Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 36

Xander Pov

I let out a deep sigh and stared at Trinity’s father, the helpless human who only wanted to see his wife again.

Trinity had been through so much.

Trinity deserves to know everything.

“The vampire your father is referring to…is my father..Victor Morgue.” I whispered.
Trinities eyes widened with mixed emotions. The look of horror was overbearing.

“Y-your father? But…I thought you told me he was…dead..” she stuttered, her face went pale.

“I thought so too. After I was born, he disappeared from my life. He never even said why he left, but he did.” I whispered. “I always thought it was because of what happened to my
mother.” I added.

“What happened to her?” Trinity asked, her eyes pleaded to me.

“I killed her.” I spoke blandly.

I killed my own mother at child birth…I’m a monster..

“Xander it wasn’t your fault.” Clyde assured. “It’s the normal process for female vampires. You know that.” He added.

I’m just a monster…

“That doesn’t matter; I need to stop him before he hurts anymore people.” I said, looking down to Trinity’s dad.

“We are going to help you.” Trinity informed sternly.

“Yeah, don’t think your gonna do this by yourself Xander Morgue.” Clyde added.

I don’t want to her to die…I need to do this alone…

“Alright” I replied stiffly. “Clyde, pick up Mr. Skye and bring him the car. He’s going to tell us where my father is. It’s time for a reunion.” I said, walking out the door.

Clyde picked up Mr. Morgue and placed him in the backseat. Trinity sat next to her father, comforting him.

“Will he be alright?” she asked.

“Yeah, he’s just dazed. But he’s not out of the woods yet. He’s somehow bonded with my father. If I kill my father, then your father will be free.” I said, turning on the engine.

“Xander! You know you’re not ready, and plus, this is suicide! What are you even thinking?” Clyde practically yelled in my ear. “Are you willing to kill your own father?!” he stressed.

Why not? I killed my own mother..

I ignored his question and sped down the street. Along the way I remembered something.

“Trinity, I’m going to stop by the hospital, see if your friend Annie can hook us up with some blood.” I said, driving up to the hospital.

“But Xander, now’s not-“

“Do you want to save your father? Then I suggest you do what I say.” I snarled. She flinched to my sudden outburst. I felt horrible for talking to her that way.

That’s when the pain kicked in. the sudden urge for blood was antagonizing me.

“Fine…I’ll do it.” She whispered.

I said nothing more as I pulled up in front of the emergency room; the instant smell of blood
was welcoming.


“I don’t want to hear it Clyde.” I spat. “Trinity, go!” I ordered.

She let out a huff as she got out the car and slammed the door.

“Xander listen to me! This is fucking crazy! We need to plan this out! Your even said it yourself!” Clyde yelled. My fists tightened on the steering wheel. Any tighter and I might rip it off.

“Clyde…my father killed Trinity’s mother…I can’t bear to live with that on my thoughts.” I yelled back. “I love her Clyde…I do.” I whispered.

“If you love Trinity, if you really want to protect our little butterfly, then you better stop this stupidity. Turn this car back and take us home. We need to plan this out. For goodness sake
Xander, her father’s life is on the line here. If he dies, Trinity will have no one!” he spat.

“Alright I’m back.” Trinity spat. “Annie was there and she wouldn’t shut up about the blood. I had to make up some stupid excuse about a project. It’s warm so enjoy.” She hissed as she gave Clyde two large blood bags, still warm.

“Xander…what are you going to do?” Clyde asked.

I put my foot on the pedal as I sped down the street, two blocks from the club.

I have to do this…I’m so sorry everyone.

I parked the car on the curve, but I didn’t shut it off. We all got out and looked around; Trinity’s father was in the backseat still.


“Clyde, I want you to get into the car and take Trinity back to our house. Do it now.” I said, making eye contact with him.

“What? Fuck you Xander Morgue, your coming back with us weather you like it or…” his words then slurred. My compulsion was having an effect. His body stiffened as he walked up to me and grabbed my keys.

“Xander what the fuck are you doing?!” Trinity screamed; I felt her tiny fist pounded against my chest. “Stop it! Don’t do this! We can go together!! Please…” she begged.

“Trinity, I want you to get into the car and got home with Clyde.” I said, looking at her this time.

“No! It won’t work on me! It won’t! NO!” she screamed. I kept a steady gaze on her. She was much harder to control, but I managed to get through somehow.

“I love you so much…Trinity Skye.” I whispered. “Now please…get in the car and go home.” I said softly.

Her eyes narrowed, her body went limp. “If you really love me, then you’ll come home with me...” she whispered back. She was fighting my control, but I cannot allow her to win.

I’m saving her…I’m saving all of you…

“Goodbye Trinity” I mumbled. She glared daggers at me as he body turned around and got into the car. As soon as she did, Clyde drove off; his compulsion would eventually wear off.

By then, I’d already be gone.

I knew once Clyde regains control, he’s going to want to find me, Trinity too. I better get going; my father is waiting for me.

Clyde Pov

Stupid mother fucking Xander!! Damn I hated when he did that!!

I managed to free myself from Xander’s compulsion, but it was too late. I was already halfway to my house. Trinity sat silently next to me, no tears or words escaped from her.

“He’s going to die..” she mutterd.

“I know.” I said.

“So…what do we do? What can we do! Clyde please tell me something!” she begged.
I sighed deeply, that question was a burden to me.

What can we do?

I stopped the car suddenly, my anger getting the best of me.

“For two hundred years Xander and I have been together. We are practically brothers to be honest. But I’ve never seen him act that way before. He never used his compulsion, and especially against me. “ I gritted through my teeth. “I’m going back for him.” I said, looking over to her. “Are you?” I asked.

Her eyes fell on mine, determination and fury was all I could read.

“I want to see the man who killed my mother. I want him to pay.” She answered.

“Alright, but we are going to have to leave you father home though, he’s in no condition to follow us.” I said, looking over to her father.

Trinity nodded a bit. I drove back to her house and helped her father inside before leaving again. The drive back was quite, and a bit strained. I was praying to whomever for Xander’s safety.

“Trinity, are you ready for this?” I asked. This was the last time for her to back down. Once we reach he club, there is no going back.

Trinity looked down to the blood bags on the floor and slightly smiled.

I didn’t have to guess on that answer.