Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 45

~Trinity's P.O.V~

"He loves me, he loves me." I sang to my self as I text Annie.

*Hey! Ya know, you should really skip school. Ya know, come hang out with me and such.

*Duh! End of 4th period. I'll be there!

*Wait. not my house. Xanders (across the street)


*Just shut up and come.

I sigh to myself. Home alone in a house for another hour. What to do, what to do. I began to fidget in my seat so I decided to take a little look around.

Ya ya, invading privacy. What the heck, they'll live. I decide to go in the closest room, which is either a tiny room or a really big closet. I look on the shelfs and find a small book labeled Memories.

I flip open the book, coughing from all the dust. Page by page, I unravel countless different eras.

One shows Clyde and Xander standing by Queen Victoria. Another in a couple of wars. One stuck out the most though. It was a portrait drawn of them before they stopped growing. They looked around 8.

It was, who I assume, Clyde's parents, Xander, and Clyde. Clyde's mother had a old fashioned dress on and a tight bun. To her right stood a man about a foot taller then her. He had slicked hair and a mustache. Below him stood a miniature version of Clyde. The same hair except a tad shorter.

Lastly was Xander, in which I smiled to myself. I ran my fingers over his black hair which is contrasted with the rest. My fingers rested on his old jacket. "This is so cool." I breath.


The doorbell rang as I nearly dropped the book. I placed it lightly in the shelf and wobbled out and opened the door. "Trinity!" She yells as she helps me to the couch. "In the flesh." I say with a smile.

"Why'd you want me to skip?" She asks. "I was lonely!" "Okay, well how'd you get in his house?" I knew who 'he' was.

"Well, I can't go in my own boyfriend's house?" "Wait! Boyfriend? What the hell happened during winter break?" She yells. Shoot. I never told her...

"Well, nothing really. " I pause. Psh, what a understatement. "We just kinda went out. Er, we are just kinda going out." I smile. "Did you two ya know?" She asks. My face scrunches up. "Ew! What! No! Ugh, Annie! No!" "Sorry! Sorry! Just wondering! I can not believe you got to him." She says giggling. "Well, what can I say? He kinda got to me."

"Did you two kiss?" She asks. "Ya?" I say hesitantly. She stays quiet for a second before her eyes light up. "Can we go on a double date?" She asks suddenly. "You have a boyfriend?" I ask her, trying to change the subject. "No, not exactly. Is Clyde single? Come on, that would be so fun!" "Uh." I stutter. Bad idea, Trinity! Get yourself out of this! Well, the boys could use alittle fun.

"I'll bring it up." I say as she squeals. "Yay!" I flip on Mtv after fumbling with the remote for sometime. Soon enough, I hear Annie's snoring. Oh this is going to be fun to explain to the guys.