Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 50.

Clyde Pov

It just seems like one bad thing happens after another.

Who would have known Annie Monroe was a familiar. Then again Xander said he didn’t see the vampire’s mark on her. I told him she could have it somewhere else on her body. Xander believed she was under the compulsion. Trinity couldn’t believe her friend was a bad guy in the first place.

“Xander, Clyde, what are we going to do about Annie?” Trinity asked.

“To be honest, we need to question Annie. In doing so It may concern me having to use my-“

“No Xander!” Trinity cut in. “Don’t you even dare use your fucking compulsion! Just…try to find a way of interrogating her without having to hurt her.” she said with a deep sigh.

“I can’t think of any other way Trinity. Unless someone persuades her into talking, but we are going to need a very smooth talker.” Xander informed.

Trinity looked over to me with that innocent smile of hers. I didn’t have to guess what she wanted.

“NO, NO and NO!” I said, stomping my foot to the ground.

“Clyde please!!!’ Trinity begged. She was putting up the puppy eyes.

“NO! And that won’t work on me. Annie is weird, plus she wouldn’t stop staring at me.” I protested.

“But Clyde, she sort of likes you, and you are a very smooth talker.” Xander informed.

“Don’t encourage her!” I hissed.

I always the shit end of the stick when it came to situations like this. I don’t feel like getting shot again and I don’t want anything to happen to Trinity to make Xander turn into Mr. Emo again.

“Please Clyde! I’ll give you lots of hugs and kisses” Trinity begged.

“Nope!” I said, popping the “p”

“Please Clyde!!” Xander begged.

I caved in.

“Ugh! No hugs for you Trinity and fuck you Xander!” I hissed.

“Hey?! Why fuck me?” he asked in a hurt tone.

“Because you encouraged her!” I spat. “ Ugh, just give her address and I’ll see what I can do.” I huffed.

Trinity and Xander did a so called happy dance and Trinity took out Annie’s number.

“Alright, I need to call her and ask her out. Choose a place where it’s nice and romantic, oh and-“

“Trinity I get it! I’ve been on more dates then Xander could even count. I know how to charm a lady.”I said with a grin.

“alright then, here’s her number” she said, handing me her phone.

I took out my phone and dialed the number. After a few rings Annie answered.


“Hey Annie, it’s Clyde.” I said, trying not to sound annoyed.

“Oh My Effing God!! Clyde!!” she screamed in the phone. I had to hold it away from me ear;
Xander and Trinity were on the verge of cracking up.

“Yeah, it’s me. Hey I was wondering if you’re not doing anything, maybe we could-“

“Oh I definitely would love to go out on a date with you!” she cut in.

“Umm…okay. How about tomorrow night, at the little café by the park.” I suggested. Annie stood silent on the other line. I could her breathing increase. She was nervous.

“Umm…sure, okay. The café by the park sounds nice. Are you coming alone?” she asked, her voice sounded different, but I couldn’t place a thought on the tone.

“Yeah, it’s just you and me. I feel like you and have gotten off on a bad start and I want to make it up by a date.” I said, trying to sound convincing as ever.

“Okay, tomorrow it is. And make sure you come alone. I don’t want Xander or Trinity to ruin our date.” She said as she then hung up.

“Bitch! I thought she was my friend! Who the hell does she think she is? I’m going to ruin her date? Ugh!” Trinity threw her hands up as she let out a growl.

“Trinity she could be under the compulsion, the only way to find out is if Clyde goes in and checks her out. And Clyde does have a healthy respect for women.” Xander remarked.

“And guys too.” I muttered.

“Okay then. So what I should I say to Annie when I see her tomorrow?” Trinity asked.

“Nothing, we are going to school and you and I are going to act like nothing happened. After all this is between Clyde and Annie now. If Annie does mention the date to you, then just smile and act surprised.” Xander said.

“Alright, seems easy enough. But um…what are we going to do?” She asked.

Xander glanced off to the side, as he felt embarrassed for a second. “Umm…we’ll umm…”

“Just act natural” I said with a tsk. “Just stay close by and watch for any suspicious signs.” I added.

Trinity giggled abit and nodded. “Wow, this feels like a spy movie.” She teased.

Yeah…what a spy movie…Fuck My Eternal Life… -_-
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Catnap2020" Wow!! Chapter 50!! *Throws confetti in the air* Nice XD