Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 39

~Trinity's P.O.V~

His body swung toward us like a puppet. Step after step, he made his way toward me. I'm going to die.

I'm going to leave my father, all alone, and I'm going to die.

"Xander! Snap out of it!" I yelled. My voice was unsteady, possibly because I was just held so tight. My fingers wrapped around the silver cross in my palms. I couldn't use this. I couldn't hurt him, even if I tried. He couldn't hurt me either. He doesn't know what's going on...right?

His once beautiful red eyes, were now drained of all emotion. My heart broke over and over again as he took each step. Clyde's blood was becoming a pool around my knees. I heard the air fill with his sickening laughter. How could he use his own son to kill his own nephew?

“Once your done here Xander, meet me in the park, our night isn’t over yet.” Mr. Morgue said as he waltzed past the wreckage. That was the last time I would see this man. That was the last man I would ever see, that is not currently in this room.

“Xander please stop!! It’s me…Trinity!! Please stop!! You’re stronger than this!!” I begged. He was! He could finish this, this, nightmare!

“Its’ no use Trinity, he’s under his control. You have to somehow make him see…they real you..” Clyde began to whisper. His voice sounded weaker with each word. He can't leave me now. I need him!

“Clyde don’t die on me now!!” I said, as if I was five again, begging for my mom not to leave me at Kindergarten.

“I’m not going to die…I’m just…so sleepy..i don’t think…I can stay awake anymore. I need…blood..” His voice trailed into silence. His eyes lowered.

I was alone.

I snapped back when I felt cold hands grab my shirt. My eyes flew open, which I never knew I had closed. My eyes instantly met with the man I loved.

His eyes were emotionless but the seconds ticked away . In which felt like centuries, but was probably only a few seconds, I took in the last details. My eyes started at his own. His once soft red eyes now filled with nothing, stared back into mine. The gold and brown specks shined within it.

My eyes moved down to his perfect nose, the way it laid between his pale cheeks. Lastly, I moved to his lips.

Although it was drained of color as always, it still was the perfect shade of light pink. They still looked as if I would kiss them at any moment. I wish.

Then, Xander made a small noise, crossed between a grunt and a whisper. My eyes shot back up to his as I saw the smallest hint of recognition slip in and out of his eyes. He was fighting it. I could lived.

A firecracker of hope shot off inside me. Just then, I was thrown off the ground into a wall. Tears swelled up inside me as pain rocketed threw my body. As I fell to the ground, my leg twisted in a odd angle.

As I realized this, I heard a sharp crack and I hit the ground. My leg felt numb and, if I tried to move it, sent spasms of hurt through-out it.

With my leg laying in a odd stance, I leaned forward, supporting my weight on my hands. This was it. I was going to die. The last man I would see, is the man I gave my life for. .

I don't know why but at that exact moment the words "little butterfly" escaped my mouth in a breath. Xander's eyes were once again fighting, stronger this time, as the recognition flew across his face and stayed for a longer period of time.

Even though he failed to hear me, I said my last words. I said them weak, my voice drenched in pain. "Xander." I breathed. "When we are gone, don't be mad. You didn't mean too." I said, louder.

His body was sent into spasms but continued walking toward me. "Clyde and I love you." I said again. He whispered out the word Clyde. Maybe he could hear me after all.

I fought back the tears forming in my eyes. I didn't know which brought them here, my leg or my emotions.

My mouth twitched. "Please come back Xander." For a second, his eyes and face returned to a normal state. Shock filled his eyes. My Xander was back. I wasn't going to die! "Trinity! What Happened?!" He asked running toward me. He picked me up in a hug, as much as my leg hurt I was relieved. That's when it happened.

His body went into a ripple of spasms. I looked at him again, his eyes emotionless. I felt his hands wrap around my neck. Not tight enough for me to choke right away but enough to make my world dizzy.

My mind flashed through pictures of my childhood up until now. The man I loved was killing me. I knew Xander was fighting this. I slipped out of his hands and the world got fuzzy.

In the hazy line of vision, I could see Xander. He looked like the real him was winning. Then, I left him. I was out just like Clyde.

Now, I could only hope.