Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 54.

Xander Pov

The cop was being a major pain in the ass to take down. Clyde was doing sort of okay with
Annie, since she is just a girl. I lost Trinity on my way here, and hopefully she would show up right about now.

“Xander get down!” I heard Trinity yell. I did as told and saw as Trinity smacked the cop over the head with her bag. The cop stumbled back abit, dazed and disoriented.

I took that chance and slammed him onto the ground. I found his handcuffs and cuffed his hands behind his back. He was cursing out sweet profanities, but they wouldn’t get him anywhere.

“You three fuckers!” Annie spat. She was struggling against Clyde’s grip. I got one look at her and shook my head with pity. She wasn’t under any compulsion and she didn’t have any marks on her body. She was just another human who wanted to be like us, damned creatures to walk this earth for eternity.

“Annie…I thought you were my friend.” Trinity said sadly. Annie smirked devilishly.

“Friends with you? Please don’t make me laugh Trinity. Your nothing but a sad, motherless child whose father even chose that vampire over you. I was only friends with you to watch you.” she hissed.

As much as I wanted to grab Annie and choke her out, I couldn’t because she was a girl and I don’t hit girls. Trinity on the other hand, walked up to Annie and punched her on the face. That earned a smile on my part.

“You’re a sad pathetic bitch Annie.” Trinity hissed back.

Annie glared darkly at Trinity. “When I become a vampire, I’ll rip that pretty little mouth off your fucking face! Then I’ll make Clyde mine!” she laughed hysterically.

“Bitch please, you’re so not my type.” Clyde retorted.

Trinity looked back over to me, her eyes held hurt, yet I could tell she was determined to end this. I was too. “Do it Xander, use your compulsion on her.”

“But I thought you said not to? Isn’t she your friend?” I asked.

“Yeah, am I your friend Trinity?” Annie spat in a mocking tone.

“A real friend would never betray another.” Trinity replied stiffly. “Xander do it, and don’t hold back.” She added.

“Alright, but don’t say I didn’t ask you first.” I said as I got off the cop and walked over to Annie. She stopped struggling and just stood there, waiting for me to make my move. It’s like she knew I was going to use this on her. I had a feeling she wanted me to use this on her.

“Annie, where is my dad? The man who looks like me?” I asked flat out. I didn’t even have to use anything on her. She was a willing human.

“He’s at the abandoned warehouse, just outside of town. He wanted me to tell you this. I’m not lying, go ahead use your compulsion on me.” She snarled.

I believed her, mainly because I knew my father probably promised her immortality if she brought us to the warehouse anyways. “Alright Annie, would you kindly show us the way?” I asked politely.

“Fuck you Xander Morgue.” She spat. I had to hold Trinity back from punching her again.

I stared hard into her eyes, my compulsion was on full throttle. “Annie, would you kindly show us the way.” I said more sternly this time. My compulsion had a good effect on her.
She went limp in Clyde’s arms, her sly smile spread across her face.

“Alright…foll…follow me..” she slurred as she began to walk.

“Xander what about the cop?” Trinity asked.

“I got him, Clyde you keep a close eye on Annie, you too Trinity” I said as I picked up the cop, who was still cursing me out.

“Oh trust me, I’m keeping watch” Trinity said as held her bag closely.