Status: Active

Let's Stay Awake Under the Stars

20 questions

Alex’s P.O.V

I looked at my best friend who was still sitting on the swing next to me. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve always had a small crush on the girl. She was sweet, funny, smart and innocent.

I chuckled softly to myself as I remember the day I found out how innocent she really is. Kaycee heard my soft laughter and looked up. “Why are you laughing?” She demanded. “Nothing.” I chuckled. Kaycee frowned. “Don’t lie Alex, just tell me what’s so funny!” She pouted.

“Remember 20 questions?” I grinned. Kaycee blushed bright red. “ALEX! Could we please not talk about that. It was actually rather embarrassing. ” “What? Your non-existing sex life?” I teased. “Alex stop! That’s none of your business.” Kaycee shifted uncomfortably on the swing.

I loved teasing her like that. I knew she was still a virgin and that she was planning to stay that way. She hated it when people talked about sex in general, it made her extremely uncomfortable, which, of course, made to only more fun for me to tease her about it.
That’s actually how I found out.

It was a few weeks into the tour and my band and The Maine were hanging out in our bus, not really having a party, just drinking and hanging out. I was looking for Kaycee, but she wasn’t on the bus.

I finally found her sitting right outside the bus, looking up at the star filled night sky. I grabbed two beers and went outside to join her.

“Hey.” I said softly, careful not to scare her. “What are you doing here all by yourself?” I wondered. She smiled up at me. “Party’s are not really my think, too crowded.” She chuckled. I sat down next to her. “I already thought so, you don’t exactly look like a party girl.” I held one of the bottle in front of her. “Want one?” She quickly shook her head. “Nope, I don’t really drink, especially after….”

She immediately stopped talking, realizing she’d said more than she should have. “After what?” I asked curiously?” She blushed and looked down. “It’s none of your business.”
“Aaaah come on, I won’t tell the rest, I promise.” I begged, wondering what was so bad she didn’t want to tell me. She shook no again. “Fine!” I huffed.

We talked for a little while, when suddenly I got an idea. “Hey, wanna play 20 questions?” I suggested. Kaycee shrugged. “Uhm, sure.” I smirked. “I’ll start. So what happened?” Kaycee immediately understood what I meant. “Alex, that’s not fair! You know I don’t want to talk about that!” She frowned. I chuckled. “You agreed, so answer the question.”

She glared at me before answering.“Fine! Well, I went to this party with the guys one time, they kept asking so I gave in eventually. John somehow got me completely drunk and I made out with some guy.”

Kaycee was still looking at the ground when I started laughing softly. Her head snapped up. “What so funny.” “You made out with a guy?” I snickered. “Really that’s all? By the way you were acting I thought you slept with at least two guys.” I explained.

“You thought what!?” She yelled. “Like making out with a random stranger isn’t bad enough already.” I couldn’t help but stare at the extremely shy and innocent girl next to me.

She noticed me staring, causing her to blush bright red again. “What?” She mumbled. I studied her face before replying. “I’m trying to figure out why you’re so embarrassed. I mean it’s just sex you know.” This made Kaycee frown. “Just sex? Well sorry Mr. Gaskarth, but to me it’s not ‘just’ sex.” She said defensively. “I know it might be hard to believe, but there are actually girls who don’t sleep around.”

Suddenly I realized something. “You really are as innocent as you look aren’t you?” I concluded. “I’m what? What do you mean?” I took a sip from my drink and flashed her a grin. “I mean, you’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

Kaycee jumped up. “That’s none of your business!” She yelled. A smirked formed on my lips. “Well it could be…..” I said suggestively. “You’re such an ass!” Was the last thing she said before going back inside, slamming the door shut.

I finished my beer and chuckled, I just loved pushing her buttons. Besides, she was cute when she got mad.

I laughed at the memory. “Why not? It was funny.” Kaycee just shook her head. “You haven’t changed a bit.” “Well as far as I know you haven’t either.” I shot back. I could see she was getting mad at me. “Well you’re still an ass!” She said and turned away from me. “And you’re still cute when you’re mad.” I whispered soft enough for her not the hear me.
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Sorry this took so long. I was planning on updating Saturday, but my laptop broke, but now it's working. I'll update sooner next time. I promise!!!

We would love some feedback on this story.

Love Felicia