door to find Xander, the boy from lunch, sitting in the class. I try to not stare but he seems to be the only person in the room. I walk up to the front counter and hand the teacher my information.

"Welcome to the class, Mrs. Skye." He says softly and he signs the forms. "You can sit next to Xander Morgue." he said. I looked up at the teacher with big eyes. "Who?" I whispered, even though I well knew who Xander was.

Mr. Evan's gestured to the black haired man as I sat down next to him. "Hi." I whispered as I focused on my papers. Being the clumsy girl I am, I managed to spill over my papers onto the floor. I dropped to the ground getting my papers.

I went to get up and hit my head on the desk. I finally get up to find all eyes on me. A few giggles sprouted from the room as Mr. Evan's mumbles. "Are you finished, Mrs. Skye?"

A blush flies over my face, as my cheeks turn to roses. I nod and sit back in my chair, rubbing my head, I look over to Xander and find his red eyes boring into mine as we both look away.

This is going to be a long period.

I continue writing my looks as I glance over to Xander one to many times. I mentally kick myself. "What are you doing Skye?" I think to myself. "You are insane! He won't ever get close to you. You heard what she said. " I pause my thinking progress. "Am I thinking to myself?" I think again.

I must have been making a face because the majority of eyes are on me again, except for Xander. I blush once more and sit back into my seat. I undo my hair and let it set as a fence between Xander and the rest of the class. I keep my eyes on my notes for the rest of the class.

I have never really got the term, Saved by the Bell, until today. I quickly gather my books and head to my locker. Embarrassed, I shove everything in. I quickly drop off the papers at the front office. The obese lady, now known as Mrs. Banks, hugged me and asked how my day was.

I stuttered out the word fine and blushed deeply as students passed me. I need to learn how to stop doing that. I left the building as soon as I could and made my way home. I ended up driving past a small playground. I get out and sit on a swing.

How am I going to survive this school? I groaned as I began slowly swinging.