Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 41

~Trinity's P.O.V~

My eyes awoke to find the warm white room, that only is known as the Fallen Heights Hospital. I went to sit up but was stopped by a strong hand. My leg was in a stiff cast.

My eyes drifted to Xander. His eyes were soft again. A smile crept onto my lips. "Hi there." I said, softly. His lips stayed pursed and he stayed silent.

"You okay?" I asked softly as my smile faded a little. "Listen Trinity, is your leg okay?" He asked. His voice sounded hoarse. I nodded but my eyes narrowed. "You know I love you right?" I asked. He nodded slightly.

It stayed quiet for a good while before he finally spoke again. His voice sounded strained and sad. "I don't think I'm good for you." "What are you talking about? You're here trying to avenge my mom's death." "By killing my dad."

"So?" I whisper louder, trying not to attract attention. "I broke your leg, Trinity" "I know, but you didn't mean to." He silenced for a second. .

"But I still did." His eyes was filled with sadness. " So! I'm fine now!" I whisper yell.

"I'm dangerous, Trinity." "Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I understand that already?"

"I'm not good for you." He said, stiffly. "Although, I can't live without you."

"Without me you'd have a normal life!" He said raising his tone a little. "With out you, I would still think my mom was murdered!" "She was!" "Not by a human!"

He stopped talking. "You don't get it," I began before he cut me off. ."No! you don't get it, Trinity! You could of died!"

"I rather die that way then how my mom did!" My eyes shifted between his, looking for any sign of understanding. I began again in the softer tone. "Come on, Xander. I need you." I said.

He stood up and soothed out his shirt. "I'm going now, Trinity. You need your rest." Reality hit me once again.

"Will I even see you again?" I asked as I was returned with silence. He stared at me for a moment before turning away. "Will I?" I shouted a bit louder. He turned around with a pained expression and kissed me on the forehead and left.

I was, now, left to sit that. Alone. In the empty hospital room.


"Thanks Annie." "No problem, Chicka! I still don't get how you broke your leg from tripping!"

I shrugged as I grabbed my bag, swung my cast over the car door, and continued up my driveway with crutches. "I don't know. Ya'know me and how much of a klutz I am. I owe ya one, thanks for the ride." I watched her drive away, waving.

I look up at the Morgue's house as I saw the blinds swiftly close. My heart broke as I continued up the drive way, struggling at the front steps, into my empty house.