Status: The sequel is up :)

Let It Shine

Chapter 10: Summer Vacation

Cameron's POV

Kira and I are out in the beach catching some waves. We had so much fun running around and playing in the water. She is chasing me and I kept running, I stopped for one second and the next thing I knew she was on my back and I ran around and then dropped my self to the ground. I laid down and Kira laid next to me and rested her head on my chest. We stayed like that for a while taking in the view.

"I miss Zach." she said breaking the silence.

"Yeah me too."

"Do you think he's ok?"

"Of course."

"But haven't you seen the way he has been acting the passed few months?"

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you noticed his fake smile and how he acts like a robot." she said sitting up

"He had some rough times, he will be fine he just needs some time."

"But Cameron I'm worried, he never shows any emotion to anything, he just sits there and talks only when he is asked something, he barely goes out, we have to drag him out of this room to go do something." she sais as she sighed

"Don't worry he will be fine." I said kissing her head as I tried to calm her

"You think so?" she asked

"I know so." I firmly said

Zach's POV

I've been at Taylor's house for a week now, she is soo ANOYING, just 3 more weeks to go great...

"Zach come down!" Mom yelled.

I went down stairs and found everyone in the kitchen and there I saw my uncle, I didn't see him sooner because he was on a business trip.

"Hello Zach." my uncle said

"hey." I said with a fake smile

"I see you're getting quite handsome, broken any hearts of poor girls?" he asked winking at me

"No." I said and walked out

"What’s wrong with him?" I heard my uncle ask Mom

"I don't know..." Mom answered sighing.

I just sat there in the couch starring at nothing when Taylor walked in with a friend

"Hi." the girl said smiling at me

"Hi." I said bluntly

"Just ignore him, he's a nobody." Taylor said

"Just leave me alone Taylor." I said

"My name is Isabella, and yours?" she asked

"Zach." I replied in my robotic voice that I have gotten used to.

"C' mon let's go." Taylor said and Isabelle just followed her.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not human anymore, I feel like I don't belong, I don't feel any happiness, sorrow, or anger. I've just become so numb. I rarely hangout with Kira and Cam but I never do anything I'm just there but the again not really and I never laugh. With my family I'm the same but I just put a fake smile and pretend I'm fine, I don't want then constantly asking questions. I haven't heard a single song since the day she broke up with me. I think I've just became a waste of space.

"Hi Zach." Kristen said as she sat next to me

"Hi." I said the same way I told Isabella

"Are you mad at me?" she asked

"No." I replied

"Do you want to hang out with me and Vic?" she asked

"No." I said and she left back up stairs

"Kids we're going out please don't leave the house." my aunt said as they walked out the door. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a few cookies.

"I'm going to invite some friends over so don't embarrass me." Taylor said walking in the with Isabelle, "Oh and tell your brother to stay up stairs with that I think about it you should stray with them."

"Whatever." I said

"I think you should let him stay with us." Isabella said

"What are you guys talking about?" Kristen asked

"None of your business." Taylor said

“Ohh Zach can I have a cookie please?" Kristen asked looking at my cookies

"Here." I said giving her a few

"I need you guys to go up stairs." Taylor said pushing Vic harshly to go

"Don’t touch him." I said throwing the cookies on the table

"What if I don't." she said

"Then you better watch it." I said. I may not feel anything but I'm not going to let her push my brother around

"Zach you're so pathetic you can't do anything see that’s why you don't have a girlfriend." Taylor said glaring at me. Maybe that’s why they lest me...

"Just shut up." I said

"You know Zach has had two girlfriends." Vic said

"Let’s just go." I said to Vic and we went up to the room we were staying in.

When I went in I just dropped on the bed and Vic was talking with Kristen. I just looked at the ceiling and there was a knock on the door and Vic opened it

"Zach you forgot your cookies." Isabella said walking up to me and I sat up.

"Thanks." I said

"I'm sorry about Taylor she can be a bit bitchy sometimes but you should come down with us." Isabella said trying to convince me. Sometimes bitchy it’s more like all the time!

"Um I don't think so."

"Is it that you hate me?"


"Isabella what are you doing with this loser?" Taylor asked walking

"Talking." Isabella replied

"Well did you get him to talk to you cus no one can get him to say more that four words, hey I think I like the new Zach." Taylor said

"If you really don't hate me then you have to come down." Isabella said

I'm down stairs with all of Taylor's friends. Why did I let Isabella drag me into this?

"So Zach where are you from?" a girl asked

"San Diego." I replied

"Really? My cousin lives in San Diego and she has a bitchy friend ughh I hate her." she said

"Oh really." not sure what else to say

"Yeah she lives in Poway." she said

"I live there..." I said

"Maybe you know her." she said

"What's her name?" I asked

"Kaylee." she angrily said her name

"W-what Kaylee?" I asked and she described her

"You know her?" she asked

"She...she is my ex..." I said

"So tell us about this relationship." Taylor said

"I don't what to talk about it." I said

"Why?" Taylor asked

"What is this 20 questions, give the guy a rest." a guy said.

There weren't many people, we were sitting in a circle in the living room, there was Taylor, Isabella, me, a girl, a guy, and an other girl.

"I bet she was a bitch wasn't she." the girl said

"Yeah she was." I said and I have no idea why I'm saying this to strangers.

"I feel you, girls." said the guy, all the girls gave him a death glair and a girl guessing his girlfriend hit him.

"Can you tell us why you're not together?" the other girl asked

"I broke up with her because...because she...she cheated on me." I said. I guess by their expressions they didn't expect me to say that

"It doesn't matter guys chill." I said

"I see why she did what she did." Taylor said

"Shut up Taylor." Isabella said

"She was stupid to leave a guy like you, especially with those gorgeous eyes you have." she said and Taylor rolled her eyes

"Does that still bother you?" the other girl asked

"No doesn't." I answered

"How could you not feel hurt or sad at the memory of someone who you trusted betrayed you?" she asked

"Well one day I just became numb, I feel no pain, sorrow or happiness, nothing." I said after realizing I've been using my normal voice... I guess talking with them changed me.

"Wow Zach wow." said the other girl

"So what made you become so numb?" the other girl asked

"All my anger." I said

"How long have you been acting like that?" Isabella asked

"Some months." I replied

"You look pretty fit, do you play any sports?" asked a girl

"Well I like to surf but l haven't surfed in a while." I said

"Wow you surf! Can you teach us!?" Isabelle asked excitingly

"Yeah sure." I said. I could tell Taylor was mad I was taking all the attention from her friends

"So what grade are you in?" the guy asked

"I'm about to start high school." I said

"Us too!" said one of the girls said.

After they finished interrogating me they played some music. The moment the music filled my ears I felt more alive. Taylor's friends are pretty cool how did she end up with them?

"Hey I just realized something." I said and they stopped dancing, well Taylor wasn't dancing.

"What is it?" the guy asked

"I just told you guys the story of my life and I don't even know your names." I said

"I'm Andrew, she is my girlfriend, Melisa, that’s Lisa and you know Isabelle." he said

"Come dance with us." Lisa said and after insisting she dragged me in the middle of her and Isabelle. I had a real nice time with them the rest of the day.
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hope you liked it :)