Sequel: Loved Like No Other

Can Somebody Love Me

Not cool

Don't ask me about the tear stains on my journal when you get it. In fact don't ask me anything, I'd just like to cry during our session. I want to cry until my eyes shrivel up and fall out my head, wouldn't that be impressive.

Why do people hurt me? Why couldn't I be perfect like Danny? Or just not care like joseph? I care about not being perfect because it always comes up.

Today I walk to lunch and I was gonna sit with Jessica Koons and Zyron. And when I reached the table there she was all over him, and all her little skanky friends. She was kissing his cheek and stuff, and her best friend Terry Hatcher.....

i can't even tell the rest, I'll just tell you later. I need to get rid of some more water.


~Pathetic Loser~
♠ ♠ ♠
A quick chapter, thanks subscribers and readers, please comment