Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 38.

Xander Pov.

“Don’t hurt her!” I screamed towards the other vampire. One of them slapped me over the head, my ears rung like hell.

“So…this is the girl you love Xander?” my father asked, his red orbs’ scanned Trinity. “She’s as beautiful as her mother…I see you and I have the same taste in women.” He said, his smile was sick, sadistic.

“Fuck You!” I snarled. “You and I aren’t the same. I’m not a murderer…not a killer..” I uttered.

I’m not…his killer…I won’t be like him…I’ll change, for her..

“Really Xander? Are you that naive? I’ve been watching you for two hundred years, I’ve seen the victims, and that night you lost control. I’ve seen it all” he said, his face shifted into a sinister grin. “And I know a killer when I see one.” He hissed.

“Shut up! Shut up!! Just shut the fuck up! You were never around! You left me when I was a baby!! You were never my father!” I screamed.


My faced jerked to the side; the instant sting of his hand was enough to shut me up, just for a bit. I heard Trinity whimper, a few other vampires chuckled with delight.

“I’m your father, and you will respect me!” he snarled, his long black hair swayed with every movement. I hated him soo much. “Now, like mother like daughter, I want you to kill her.” He ordered.

“NO” I hissed, my eyed looked away from his. I knew now where I got this compulsion, it was from my father.

My father yanked my face over to him; his red eyes matched my own. He was using the compulsion on me, my body was beginning to disobey me. “I want you to kill the girl, and anyone who gets in your way.” My father spoke, his voice was dark. more…no more…I don’t want to kill anymore….

As my mind slowly faded, I tried so hard to keep the good Xander in me, but my father has such a strong influence. I was stupid to come in here and face him head on. I was stupid to put the love of my life in danger…I was stupid to even think I could do this in the first place.

Clyde Pov.

I revved up the engine to the car; my fist gripped the steering wheel. I managed to get out of their but I had thought Trinity followed me. I guess they must have caught into her. I knew where they were, and it was up to me now to save the day.

“Here I go!” I said, slamming my foot on the gas pedal. The car zoomed off, the destination was the club. Everything outside flashed passed me, my car made a huge impact into the brick wall, but crashed into another wall. I hit my head hard on the steering wheel, my vision blurred for a moment.

“Clyde!!” I heard Trinity yell. I snapped back to reality and looked around. I saw Xander laying on the ground, his eyes were emotionless. Trinity was being held by two other vampires. As soon as I stepped out of the wreck, I stepped in a pool of blood. Apparently I had run over two other vampires, and one of them, Mr. Morgue, was pinned between the wall and the car.

“Now is that any way to treat a lady?” I asked, cracking my knuckled. Both vampires looked at each other, and then lunged for me. Stupid mistake that was, since I was faster and much stronger than they thought. With s simple step, I broke one of the vampires neck easily, but the other gave me some trouble. He and I were equally matched.

“Clyde, I got your back!” Trinity yelled as she took out the cross. The vampire backed off from me, which gave me a good opening. I ringed my hands around his neck, and twisted it until I felt the bone break in my hands.

The vampire’s body went limp and fell with a loud thud to the ground. “And that’s how you take out the trash.” I commented. I looked over to Trinity who had a relieved look on her face, but we weren’t out of the nightmare just yet.

“You…I never liked you at all!” I heard someone snarl, and then a gun shot.

“Clyde!” Trinity screamed. I looked over to her but saw nothing wrong, and then I felt wet for some reason. I looked down to my gut and saw a bullet hole; my shirt was drenched with my own blood.

“Shit…this was my favorite shirt..” I muttered as I fell to my knees. I looked up to see Mr. Morgue, pushing the car away from his body, his other hand held the gun. “What vampire uses a gun?” I whispered. Trinity ran to my side, her face was horror stricken.

“Xander, get up and kill them” Mr. Morgue ordered. Trinity and I both looked over to Xander, his body suddenly got up, like a puppet in its strings. His eyes were emotionless, everything about him was emotionless.

“Xander snap out of it!” Trinity yelled. She held the cross tightly in her hand.

Xander ignored her plea and snarled at the both of us. I soon realized he was under Mr. Morgue’s control. He took a step closer, then another; his red eyes drew holes in me.
Xander really was going to kill Trinity and I. I feeling light headed, a lot of blood was escaping from my body. I could hear Mr. Morgue’s sick laugher behind us.

“Once your done here Xander, meet me in the park, our night isn’t over yet.” Mr. Morgue said as he walked past the car wreck and through the hole I made in the wall.

“Xander please stop!!” Trinity screamed. “It’s me…Trinity!! Please stop!! You’re stronger than this!!” she begged.

“Its’ no use Trinity, he’s under his control. You have to somehow make him see…they real you..” I whispered. I was becoming tired from the blood lost. I wanted to stay awake, but I couldn’t. I watched as Xander came closer and closer.

“Clyde don’t die on me now!!” she whimpered.

“I’m not going to die…I’m just…so sleepy..i don’t think…I can stay awake anymore. I need…blood..” my voice trailed off. My vision blurred, and the last thing I saw was Xander’s red eyes, then darkness.