Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 31

“You’re doing this to find her mother’s killers aren’t you? Xander…” Frank called out. My heart sunk and my stomach churned. I hated this man. Xander stopped dead in my tracks. I shot Xander a glance. His deep red eyes bore into mine. I hate to say it, especially at this sort of occasion, but he looked cute when he was mad.

I didn't know how to deal with this man. It's still hard to believe months ago, I did not know anything about this new, well, world.

“Just ignore him; he’s just sour that a bunch of teenagers kicked his ass.” Clyde whispered to Xander.

“Xander, I did leave out one little detail about the group of vampires. Their leader is a much older vampire, in fact you know personally. Can you guess who?” he asked in a cocky tone.
Once he said that, my eyes widened at Xander.

“I’ll find out my way” Xander said as he grabbed my hand and started back to the car.

“That was easy” I said as she sat in the back. My heart still pounding in my chest.

“Yeah, because it was still daylight. If it were night time, than that would have been a whole situation.” Clyde replied. My mind shot through several different scenarios.

“So Xander are we going to this club Zero Below?” I asked. Even though I wanted to get out of this place, I was anxious to go and see what ass holes hurt my mom.

“No, we need to plan this through. If we just storm in there, we could fall into their trap. They know we are here, and they know you’re here too Trinity.” He informed.

I sighed as I laid back in my seat. My eyes examined the large silver cross in my hand. This can be what keeps between life and death. “Can I keep this cross?” I asked.

“Be our guest.” He said, turning on the car and driving off. I watched the troubled city, slowly disappear before my eyes

“So Xander…what did that vampire mean when he said the leader is someone you know?”
I asked. Clyde and Xander looked at each other,as if they knew something I didn't.

“I don’t know…” He said, looking away from the rear view mirror. "I hope we can get them before they ki-." My voice trailed off. Before they kill more helpless people. That's what they do.

I cleared my throat. "Before they think they can get away with killing my mom." I saved. I brought my knees to my chest.

The car became filled with a eerie silence. Eventually, we pulled up to my house. I slipped out of the car and said my goodbyes.

I opened the door and by now it was about 9 at night. I quietly slipped through the family. I got a small glass of water when I heard my father's footsteps bounding down the stairs.

"Where have you been, Trinity Anne Skye!" He yelled. I cringed back, even though he always yells. He has been very up tight since my mother was murdered. I can't blame him though.

"I was out with Xander and Clyde Morgue. " I mumbled as I dumped the remains of my water out in the since. I watched the water swirl down into the drain and I turned to head to my room.

"The neighbors? How do you even know them! They could be pedophiles!" He yelled. "They aren't pedophiles, Dad. I know them because Xander is in my language arts class. " I spit as I head up to my room.

I felt him pull me back by my shirt. "Do not speak to me like that, Trinity Anne!" He roared. "Sorry." I mumbled.

He pushed me to the stairs. "Now go to your room." He said sternly as I wobbled,unsteadily, up the old stairs.

I got to my room, and looked in the mirror. I saw a large bruise forming on my arm. Oh how beautiful discolored bruises are.... Let's just hope I can cover it with good ol' make up. It was a accident though.

Wasn't it?