Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 55

A sad, motherless child whose father even chose that vampire over you. That simple sentence swarmed around in my head. That's all I was. A motherless, nearly fatherless family.

I had realized this earlier, but forced myself not to believe it, for I would begin to cry or ruin my mood. This time was different.

Whether it was from hanging out with killers, running from a killer, or putting my life in danger, I know felt the urge to kill her. It's harsh. I know. All this time, it has been a lie. It's always been a lie.

Life is a lie.

Clyde had a tight grip on Annie and I followed behind, ready to hit anyone who came in my way. Truth be told, I didn't want Xander to stay behind.

I felt a lot more safe with him here. I mean, Clyde's great and all, but Xander...

"Are we really just going to go in?" I say, not wanting to think anymore. "What else would we do?" He asks as I shrug.

"What will stop what happened last time?" I asked. "Well, we are all together." he answers in a matter-of-fact voice.

"No, we aren't" I said back as he looks around. "Shit! How did we get separated? Again?" He mumbles.

"We aren't ready." I say as he sighs. He plops down by a tree, close to the warehouse. "We will wait here until Xander shows up, for now." He pauses as he takes a small piece of rope of the ground and ties Annie up.

"I'll go look around, if you need me at ALL., just scream." He says as I nod. "I'll be back shortly." He says walking off, but keeping me in sight.

He left me to my thoughts. Or so I thought. I hear a groan next to me and I see Annie struggling. "Just stop it you greedy bitch." I mumble. Her eyes dart up to me.

"I just wanted my love." She hisses. "I'm surprised you, yourself, don't want to become like them. You realize when you die, like you will, you will end up leaving him alone once again. Devastated." She remarks.

I try to block her out but she is getting to me. "That's not true." Is the best I could come up with.

"You will make him happy for such a short span in his life, let's be honest. Either he is going to replace you, or he will be alone." She remarked, knowing she was right.

I couldn't imagine my life without him. Then again, I wasn't the one leaving eventually. I can't let her get to me.

"If you had the choice, would you die? Or live forever with him?" She said again. Would I die like I should, or be with him.

I would want to be with him. He says he hates it. Would he hate it, if I was always there?