Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 8.

Xander Pov

I waited in the alley for a good twenty minutes until finally someone decided to come. It was college girl, probably a sophomore. She was on her cell, babbling about how hot Ashton Kutcher was in the movie. I couldn’t care less, all I wanted was blood.

As soon as she was six feet close, jumped out and grabbed her from behind. She let out a shriek and struggled, but I silenced her quickly. My fangs sunk deeply into her soft flesh. I devoured a numerous amount of blood, savoring every sip of it. Blood to me was like heaven and hell collided into a massive orgasm. I felt my hunger slowly subside, and the girl became less hostile until she eventually went limp in my arms.

Ripping my fangs out of her neck, I examined the body, making sure there was no pulse. Her skin was as pale as mine. Dead as door nail.

I tossed the body into a dumpster and fixed my shirt, making sure I didn’t leave and blood staines. Soon after I casually walked out of the ally and met up with Clyde in front of the theater.

“Well!! I see someone had a good time” he beamed as he playfully punched my arm. “I got a cute guy this time, he put a fucking fight, but he couldn’t resist my charm in the end.” He said with sly smirk.

“I got the same old college girls. Nothing new” I said, glancing off to the side. My eyes then widened as I saw Trinity and her Annie approach us, Annie looked eager to tell us something.

“Hi Guys! I’m Annie! I already know you guys! The whole school talks about you all the time!” she said in freakishly annoying tone. “This is Trinity! A new girl!” she added, looking over to Trinity.

Trinity acknowledged us with a hi while Annie kept on running her mouth. I wanted to bite her right there.

“So much for forgetting about our little butterfly..” I heard Clyde mutter.

Just then Annie’s phone rang, right on cue. “Sorry guys, mom calling” she said, walking off a few feet. It was just the three of us, all standing there. I couldn’t stop staring at Trinity. I was pissed because I had just forgotten about her and this shit.

“Sorry about her, she’s a tad hyper” Trinity commented. Clyde let out a laugh as I merely smiled. Wait did I smile! XANDER what the hell wrong with you!!

“Uh, you have a little something” she said as she ran her finger on the side of my lip. My entire body went tense as I saw blood on her finger. Clyde was tense as well, but he knew how to play it off. But damnit, she has blood on her finger, what should I say?

“Umm…It was juice” I blurted out. Juice? For pete’s sake Xander you don’t even eat much less drink and juice?!

Clyde looked over to me, a knowing smile crept upon his lips. I knew what he was going to say and I didn’t want to hear it. With a final goodbye, we both hurried off into the car and drove, fast, all the way home.

As soon as we both got out the car, that’s when Clyde laid it on me.

“Mann your in soo much trouble” he teased.

“Clyde shut the hell up. It was slip up, I didn’t think I was that messy” I defended myself.
“Yeah right, and Juice? Really Xander? Is that all you thought of was Juice? Has our little butterfly really gotten to you?” he asked, his bright blue eyes sparkled with wonder.

“Clyde for the last fucking time! STOP CALLING HER A BUTTERFLY!!” I yelled. I was getting headache from this crap as well as the loud music coming from the house across the street. I wonder who lived there anyways.

Clyde took a step back, holding his hand up defensively. “Chill Xander, I was just playing around” he said innocently. “Look, your obviously crushing on this girl”

“Am not” I retorted.

“Fine, you have some awkward attraction to her. Nothing to be ashamed of. It’s not like she thinks that was real blood. She probably thought it was juice and that you’re a messy guy. Which is true because your side of the room is always messy an-“
I placed my hand over his mouth shut him up. He took the hint and nodded.

“I’ll be inside then, I’m sure my dad is expecting a full report in our hunt.” He said, walking off.

I just stood there by the car, a deep emitted itself out from me. I didn’t understand why I was felling this way for her. I barely even know her, just her name. I hated these feelings, I didn’t understand why I still had feelings. Most vampires lose the sense of feelings and go on as heartless corpses, like my father. Maybe that’s why I held onto these emotions and feelings, because I didn’t want to end up like my father. I didn’t want to be a heartless corpse.

I glanced off to the side and noticed the music from the other house stopped. I then saw two figures looking out the window. My jaw nearly fell to the ground. I remembered some family moved into that house, but I would have never in a million years expect Trinity Skye to live across the street from me. How was supposed to forget about her when she is practically thirty feet across from me?!

Screw it, if I can’t avoid her then I’ll find way for her to avoid me. Perhaps become a douche? Nah it’s too easy, and half the school already thinks I’m an asshole. I need to do something to make sure she stays away. Killing her is the least of my options, but if this attraction deepens, who knows if I’ll end up killing her soon enough.