Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 42.

Xander Pov

Every day was harder than the next. Every second without her was unbearable. I almost believed I would wither away if I didn’t have just one touch of her lips. I missed her so much, but I make it clear to her and myself. I had to stay away for a while. I had to make sure she could live out a normal life, without me.

“You know she’s coming home today” Clyde informed me. We both we’re just laying in my room, Clyde sat on the floor while I laid on my bed.

“I know..” I whispered. I’ve known that for a while.

“Are you really going to go through this Xander? Are you willing to leave her just to save her?” Clyde asked.

Am I willing to do that? I don’t even know if I have any will power anymore. I’m still torn about hurting her. I was the one who broke her leg. Even thought my father was controlling me, It was still me who did that to her.

“Clyde, what would you do if the person you love is and danger but you can’t even go near them.” I asked, looking over to the blond.

Clyde sighed heavily and shrugged. “I don’t know Xander, I’ve never actually been deeply in love. But if I were, I would do anything and everything to make sure they live out a happy life. After all humans don’t live forever.” He said.

I felt my stomach cringe. I hated being a vampire sometimes. Just watching humans come and go, never aging nor dying. It may sound cool, but to be honest, it’s very lonely.

Clyde and I sat in silence again, the sounds of the tress swaying about echoed throughout the room. Just then, I heard a car door, and her voice.

“Dude!” Clyde whispered. He jumped up and looked out my window. I didn’t want to. I already knew she was coming home. But to who? To whom will she come home too?? Her father is a familiar, so that’s out of the question and her mother is dead.

“Clyde get away from the window.” I muttered. He ignored me and continued to watch. He then flinched and closed the shades. I bet she saw him.

“Xander how long are you planning on being the emo king in your own room?! “ Clyde snapped. I groaned to his words and hid my head under the pillow.

“Clyde…just go away.” I muttered.

“Ugh! You’re so boring! Xander if we don’t do something, your father will send a familiar will kill Trinity. Do you want that to happen?” he asked.

“NO!” I snapped. “I’m trying to prevent that.” I yelled.

“How?! By feeling sorry for yourself! Xander, it wasn’t your fault! You fought him off. If you did it once I guarantee you can do it again.” He yelled back.

“Then what do you suppose I do Clyde? Huh! You want me to look for my father and kill him? He’s hiding right now. And who knows, he might have familiars watching the place. They could even be…”

Shit…they could be watching Trinity right now…

“Clyde. I want you to go over to Trinity’s house as see is she is doing well. Ask her if she needs anything.” I demanded.

“Soo…does this mean we don’t have to stay away from out little butterfly?” he asked, his eyes held a glimmer of hope.

I let out a sigh and nodded. “Yeah, but I can’t see her, at least not yet.” I said.

“Well fine, if you still feel emo then stay in your room. I’m going to school and I’m going to check up on Trinity. I can’t stand another day without her.” he beamed.

“I can’t either. But remember, we need to be careful around her. She’s only human.” I warned.

“Yeah, yeah. If you really feel that way, then why you don’t just turn her?’ he asked.

My eyes widened. “Clyde! That’s the last thing on earth I’ll ever do! I can’t believe you just suggested that!” I yelled.

Clyde chuckled to himself and shrugged. “Hey, if she was a vampire like us, you wouldn’t have to worry about her dying and I would have someone to go shopping with!” he said.

He did have a good point. But it’s not in my right to do that to her. It’s also against our vampire law to change a human, unless the situation calls for it.

“Just…don’t bring that up when you see her.” I said with a sigh. “And Clyde..tell Trinity…that I hope she gets better. And I love her…” I said, looking down to my feet.

“Don’t worry Xander…I’m sure she knows that. But I’m only telling her the first part. It’s your job to tell her you love her.” Clyde replied as he left my room.

I do love Trinity, I love her and I will protect her. I may have lost the first round, but I’m sure
the next time my father shows up, I will kill him. The question here is can I depend on the monster in me to finish the job? Or will this night come to a tragic end?