Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 44.

Xander Pov

I was excited to have Trinity back into my life. It would have been the end of the word if I let myself not see her again. We hung out at my place most of the day; Clyde decided to draw stupid pictures of Trinity and me holding hands on her leg cast. Trinity didn’t mind, as long as she got to hang out with us.

“So Trinity, where was your father?” I asked carefully. She narrowed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

“Not home. He must have left, probably to meet up with your father.” She said sadly. It was a shame how her father became a familiar. He only did it because my father promised him that he could see Trinity’s mother again. That was impossible, even for a vampire to say.

“Don’t worry Trinity, we will get him back.” Clyde assured. “Until then, we need you to relax and get better. We don’t want our little butterfly to fly with a broken wing, now do we?” he teased.

Trinity laughed a bit and nodded. “It sucks being in a cast. I feel like a robot.” She giggled.

“Hey, at least it’s better than getting shot! Ugh, I had to toss out that shirt of mine! And I loved that shirt!” Clyde complained.

Trinity and I gave each other uneasy looks. That night was something I want to forget. “So unm…what’s the plan?” Trinity asked.

“Well, we have to kill my dad, bottom line. But first we need to find his familiars. Knowing my dad he probably will have at least three of them. We know your dad is one of them, but we need to find the last two.” I stated.

“Why we need to find them?” Trinity asked.

“We need them to get to my dad. I can use my compulsion and-”

“-No!..I mean, don’t. Last time you used it, you weren’t yourself.” Trinity whispered. I can tell the memory of that night was coming to her.

“Alright then, I’ll just use another method.” I assured.

“Okay, so who are they?” she asked. Good question.

“I think one of them has to be a cop. I dunno, it’s something that’s been bothering me in the pit of my gut. I’ll go scoop out the police station for anyone suspicious.” Clyde informed.

“Alright, so that must leave one more. I bet whoever it is, goes to our high school. After all, familiars have to be close to their target.” I said.

“Yeah but, a familiar can be anyone. It could be a student or a teacher.” Trinity had a point. Scoping out the high school was going to be tough, but it was such a small school.

“Okay then here is the plan, I’ll go to snoop around the police station, you and Trinity can scope out the school.” Clyde said.

“Wait, Trinity is in no condition to even walk, I mean look at her leg!” I pointed out.

“Yeah it has nice pretty drawings on it.” Clyde replied. I glared at him, hard. “Fine, Trinity can’t stay alone though. Someone has to stay with her.” he said.

“How about Annie? I mean she would rather chill with me then go to school.” Trinity suggested.

“Hmm, Annie, Monroe? Well, okay, I guess it’s a shot. So Trinity, you will stay with Annie, while Xander and I go scope out the school and the station. Call us if anything happens.” Clyde said as he grabbed his keys and skipped out the door.

“He seems excited.” Trinity commented as she tried to get up.

“NO, you sit down here. It’s okay for Annie to come inside our house. Just call us when you need something. We won’t be out too long.” I said, kissing her on the cheek.

“Xander..” she called out.


“I love you” she whispered.

I smiled softly and nodded. “I love you too.” I said as I walked out the front door.