Sequel: Beautiful Daydream.
Status: Finished! Comment for sequal!

Romantic Nightmare

Chapter 9

~Trinity Skye's P.O.V~
The weekend resumed as normal. For some reason, a feeling has crept into my stomach and decided to stay there awhile.

It wasn't just one feeling. It was multiple feelings. One of them being pushy. I felt as if I kept running into him, forcing the conversations. "He probably thinks I'm a stalker." I think to myself.

"Not only did he catch me looking at lunch, but I appeared in his English class, at the movies, and now his neighbor.

I'll be damned if he thought otherwise. It was now Sunday and I sat there, staring up at my ceiling, completely consumed in my fans movement.

I wondered what my friends were doing back in Oregon. Claudia has, most likely, resumed her life with the same group of kids as always. Claudia and I have been close all our life, up until this point. We did everything together.

I slid my rolling chair under me and rolled myself to my laptop. I unplugged the charger and walked downstairs.

I laid out a large towel, placed my laptop in front of me, and laid on my stomach. I absent-mindedly searched on Facebook and hummed a song.

I started to search on the Facebook likes. One stood out.

If you have the guts you will:
*Hug a random jogger.
*Make a intense random outburst at lunch or lunch break.
*Make your best friend dress up as weird as possible for school/work
*Go Christmas Caroling

I immediately forward this to Annie. In the next minute I get a simple reply.

"Yes(: Start now! Go go go!"

I smiled up at the message and ran and hugged a jogger. I gained a odd look from the old man but I didn't care. I shrugged it off. I replaced my seat back on the old towel. I looked up, longingly at Xander and Clyde's house. I wish I could get them to participate.

I laid down, watching the clouds as my mind wandered.