Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 37

~Trinity's P.O.V~

“I love you so much…Trinity Skye.” He whispered. “Now please…get in the car and go home.” He said softly. I couldn't concentrate once he said this. He loved me. He's doing this for me. For my mother. For everyone. I could feel myself getting weaker.

“If you really love me, then you’ll come home with me...” I managed to whisper. "Goodbye Trinity." That was it. .Goodbye. He wasn't going to listen. I lost my grip on what ever struggle I had put.

My body went limp as I fell into the back seat. My world turned black as I felt my body doing automatic motions. My mind was the only thing functioning.

I'd lost.

The chance to save the boy I loved, gone. The chance to make a change, gone. The chance to venge my mother's death, gone. The small spark of hope that I could change a vampire's mind, died out like a firework.

I can't believe this. If I wasn't here, Xander would be living the closest thing to a normal life as he could. He wouldn't be risking his life for a stupid human. That's all I was. I knew it too. What was I thinking? I thought I could help.

A fragile human.
To them, I was as small and fragile as a little butterfly.

This thought made the anger boil up. I tried hard to thrash around. My hands felt as if they had weights on them.

Soon enough, my eyes burst open. Instead of feeling furious, I felt lost. Once again I am loosing some one close to me. Another person I loved.

I noticed Clyde was fully aware now too. We both remained quiet. After sometime, I spoke up. I fought back all feelings. I sat emotionless and said in a monochromatic tone.

“He’s going to die..” I muttered. My face as blank as stone. “I know.” He said just as emotionless. My stomach sank like a stone. Even though, I already knew this.

“So…what do we do? What can we do! Clyde please tell me something!” I pleaded. We had to save him..

He stopped the car as my stomach jerked forward. “For two hundred years Xander and I have been together. We are practically brothers to be honest. But I’ve never seen him act that way before. He never used his compulsion, and especially against me. “ He gritted through his teeth. I had never seen him this mad. “I’m going back for him.” He said, looking over to me. “Are you?” He asked. I didn't have to think about this.

I looked up into his blue eyes. .“I want to see the man who killed my mother. I want him to pay.” I responded.

“Alright, but we are going to have to leave you father home though, he’s in no condition to follow us.” He said, looking over to my father. I nod, understanding. Although, I didn't want to let him out of my sight, I knew it was for the best.

The ride was quite and filled with thoughts. "Trinity, are you ready for this." I looked down at the blood bags. I let my lips slide up into a smile.

Before we knew it, we reached the club. This was it. We both jumped out of the car. I began to run inside until a large hand knocked the wind out of me. "Hush! You're going to give us away." Clyde said harsh.

I nodded and mouthed sorry as we both crept inside. The club was dark and the wall paper was torn. I heard sounds of struggle and talking from within the other room. Clyde crept up and peered through the door and motioned for me to come. I could see everything perfect. My stomach dropped, my head felt light-headed, and my heart broke all at once. The scene was horrifying.

I slid my fingers over the cross in my pocket as I looked idly as the scene. Xander was on the floor, being held down by two big men. Above him, was a man who seemed to be giving a speech. No, a story.

I knew this man.

"Trinity. Laura. I'd like you to meet, Mr. M. He is the executive producer for the movie we are putting into action." I was not in the mood to be here. My father had forced me and my mother to go out to eat.

It wasn't even a decent restaurant. I examined the man who had fearful red eyes. The way he was so much paler then my father. The long black hair. How chilled his hands were as he shook mine.

He was much better built then my father. The way he smiled, sent chills down my spine. "What a lucky man you are with a beautiful wife and daughter, cute enough to eat." I scowled at him. I'm not cute? What am I five?

"Thank you for such a lovely comment! Do you have any children yourself?" My mother said. His back stiffened. "I used to have a son, although he passed away." "Oh, I am sorry to hear that.. How old was he?" My mother said softly. "About your age." The man said, lifting my head with two fingers.

This man showed up at my mothers funeral. This man had been in my life all along. .He had been Xander's father. All. Along. I shuddered and wobbled back into Clyde. He looked at me with concerned eyes. I shook my head.

Clyde's eyes widened as he began to run. He was fast. I attempted to keep up with him, as quietly too. Soon, I began to become farther and farther.

Eventually, I was alone. I didn't know where I was. I was surrounded by darkness. My eyes started adjusting to the light.

I saw two eyes glaring back at me. Next thing I knew, two hands grabbed me, dragging me out into the light.

There I stood, in the middle of the room. Clyde was no where to be found. One of the large men were holding me tight. There was hardly room to breath.

Xander's father finished his story as he looked toward me. "Nice of us to join us, Trinity" Mr. M said in the most horrifying voice known to man kind. Xander's head shot toward me. His eyes filled with a emotion I could not read.

"Don't hurt her!" Xander screamed as one of the large man slapped Xander back into his original line of vision. Xander winced in pain. I had never seen Xander is this much pain.

It was killing me. The large man tightened his grip on me. "Please don't tell him what to do." I struggled to get out. I began to take shallow breaths. Mostly because, that's all I could with his grip this tight.. Several questions filled my mind.

Where's Clyde?

Why would he do this?

Is this it?